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  • **RP Rules**


    -Consent is a privilege, **NOT** a right. When making significant actions with or towards another person’s character, you must first obtain permission from the owner of the character in question. Said permission should be given in the server to avoid discrepancy of information.

    -**DO NOT** kill off another player’s character without their express permission. Said permission should be given in the server to avoid discrepancy of information.

    -**DO NOT** meta game. Doing so can cause confusion and make RP less fun. A character is not allowed to automatically know information just because their creator does.


    -Please do your best to inform your fellow RPers when you need to go on hiatus. Life can take unexpected turns, and there’s nothing wrong with taking a break to eat, sleep, or take care of important things!

    -Please refrain from the usage of Self-Insert Characters. I’m aware they can be fun to play as, but more often than not, they lead to RP scenarios being taken too seriously or personally. I would rather not bog down the server with excessive and unneeded drama, especially when caused by an over-exaggerated persona that just you with horns and/or muscles and/or wings and/or an edgy makeover.