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BloodFang trots into the room, head held high. He decides to look around the room for any threats to his control of the area. He will incorporate anything he can into Red Coats territory with or without being in prison. Red Coats are LEET! And he will make sure EVERYTHING belongs to them.
// Therion!Sprite (KratoCollared) //

In the far left corner of the Mingling Room lay an enormous beast. Seemingly resting, its giant muscular shoulders rose and fell on the beat of its deep, raspy breath. Built like a tank and covered in coarse, chestnut brown fur, it didn't at all resemble the version of SE-0111 that'd roamed Daslabor a few days prior- but the gnarly '111' branding scar on the Therion's arm proved that it was, in fact, her.

Shortly after Sprite's first encounter with the eggheads of the new Lab, she'd been called in for a health inspection - no experiments, thank.. whoever she had to worship now Blake turned out to be a monster - and'd been given a so-called KratoCollar: a small red device that went around the right ear and was able to control her Therion's urges, rendering her sane enough to be around other subjects in her beastly form. So far, though, she'd been rather lonely in the Mingling Room, without any chance to test this theorem. That was, of course, until a canine came bashing in. Sprite's pointy ear flicked towards the source of the noise. Well, not so lonely anymore.. Slowly and peacefully sluggish, the nearly 3 meter tall beast got onto all fours and turned around to see a red-and-black fluffy thing standing on the opposite end of the room. What the..

Although she didn't have the uncontrollable urge to fight and kill everything she saw anymore, Sprite wasn't able to speak like she would as a human. So, instead, she simply tilted her head at the four-legged creature. Were they a fellow subject, or had some local Earthly wildlife crept in overnight?
He sighed in relief at the other canine in the room. Just looking it over told him he could EASILY take it in a fight even with his muzzle on!

"H3ll0 th3re, f3ll0w c4n1n3!" He said. "1 am Bl00dF4ng, th3 l34d3r 0f th3 M1GHTY R3D C04TZ!!1!!!1! Th3r3f0r3 th3 STR0NG3ST 0n3 1n th1s 3nt1r3 d0g f0r3s4k3n f4c1l1ty... 1 C0MM4ND U T0 PL3DG3 L0Y4LTY T0 M3!!!1!!1"
Much to her surprise, this beast actually was able to speak. It took a while for her to understand what he was trying to say, and by the time he finished with one of the most bewildering sentences she'd ever heard, Sprite'd come close enough to look down on Bloodfang. He seemed to be wearing a muzzle of some sort.

Since the Therion towered over Bloodfang like an elephant would over a horse, she decided to take a step back and lowered herself into a squat, so she could look the interesting creature in the face. Had she been in human shape, she would've burst out laughing, but her stupid beast throat wasn't cooperating. Instead, she produced a series of grunty, gutteral huffs. Red Coats? The strongest one in the facility? Man, she was gonna need this guy to lift her spirits during that escape of hers! Her mouth curled into a smile, causing the scars on her jaw to warp. Thick double fangs glistened between her lips. This was the one that that Dr Falsone-guy had talked about. Doc'd been right, though, this guy sure was feisty.

After a strange beastly laugh and smirk, Sprite raised her chin at Bloodfang, as if to say - if she'd been able to talk -: "Whatcha gonna do then, squirt?" Docile or not, she was down for a friendly tussle!
BloodFang's face turned angry as he heard her. Despite it not coming out as a laugh, he definitely interpreted it as such.

"H0W D4R3 U!!!11!!!" He shouts. "1 w1ll g1v3 U 0N3 M0R3 CH4NZE!!!!!11! My p4t1ence 1s sh0rt 4nd 1 d0n't gr4nt much k1ndn3ss... C0ns1d3r urs3lf lucky th4t 1 3v3n C0NS1D3R3D g1v1ng U 0n3 m0r3!! n0w B0W!!!!1"
Sprite's shit-eating smile turned into a shit-eating grin. Normally, she wouldn't bow to anyone, especially not in Therion form, but Bloodfang entertained her. She wanted to humor this dude and see what would happen if she pleaded.. her undying loyalty or some dumb crap like that.

Grinning ear to ear, the beast pressed her massive chest to the floor, the cold tiles hugging the thick skin beneath her fur. This KratoCollar worked really well! She really did feel like her ordinary ol' self, only bigger and hairier.

Wagging her tufted tail on the tiles behind her, Sprite held in her laugh, eager to see what would happen now.
He instantly gained a proud smile. "G00d! U h4v3 l34rn3d ur pl4c3. 3V3RY0N3 H3R3, B3 TH3Y D0CT0R 0R SUBJ3CT W1LL B3C0M3 MY SUBJ3CTS!!11! 0, 1 w1sh 1 c0uld s33 P0l4r01ds f4c3 n0w!!1! 4ND TH3N 1'D CRUSH H1S F4C3 W1TH MY 0WN TW0 P4WS 4ND 34T H1S C0RPSE!!1!!!"
Once Bloodfang revelled in winning his little battle for 'dominance', Sprite flopped down on her stomach and folded her huge paws beneath her chest, embracing a loaf-like state. She listened to the canine chattering, amused, though when he brought up someone called 'Polaroid', her interest was piqued.

"Hhhrmph?" A questioning growl escaped her, deep enough to make the ground tremble. To illustrate what she was trying to ask, she raised one of her big brow ridges. Was this Polaroid guy an egghead or fellow lab rat?
BloodFang jumped back around to face her. "P0l4r01d 1s my r1v4l, 4nd 1sn't h3r3... 4ND 1 H0P3 H3 D03SN'T 4PP34R!!" He shouts aggressively. "Th3 l4st th1ng 1 n33d t0 s33 1s H1M!!!!!!"
Right.. foe or otherwise, it was clear that Bloodfang really didn't like that Polaroid guy. Which, in turn, gave Sprite an idea. In her calm state, any change in her body language would be obvious..

..which made her sudden hop back to her feet close to a jump scare, to say the least. With full control over her beast form, Sprite managed to raise her hackles and mane and widen her eyes with fake terror, huffing and growling like crazy as she pointed at the open door behind Bloodfang. No one was actually there, of course, but with her rather well-acted performance of being scared shitless, she hoped it would do the job.

BloodFang let out a high, slightly feminine, and deafening loud scream as he jumps a good few feet into the air and turns around. "WH0'S THERE?!" He says as he looks around... Before he realizes what happened.


"W3r3 t3rr1f13d 0f my X-TR3M3 P0W3R!11!!!" He exclaims. "D0 n0t w0rry, 1t 1s 0nly n4tur4l!1!"
”Hnuff!” Really now, his extreme power? Sprite erupted into a series of tiger-like chuffs as the beastly equivalent of a spirited chuckle. ”Hnnnnnnrm.” Then, lowering her mane and returning to her relaxed and careless state, she took a step towards Bloodfang and looked down at him again. For a while, she stared at the smaller canine, before nudging the back of her front paw into his chest.

Therion were bio-engineered animals and therefore had no real instincts to speak of, so this was what Sprite’s sorta-human mind - who had never met an actual dog or wolf in her life, either - figured was the best way of non-verbally communicating a desire to frolic and play.
BoodFang raised his head and scoffed after a second of thinking what she could be meaning.
"H4H! U th1nk I d0 s0m3th1ng 4s l0wly 4s PL4Y?1??" He says. "1 4m F4R t00 m4tur3 4nd s3r10us 4 th1ngs such 4s th4t. 1 4m n0 pup!!!1!"

However, as he said all that, his tail wagged in excitement faster than any other canine she's ever seen... Probably because he is the only canine she's ever seen but-
Again, a smirk appeared on the Therion's muzzle, and she popped her thickly muscled jaws a couple of times, rumbling like a crocodile all the while. Then, not really taking no for an answer, she sprinted away from the black-'n-crimson canine. Her knuckles and feet rapped on the cold floor, and as she jumped up against one of the walls to try and leap over Bloodfang's head, she felt a sensation of fear on the other side of the wall. Huh.. She landed with a defeaning thud, and turned around to look.

There was no one there, but she could sense, now more than ever, that they were being watched. Somehow she'd expected that camera's were more of this Lab's thing, seeing how - according to Dr. Hartmann, anyway - Earth seemed to be slightly behind on Eyremosian tech. But, nope, these were perfectly blinded one-way windows, able to withstand a near ton of pure Therion beef, no less. For her own entertainment's sake, Sprite began to stare at the spot that she'd sensed the fear coming from, hoping that she was currently making some unknown staff intern shit themselves with her deep, golden yellow glare. Now that she thought about it.. she really did wanna see herself in the mirror now!

First, though, she had to figure out how open Bloodfang would be to joining her in an escape, someday..
BloodFang tilted his head at Sprite.
"Wh4t 4r3 U l00k1ng @?!!" He asks. "Th4ts just 4 w4ll."

"N0w... Ur f1rst C0MM4ND 1s... T4k3 0ff my muzzl3!!!" He commands. "1t pr3v3nts m3 fr0m us1ng my m0uth 4nd 1 c4n't r34ch wh3r3 1t's t13d..."
Drops of sweat sliding off their face, soaking into their shirt. Sprite could feel it. There was a staff member on the other side of the blinded window, scared, unable to run. Without even realizing it, her lips'd pulled back into a snarl as she came closer and closer, not breaking eye contact with the invisible egghead - though she doubted it was a Doctor back there, probably some stupid intern. Ready to pounce. Ready to make 'em pay.. though obviously, her self-appointed Big Boss wasn't gonna let that happen.

Broken from her KratoCollar-fighting trance, Sprite turned to look at the canine barking at her. Remove his muzzle? What had needed that even for in the first place? No way that this dude was more bite than bark! Feigning a growly huff-chuckle, Sprite simply extended her index finger, unsheathed a claw, and cut the muzzle right off Bloodfang's face. Easy-peasy.

In the meantime, she sensed that the intern that she'd been staring down had ran off. Pfft, just when her Therion was havin' some fun.

"Hnnnmrh-" Sprite grumbled, nodding towards the exit. Whether she was trying to ask him a question about the Lab or suggesting they just escape and mess with the staff a little, was entirely up to Bloodfang's interpretation. "Hhrmuff." They didn't call her a wild card for no reason! Actually, no one ever had called her that..
BloodFang smiled, small embers jumping out and he shows off his uncaged sharp teeth.
"H4H4!!!! 4T L4ST!!!! MY C4G3 1S 0FF!!!!1!!" He shouts before shooting a celebratory fireball at the wall, causing a great explosion and almost knocking it down.
"L3t us 3sc4p3!!! C0M3 0n, und3rl1ng!!11!!"
Right as Bloodfang began to yap something about a 'cage' of some sort, Sprite ran right past him. Didn't wanna wait another second- if they wanted to escape, they had to hit these eggheads with the element of surprise! Unfortunately, though, she just so happened to be in the trajectory of an oncoming fireball.

Sprite erupted into an enraged snarl when the searing projectile shot past her arm, missing her fur by a mere millimeter. There was a burning sensation on her thick, hyperpigmented skin, and she bared her enormous teeth at Bloodfang for a second. Just because she played along in that pathetic 'pack' game of his didn't mean he could.. hey, was that a crack in the glass? Interrupted by her own thoughts, she turned away and looked. Yep, the fireball had charred up the glass and damaged it just enough for her to.. heh. Oh, this was gonna be fun.

Once again at full speed, she went for the window and threw her weight against it. There was the violent shattering of thickly armored glass: she'd cracked a big hole into the mirrored windows, big enough for Bloodfang to fit through, yet therefore way to small for her.

That was, however, when the room went dark and red emergency lights started to flash. Shit. A blaring alarm began to ram its way through the speakers, along with a messaging signaling a containment breach in process. Ah, c'mon already, these people were no fun!
BloodFang keeps flame in his mouth as he leaps through to maul anyone who was previously behind the glass as several armored guards burst into the room and rush to sprite.

"H4H4!!1!!11! 1 H4V3 CR4V3D TH3 T4ST3 0F BL00D 4 F4R 2 L0NG!!!!1!!!" BloodFang shouts as he continues his assault on the observers
Immediately, a sea of raging footsteps came their way and right as Sprite was about to knock into the glass again to make the escape hole bigger, the first security men came barging in. Shit, this was much harder to do with her human conscience still intact! Trying to channel all the hatred she had for labs - yet at the same time, the people here had been really agreeable and much less cruel than at the WCBL - she mowed down a whole 5-man row of them with a single swing of her claw, sweeping them off their feet and sending them crashing into each other. Her Therion was one for massacres. Sprite herself, not so much.

She continued bashing into the glass, but now that Bloodfang's fireball attack on it had been more than a few minutes ago, the glass seemed much harder to break in its colder state. Dammit! That was when taser from one of the new security officers hit her right in her thick furry bicep. The shock was minimal to someone of her size, but the KratoCollar around her ear instantly broke out in an ear-deafening peeeeeep, before spitting out some sparks and.. short-circuiting. Shit, shit!

Sprite felt like fainting- yet instead, it was her conscience that departed, while her body remained as strong as ever. Her limbs went numb, she was starting to lose control, and before she knew it, all went black.

Now without a sane human ego to keep it in line, the Therion's pupils dilated and it turned to the security guards with an anger previously unseen. Faster than it had been before, it tore into them like they were made out of jell-o, smothering the walls with their insides. That was when the Security Department decided to lock the door to the Mingling Room, trapping the Therion inside. Luckily for them, it was too obsessed with violence to think about breaking the wall open further to escape into the observation chamber.. for now, at least.

Moderators: twistedvictorian