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Forums » Subject Dossiers » SE-2006 (Lucas)

SE #: SE-2006
NAME: Lucas
AGE: 10y/o
SUB-SPECIES: PSI-Wielding Being

SE-2006 was sent here by an unknown donor with the signature PorMin. There is purple substance stuck to his clothes and skin that doesn't seem to come off but so much, and studies show that the purple substance, if exposed to the right environment, grows some kind of hallucinogenic mushrooms native to a place unknown.

SE-2006 seems to be constantly hallucinating, and therefore caution must be taken if visiting him, and he must be monitored if brought to the Mingling Room or Playroom.

According to the papers given to us by PorMin, SE-2006 holds a power within him called PSI, and apparently comes from a magical being from the island that SE-2006 is originally from. We were not given much information, except for what his PSI abilities were, and that learning new abilities causes 'PSI' fevers, but other than that information, it is to be discovered.

We are also researching the purple substance and the mushrooms it can create, along with trying to learn more about these magical beings.


Moderators: twistedvictorian