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    Failure to follow these rules may result in consequences varying from warnings to removal from the group.

    ⁍ Must be consistent -
    This speaks for both consistency in activity in the group, and consistency in how you role-play. If you're offline or not responding for days or weeks at a time, the story may go on without you, or if you have an important role, it may be stripped away, such as moderator. On a different note, if you start off literate then gradually or all of the sudden all of your replies are one-liners, there may be a problem.

    ⁍ Avoid mature topics, UNLESS permitted or necessary -
    Unless truly necessary for development of your character or the story, triggering topics should be avoided. We want this to be a comfortable and safe space for everyone in it. If you feel the need to include something but are unsure if it will get you in trouble, please reach out to a moderator to ask.

    ⁍ Avoid one-liners & vague or lazy replies -
    You don't necessarily need to be writing pages worth, but please refrain from making it difficult for others to figure out how to respond. They should be able to know what you're talking about, understand your characters feelings, words, actions, and so on (unless deception is the point)... A few sentences is the least you can do.

    ⁍ Roles -
    If you don't want to be a student, although the beginning of the story is largely formatted around the connections and activities of the U.A. students and will broaden into a more fleshed out story later on, you can pick the role as a Teacher, Pro-Hero, Villain, Vigilante... The list goes on! We encourage creativity!

    ⁍ Avoid clogging the chatroom(s) -
    You can have multiple characters at once, but do not have consistent conversations between just those characters and clog a channel. Although it's inevitable for your characters not to interact amongst themselves at least once, try to remember this is a group role-play! And on that note be sure you're using the forums for their intended purposes! If you're unsure what that purpose is, ask a moderator!

    ⁍ Interacting with other characters -
    Remember to be respectful to your peers, things can get heated between heroes and villains, but make sure it's kept within limits that won't make anyone feel personally effected. There is a no tolerance policy for mary-sues, even if you're a main character, the story is not yours. The last rule goes hand in hand with being overpowered as well, attacking will involve dice rolls, you cannot constantly dodge, nor can you kill off characters without the other person's permission. Do not do unto others what you would not wish to be done unto yourself (without permission)!

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