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Forums » Experimentation Room » Melted Red Crayon [1x1] [Res]

๐ŸŽจ Whystle Harrison:

One of the Daslabor staff, a female, held Whystle's hand while she walked to the experimentation room. She carefully pushed open the door. "Doctor, I brought SE-4449 here, like you asked." She calmly said.

The ginger looked up from watching the floor, then gave a worried look, tears already prickling at the corners of his eyes.
"I didn't ask for another kid in my lab to dirty it up again, I was assigned this from someone high enough I'd lose this job if I denied it." Laru said, sighing. "I wish someone else had to do this, but whatever... What was I supposed to do again? I forgot already." He said as he went back to a computer to check what he was supposed to experiment with.
๐ŸŽจ Whystle Harrison:
The female doctor took her hand away from Whystle and gently pushed him into the room further, closing the door behind her and him.

"From what I've heard, there are supposed to be a few vocal tests, to gather more information on his mandrake-like vocal cords." She stated, "And I do believe there is also a new syringe that arrived that is supposed to temporarily numb the vocal cries that has caused so many subjects and doctors to pass out upon hearing it, that needs to be used to see if it works." She continued.

Whystle squirmed a little bit away from the woman, now getting closer to the wall, nervous as he had heard the word syringe. He didn't like those..
Laru sighs and stands up, sneakily grabbing a full long needled syringe without the boy noticing, before approaching him. "Very well. I'll see to it these tests are done correctly."

He pats the boys shoulder. "Don't worry, it'll go by without you even having to see one..." He says, flashing a sharp toothed grin.
๐ŸŽจ Whystle Harrison:
Whystle silently nodded.

"What..kind of vocal tests do I have to do first, before the.. the syringe?" Whystle asked shakily.
He wasn't usually this worried and scared, but the thought of having a doctor other than Dr. Iceberg experimenting on him made him really scared.
He paused. "Y'know, I don't really know... I was given next to no directions really..."

He waited until Whystle looked away, before pulling out the syringe from behind his back and injecting it in his arm. "How about we start with a scream, huh?"
๐ŸŽจ Whystle Harrison:
Whystle glanced off to the side, and next thing he knew, he felt the sharp pain of a syringe pricking his arm. He let out a sharp shout, his eyes wide, and he took a step back, away from Dr. Laru.
He sobbed, gasping sharply, grasping at his arm, tears starting to run down his cheeks. His hands started shaking, as he took more steps back.

The staff woman didn't even seem to flinch, watching this play out.
"Hm... Seems the syringe worked..." Laru says. "Do we have anything to erase memories? Maybe something extracted from that... Cat... Thing? I don't want this thing to go blabbing to his brother and end up getting my ass beat."
๐ŸŽจ Whystle Harrison:
(( Pssst, Whystle and Dr. Iceberg aren't brothers. That's Dr. Falsone and Michael you're thinking of. ;) ))

The staff woman thought for a moment, then spoke up. "I'm afraid not, at least not here. We do have some mind wiping machinery but it's reserved for emergency usage by dangerous subjects, it couldn't be used for SE-4449."

Whystle took more steps back, his back hitting the wall, then he slid into a sit, holding at his arm, looking at Dr. Laru and the staff woman with a very terrified look.
Oh- sorry... Eh, we'll just explain it as Laru forgetting to pay attention.

"Ah, disappointing- Oh, this isn't even that one!" Laru says, relaxing a bit. "I always forget... Not that I really want to remember the difference between all the monsters and creatures we house here. Most of them end up dead anyways. For the better, I suppose. The less of these things, the better."

"Hm... What else can I test with?" He mutters, thinking out loud.
๐ŸŽจ Whystle Harrison:
There were a few other syringes, test tubes, medication capsules.. There was also a chair with belts and restraints connected to it.

Whystle sniffled, his small frame shaking as he watched Dr. Laru.
"Whats wrong? I fulfilled my promise didn't I? You didn't have to see a single syringe, did you? So stop being so scared." He says before looking at the capsules. "What do these contain...?"
๐ŸŽจ Whystle Harrison:
Whystle whimpered instead of replying verbally.

The staff woman spoke up, "I'm afraid I'm not entirely sure, but it seems I've heard they alter the color of tears or blood." She stated flatly. "I think the other syringes help stabilize and strengthens any modifications." She glanced at the test tubes, "And one of those, I believe, if I've heard correctly, knocks the subject out, if consumed. While the other test tube is a bit of an endurance test for pain, one of our more.. cruel chemicals, but needed sometimes for research." She said.
"Well, he's already crying, so lets just try one of these." He says as he pulls out a pill. "You gonna swallow this yourself or will I have to force it down your throat?"
๐ŸŽจ Whystle Harrison:
Whystle sobbed out, "I don't.. I don't want to.." He pressed closer against the wall, scared.
Usually, his mandrake vocal cords would get him out of this, but the effects were temporarily numbed at the moment.
๐ŸงŠ Dr. Iceberg:
Outside of the experimentation room, Dr. Iceberg, holding papers in his arms, knocked gently on the door, seeming a bit tired from work.
He then recognized the crying. "..Whystle?" He said in a soft, quiet voice that no one but himself could hear.

.. Was that Whystle crying?
It.. couldn't be..
"Testing is in progress. Please do not disturb." Laru says with a sigh. "I'm sorry, 4449. You have to take it whether you want to or not."
๐ŸงŠ Dr. Iceberg:
Dr. Iceberg felt his heart skip a beat upon hearing Dr. Laru say 4449, he heavily knocked on the door. "This is important." He stated seriously. The papers weren't that important, but.. Whystle..

Dr. Iceberg had grown a bit of an attachment to Whystle, seeming to treat him as if he was his own child, so he was very upset. He had always been tasked to test or experiment on Whystle, due to his delicate work.
๐ŸŽจ Whystle Harrison:
Whystle's voice cracked, "Please no.." He held his hands to his own chest, curling up against the wall, unable to get further away from Dr. Laru.
"Iceberg. I doubt whatever you have could be more important than experimentation. And if so, it will have to wait. I have received this from someone higher up than either of us and distractions such as this can cost our jobs." Laru said. "Please wait till we are finished."

"Now 4449. I warned you what would happen if you didn't comply. I will give you one last chance to just swallow this pill by yourself." Laru said. His warm, soft voice contrasting heavily with the words he says and the cold tone he speaks in.

Moderators: twistedvictorian