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Forums » Voice Logs » LOG: [Laru feeds SE-5000]



Dr. Laru: *Sigh* Hello 5000. It is time for your feeding.
SE-5000: That's not my name! My name is-
Dr. Laru: Yes, yes. Your name is Jooters. I know. I also don't care. I am required to call you by your number.
SE-5000: But... But other doctors call me it...
Dr. Laru: I am not other doctors. Now, you have... Milk and raw beef today... What a tasty breakfast...

Dr. Laru: Y'know, I find it weird they don't have cameras in the room of something as dangerous as you... What if you escape?
SE-5000: Why would I do that?
SE-5000: You guys are always so nice to me!

SE-5000: ... Hey, why do you have a tail?
Dr. Laru: [*Short pause*] Oh, you mean my pony tail? It's because I like-
SE-5000: No! I mean the scaly one on your butt!
Dr. Laru: What do you mean? I don't have one of those.
SE-5000: Yes you-
SE-5000: W-what a-

[*SE-5000 screams. Both SE-5000 and Dr. Laru were found injured and unconscious afterwards. Neither had recollection of what had happened.*]



Moderators: twistedvictorian