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June 8th, 2009
Falsone House, Texas

Devlin Falsone, a 12-year-old boy, had been sitting on the porch swing of a small country house, for what seemed to be hours now. He rocked back and forth on the wooden swing, his eyes focusing on the dirt road leading up to the said house, holding a pillow in his arms.

The sun was beginning to set at this point, casting a warm glow over the Falsone House.

"She should be here by now." Devlin said, muttering to himself.

Devlin sighed, holding the pillow tighter, wondering how much long he'd have to wait, when suddenly, the sound of an approaching car engine catches his attention.

He sat up straight, squinting his eyes to try and see what was approaching, since the sun was glaring in his eyes. When realizing it's his grandpa's car, he gasped. "That's her!" He crawled out of the swing, ran down the porch steps and went to the car quickly.

Devlin's mother stepped out of the backseat, holding a small baby wrapped in a soft blanket.

The boy was grinning widely, getting on his tip toes to get a closer look to the baby in the soft blanket.

"Mom! Is that him?"

The mother tiredly smiled. "Yes, Devlin, this is your baby brother. His name is Michael."

She lowered the blanket a little so he could see. Devlin looked into the blanket, his eyes widening as he caught a glimpse of the tiny face. "Hey there, little guy. Welcome to the family.." He softly said.

Gently, the mother asked. "Do you want to hold him?"

Eagerly, Devlin nodded and held out his arms, before the baby was placed in them and he began carefully cradling the newborn in his arms.

He looked down at his baby brother with a warm smile.

"Hi, Michael. I'm your big brother, Devlin. I promise to always look out for you, okay?" He stated. Michael stirred slightly, his tiny fingers reaching out and curling around Devlin's hand.

The mother stood, watching with a soft stare. "You're going to be a great big brother, Devlin." The boy looked up, prideful as he smiled at his mother. "Thanks, Mom! I can't wait to teach him everything I know!" He said to her, which earned a gentle laugh from the woman. "Aw, you're such a sweetheart."

The grandpa and the father got out of the car, though the father had a worried expression on his face. Devlin didn't understand why, but he didn't question it. The father pulled the mother to the side for a moment, speaking quietly to her about something, Devlin couldn't hear.

Then the father and mother, now joined by the grandpa, watched Devlin hold Michael in his arms.

And to Devlin, Michael was what mattered most to him at the moment.

Moderators: twistedvictorian