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  • Join a faction, fight a war.
  • Setting

    Also this is a furry setting.

    It had been 12 long years since the War of the Eclipse, yet the tensions between Holy Capital Landor and Magicka have not dropped in the slightest. After the joining of several other factions, tensions all across the continent of Landor have only increased.

    Then, after an attack on Magicka by the Red Suns, war broke out once again.

    Holy Capital Landor is the oldest. A religious empirical theocracy that is possibly the wealthiest of all groups. It's primary group is it's military. Every man once they are able to hold a sword are permitted to join, and women are forbidden from joining. They all believe in the god of the Landorian faith, The White Saint, and are willing to die for their god and for the empire. They are led by the head of the religion and son of the previous emperor, Father Corhi Landor, a corgi. Corhi was blessed by the Saint himself to be forever a child, and so most commanding is done by his older brother, Cergen Landor. All of the soldiers are trained in holy magic, yet most do not receive too extensive of training in any form of combat. There is also a secondary group of soldiers: the Red Suns. The members of this army are the strongest soldiers in all of the Holy Capital and are allowed to learn forbidden fire magic all while being controlled by Father Pyratis, an old and cruel sphinx cat.

    Magicka is the second largest empire on the continent and the only other besides the Holy Capital. It's ruler is Lunaria, a grey owl. The cold land was founded after several individual groups were brought together by the founding of the Magicka School of Sorcery by the four most powerful sorcerers of the land. It has a military much like the Holy Capital, but it is notably smaller yet better trained and with higher standards. It is an atheist land instead focused on the study of the stars, other dimensions, and the world around it. All military members are trained extensively in the art of sorcery and battle. They also have a group of elite soldiers similar to the Red Suns of the Holy Capital, led by the daughter of the queen: The Dark Moons, which are taught the art of frost sorcery. They also have a secretive group of elite assassins, stripped of their identities, taught the highest caliber of sorcery, and given daggers said to be imbued with the power of death itself.

    Far, far to the north lies the land of Malimore. It is a poor, foresty land that worships beings of the abyss. It is known for it's unique style of architecture and weapons, most notably creating the katanas - a well sought after blade by most other lands who's crafting process is a secret well kept and only known by the best smiths in all of the land. Most of the land of Malimore was split between the Holy Capital and Magicka until it fought for independence shortly after the first War of the Eclipse. It's soldiers are fueled by pride to keep the land of Malimore free and proud to worship it's gods so sinful in the eyes of the Holy Capital and it's abyssal magic that relies on both intelligence and faith. The land is mostly military controlled, generals giving orders and maintaining peace. The land also takes orders from their main god Maime, Lord of the Abyss, who recently was revived by the sacrifice of a young skunk woman from Magicka and now controls her body.

    Dividing the kingdoms lies the Great Woods - a large forest that makes borders between the lands. It's inhabitants are mostly druids and fey who gain power from the magical trees and nature of the land and who defend it to the bitter end. They are mostly neutral in the wars, only wanting to defend their forests. Their magic is a secret to all - and they'd rather keep it that way.

    The Blood Cult is a group located deep underground in the land of the Holy Capital. Lead by a wolf named Edgar, Lord of Blood. The group have become fed up with the magic of the land being controlled by gods and the power of far off beings, and so found a way to channel magic from the power of blood - returning the power back to the people of the world. They wish to take over the land and rid it of all other forms of magic to allow the inhabitants of the world to regain power from gods.

    Kaga is a skunk man hailing from the Great Woods - a native of the region. Yet he always thought that the power of the trees could be used for real purposes rather than simple worship and drawing power from. The amount of power in simply one of the giant trees in the center of the forest could be used to destroy the entire continent. One day, while researching a strange poisonous fungus, he breathed in some of the spores and tapped into secrets of poison magic while also losing his mind. He uses his poisonous gasses to hypnotize people into following his orders while attempting to conquer the Great Woods.