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Forums » Voice Logs » LOG: [Dr. Hartmann speaks to SE-0111]



Dr. Hartmann: Hmm.. yes, yes, I think it's on now.
SE-0111: Eyy, hol' on! Why'd y'need to record this?
Dr. Hartmann: It is protocol, 111. I'm simply complying with the rules of this facility. You should consider doing so, too.

SE-0111: Y'don' needa call me that anymore, y'know..
Dr. Hartmann: What difference does it make?
SE-0111: Well, we're not 'n Blake's rotten shithole anymore. That's ol' shit, it doesn't matter anymore.
Dr. Hartmann: And yet, here you are, still, in a different lab. Once again, calling one by their designation is nothing personal, it is simply professionalism.
SE-0111: Yeah, tha's 'em problem, exactly..

Dr. Hartmann: Anyway, simply because Chief Cameron has.. transferred us, it does not mean that I will lay down my research. How has this new enviroment impacted your Therion?
SE-0111: Feels less eager t'come out. Prolly 'cause I'm not poked an' prodded at every fuckin' second of the day. That whatcha wanna hear?
Dr. Hartmann: They're not specialized in handling Therion, no. I will make sure to request a batch of Activator from our homeworld so that we can properly-
SE-0111: [scoffs] Yeah, that request's prolly gonna go just as well as y'askin' to share your notes with ol' Blake!

[silence, followed by the sound of rubbing fabrics]

Dr. Hartmann: Well, my third request hasn't actually been reviewed, yet.
SE-0111: Doc, Blake spat y'out like yesterday's slog. Why are y'even loyal to 'em anymore? Even I arn', and he used t'be my number one hero!
Dr. Hartmann: I have no choice, 111.
SE-0111: Rakkshit! Y'got all 'em freedom in 'em world here. Y'were sorta good t'me and Zero before, so why not.. I dunno-
Dr. Hartmann: I'm not arguing with you about this, 111. I simply must remain in contact with Chief Cameron, or-
SE-0111: Nah, y'don' gotta! Doc, listen, jus' because my last attempt failed doesn' mean it has to do so here. Look at 'tis place, it's barely got any big bad security t'speak of. W'can get outta here, get back t'Eyremos, an' I'll just.. I dunno. Look for Z, I guess.
Dr. Hartmann: Subject Zero is in Skylaxian hands now, child. I don't think you want to know what has happened to him.
SE-0111: I'll make sure nothin' happens, word. Jus'.. hear me out, all we gotta do is..
Dr. Hartmann: Cinders, stop it.
SE-0111: C'mon, it'll be easy! W'can get outta here, go back, kick Blake's ass an'-
Dr. Hartmann: Stop. This is never going to happen, 111.

[SE-0111 quiets down, there is the ruffling of fabrics and a few taps of shoes on the tiles]

SE-0111: So.. y're just.. gonna give up?
Dr. Hartmann: We are done talking about this.

[more footsteps, and some static as the recording device is lifted from the ground]

Dr. Hartmann: We'll speak again another time.

Dr. Hartmann: Take care, Sprite.



Moderators: twistedvictorian