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Forums » Experimentation Room » Establishing Elite Punishment [1x2] [Res]

Reserved for BL00DF4NG (played by Jooters) and Sprite Cinders (played by GarnaalProductions)

👁️ Dr. Smith:
"Murder of one staff member, breaking of observation window, destruction of property in Mingling Room." He looked through the papers on his clipboard with pure disgust on his face. "See, I told you that putting those two in the Mingling Room was a bad idea." He said to someone on his earpiece.

He set the clipboard down on the desk, spun his swivel chair around to face the Experiment Room's front door, that had yet to open. He spoke again to the person on the earpiece, "Bring SE-4444 and SE-0111 into Experimentation Room #6, make sure they don't escape your sight or grasp until they have been locked into this room." He stated before leaning slightly back in the chair, glaring at the door.

He didn't have time for this shit, punishments. He had work to do.
Dr. Smith saw this situation as more of an inconvenience than part of his job.
BloodFang was carried in- or rather, dragged in, by a leash attached to his new, harder to remove muzzle while he was trying his hardest to pull himself away or the thing off of him. Was this slow? Maybe, but was it funny? Hell yeah.

"G3T TH3 FUCK 0FF 0F M3!!!1!!" He screams, bearing his still red stained teeth.
The first thing she saw was light. Clinging onto her back and shoulders was a new suit that she’d never wore before, her mouth and hands still crusted with old blood. An iron grip of two hands on each arm, squeezing tight, led her into the brightly illuminated room. Shit, the ambience almost got her nostalgic.

But there was no Nice Man Blake this time. No Professor Hartmann either. Just her, a bunch of psyched-up security officers, Bloodfang, and a gnarly-lookin’ man with a creepy eye. Her senses were much duller in human form, yet Sprite felt overwhelmed by all of it. First there was the matter of Bloodfang, her new deranged wolfy friend. She assumed he’d recognize her off of scent, since she smelled exactly the same as her Therion would, but with his volatile temper she couldn’t say nothin’ for sure. He’d been brought in first, cursing through his new muzzle. Sprite hadn’t gotten a muzzle. As a meatbag, she was practically harmless anyway.

”Ow, fuckin’ scrap!” she spat when security forced her on her knees in the middle of the room. ”Shouldn’ had made stronger windows if y’don’ want ‘em broken! Not our fault y’re shit at buildin’ this lil’ scientific stronghold of y’s.” Now, more than ever, she wanted to see Dr. Hartmann again. She was an icy woman, for sure, but she’d understand. Her KratoCollar’d been torn off, so it wasn’t her fault that her Therion’d done.. whatever it had done.

The piercing stares of the officers around her sent shivers down her spine. Well, what had it done?

Sprite had no memory of what’d happened after Bloodfang’d jumped through the crack in the window. She remembered the guards rushing in, she remember smashing them down to the floor with blunt force, but after that, nada. Her thick brows furrowed, she huffed and glanced at Bloodfang, and then at the spooky Doctor. Now what?
"4ND UR D0CT0RZ SH0ULD H4V3 S0M3 STR0NG3R N3CKZ!!1!" BloodFang adds.

"W41t... Wh0 1s sh3?1!1?" he asks, turning his attention to Sprite. "Wh3r3's th4t 0th3r w0lf th1ng??11??!!!"

He continues struggling against his handlers, glaring around the room with angry, bloodthirsty eyes, and staring right up at Dr. Smith's eyes. If he was given the chance, he'd jump up at him and bite his face off.
e👁️ Dr. Smith:

Dr. Smith sighed at all the two subjects rambling about how the place needed stronger windows, stronger necks, and such.

He got out of his swivel chair, taking a few steps towards them, but not enough steps for BL00DF4NG or Sprite to be able to reach him. "Hello, I am Dr. John Smith." He said in a rather monotonous voice, "You've been sent here due to broken property and.. murder." He narrowed his baggy eyes. "I've been ordered to punish you two for your horrifying displays of violence and destruction." Dr. Smith adjusted his black gloves, looking at them at the corner of his eye as he did so.

"The punishment should be quick and painless." He stated, but then he paused, and mumbled, "Actually, quite the opposite, but I suppose that doesn't matter." Dr. Smith looked back at the two.

"Let's begin shall we?" Dr. Smith said. "Place SE-4444 on the mat there, replace that leash with one of the chains on the wall." He pointed.. "And place SE-0111 on the chair there and secure her." He pointed at the metal chair with arm, leg and torso restraints on it. There was also extra technology attached to it, seemed to be painful technology if used..
BloodFang continued to fight back and act uncooperative, trying his hardest to bite the people restraining him although ending up just ramming his cage against them.
"Eyy, Blood! It's me, c'mon, 'em big hairy thing that kicked everyone's ass!" Struggling as the security officers kept het down, she growled her words through bared teeth. Barely anything to be in awe at, in her human form.

Then, the creep introduced himself as Dr. Smith. Bah, what a poser! Really thought he was tough 'n scary, huh? And.. murder? Her blood ran cold. Was that was had happened..?

Now that it dawned on her that it was very likely her Therion's fault, Sprite was too knee-deep into her shock to resist being strapped to the chair. Only when the machines around her began to activate, she looked up. That bastard! Him and his stupid cowardly little Lab, screw all of it! She was gonna get outta here and tear 'em all apart!

Alas, having spent quite some time in her Therion shape, she wasn't ready to shift again, no matter how hard she tried to trigger herself.

"Think y'em shit, huh? Y'look like a wimp compared t'what I'm used to!" Her bluff could only last so long. Even though these machines looked less scary than the gear in WCBL, she was shitting bricks at the thought of feeling pain and desperation like she'd felt back then. The feeling of being trapped like an animal and at the mercy of.. this goon.. it enraged her to no end. Unfortunately, her beast was vast asleep.
👁️ Dr. Smith:
Dr. Smith adjusted his glasses, looking at the technology that beeped and whirred. "Let's start with something more simple, yet effective." He said, pulled a lever on the chair, and suddenly, throughout the wires and the metal prongs, the machine began filling with electricity, then promptly shocked Sprite for 3 and a half seconds, then he pulled the lever back up, which caused the shocking to stop. He glanced over at BL00DF4NG, wondering what he'd do to that wolf. Perhaps an injection.. or to go with the themes of electricity punishments, a shock collar.

Dr. Smith wasn't like doctors such as Dr. Iceberg or Dr. Falsone..
Then, thunder struck. Violent pulses of electricity rammed through her nerves, tearing at her synapses as it went. Sprite's muscles locked up, her teeth missing her tongue by a millimeter. Unvoluntary tears pearled at the sides of her eyes, and as soon as the forced lockdown on her muscular system was lifted, she spat on the ground and glared up at Dr. Smith. Bah, had that egghead no sense of originality?!

"Dunno whatcha tryin' t'achieve there, but I arn' any more scared'o you than I am of my own shit," she growled, fists clenching next to the heavy iron restraints. "'Tis place is a playground compared to m'old Lab." And playground were for messing around on. If anything, this 'punishment' of his only motivated her to get outta here sooner. All she needed was a plan anyway. Couldn't leave without Bloodfang now, though.. Poor beastie was outta his gourd, but now that they were going through this dreadful taunting session together, there was no way she'd leave him behind. "M'own fuckin' TO gave me worse batterings than this!" Her Truth Officer - or what people would call a 'state-sanctioned school teacher' on a weird planet like this - had never hit her, but it was fun to snap at these people.

Deep down, though, she hoped that freshly demoted Dr. Hartmann was still skulking around here somewhere. Or.. not. After all, she knew like no other what made the beastly parts of her tick.
"H4H4!!1!!" BloodFang exclaims. "3L3CTR1C1TY 1S 0N3 0F TH3 3L3M3NTS 1 C0NTR0L3, 4-3Y3S!!!1!!!1! 1'LL JUS S3ND 1T B4CK 2 U"
e👁️ Dr. Smith:
Dr. Smith glanced at Sprite, hearing her. "Would you rather it be something more painful, SE-0111? Because you seem to be calling for it."

He looked over at BL00DF4NG, "Ah, I remember now. You can control fire, water, plant life, wind, natural earth, rocks, shadows and sunlight." Dr. Smith took a few steps towards BL00DF4NG, "I however, have a good idea for a punishment for you." Dr. Smith said, pulling a empty syringe out of his pocket, he walked over to a cabinet, pulled a container out, opened one of them and placed the syringe in it, soaking the chemical in.

He walked back over to BL00DF4NG, "I heard this nullifies any vocal alterations or abnormalities." He stroked the syringe with one finger. "Dr. Laru had tested it and it seemed to work well."

Dr. Smith knelt down and quickly jabbed the syringe into BL00DF4NG's neck, right underneath the collar. Then injected it within him.

If it worked correctly, it should make it where BL00DF4NG could no longer speak in numbers and L337 speak, and Dr. Smith assumed it would strain his voice to speak without them.

Dr. Smith turned his head back to Sprite, "As for you. I have something special." Dr. Smith pulled out another syringe, a bigger one that contained a sickly green liquid inside. He walked over slowly, "This should cause any future pain to be.. amplified." Dr. Smith rolled the syringe around in the palm of his hand, looking at it.

It seems the only thing damaged from his leet-lessness... Was his self esteem.
"What I'm callin' for is f'you to be less'o a lil' bitch," Sprite scoffed. Soon enough, though, her scowl and grimace turned into a look of surprise. "Eyy, Blood can control.. what?!" Hey, that wasn't fair! Since when did animals have magickal abilities? Granted, there hadn't been a lot of animals in the Western Vault aside from some minor pests, but still.. Maybe he could stand a chance against her Therion in a duel after all. For the sake of their escape, though, Sprite'd rather rumor him and work together to get out.
Suddenly, BloodFang starts crying. Tears stream down his face like rivers.

But then, the tears suddenly freeze and each tear shoot out like small bullets, hitting the things keeping him restrained before aiming for Sprite's and a few towards Smith's face.

e👁️ Dr. Smith:
Dr. Smith suddenly felt the frozen tears gaze his face, which formed blood, yet he didn't even flinch. He turned, raising his brows.
"There's no use for the restraints, they can withstand much more than just some frozen tears." He said, wiping the blood off of his face and onto his lab coat.
"Ha! Tha's 'em spirit, Blood!" Sprite grinned, though the restraints didn't give way. Apparently, ice wasn't great at breaking metal. "Listen, egghead, whatcha wanna achieve wit' this sorry punishment of yours anyway?" If he was intending on scaring them into submission, he had a long way to go. Though.. rather not.
👁️ Dr. Smith:
"I am not trying to achieve anything, I was ordered to do this by the higher-ups." Dr. Smith glanced over at Sprite with a bit of an annoyed look.
Dr. Smith then hardly jabbed the syringe into Sprite's arm, injected the sickly green liquid into her arm. "Now quiet before I have to shut you up myself, SE-0111." He snapped, his voice laced with frustration.
”Huh, fancy way’o sayin’ y’just a sad lil’ shit,” Sprite huffed, hardly flincing at the sensation of the cold needle piercing her arm. Something fierce and morbid’d started circulating her system, and while she didn’t feel in immediate danger yet, she had a vague idea of what Dr. Smith had injected her with. ”Shit.. how ‘em fuck am I gonna shift like this-“ she thought to herself, squinting her eyes at the Doctor’s back as Bloodfang yapped away at him. ”Blood’s a cool sucko but.. I arn’ gotta put all my faith in him, got I?” The reality was that Daslabor had caught up on their homework: ten men wouldn’t even nearly be enough to hold a transforming Therion down- thus their decision to lock her into this godsawful chair contraption. Clenching her sweatied fists, her eyes flicked across the room, looking for something, anything, that could provide her with an advantage. ”Suppose bluff wouldn’ work on ‘tis egghead. Though.. maybe..” She pressed her tongue into the side of her cheek. Nope, no bone or flesh left.

”Who’s y’higher up anyway, huh? Clearly too much of a bitch to show their face t’us, I know that much, but kinda weird that y’takin’ orders from a sucko like that, eh?” They were much better than Blake in that regard, for sure. Dr. Hartmann’s former higher-up loved to show his face to the Subjects at the WCBL. As much as a lie as it had been, he wanted to conquer the Therion every day, over and over again. Which, again, made her wonder about what the point of this facility even was.

Moderators: twistedvictorian