***Note this group is based off the dream in the Furcadia client. Our dream is located NE of Peristane's Auction in FurN.
- No OOC hate speech or bigotry.
- IC slurs must be made up and not be based on slurs from real life.
- Paragraph roleplay is appreciated, but certainly not required!
- We welcome beginners to RP and understand English isn't everyone's first language. Please be respectful to those trying their best.
- Do not be a creep. No one owes you a response, explanation, nor RP in general. No means no. Consent can be revoked at any time and for any reason.
- No God-moding unless previously agreed upon.
- Utilize dice rolls when applicable if you'd like. (Say "roll 1d20" in client to do so)
- Players must be 16+ irl.
- Attempting to circumvent a ban will result in a report to Furcadia mods and RPR mods if applicable.
Report issues or problem players to Murphichi or Sylas|Asmodaios in Furc, or msg me here. (Screen shots are helpful.) I'll keep your name/details anonymous, but even if it's relatively minor I'd like to keep track of those making people uncomfortable.
- Dream created and coded by Boe, and is owned/operated by Murphichi and Sylas|Asmodaios on Furcadia, and SilverFox on RPR. (Latter three are all me)
- All patches belong to their respective creators, I did zero patchwork and claim none. (If you recognize any I'd love to know so I may credit and link them.)
- Furcadia and the Dragonlands continuity are copyrighted to Catnip Studios. I'm not affiliated with Furc outside of being a player.
- Banner by jibidivu
- All writings (here and in the Dream) are written by me. The Phoenix/Dragon Speak is by Boe, though I have added some of my own over time.