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  • Raafmi2.gif
    Art by Bren
    -No OOC hate speech or bigotry
    -IC slurs must be made up and not be based on slurs from real life
    -Public sex is allowed but if asked you're expected to take it somewhere private
    -Paragraph roleplay is appreciated, but certainly not required!
    -We welcome beginners to RP and understand English isn't everyone's first language. Please be respectful.
    -Do not be a creep. Remember consent is required by all parties, slave or not. Issues? Whisper Murphichi or Sylas|Asmodaios
    -You and your character must be 18+ irl, IC, and OOC to be allowed here. Any minors caught here will result in a permanent ban.
    -No God-moding, utilize dice rolls when applicable if you'd like. (Say "roll 1d20" in client to do so)
    IMG-6656.png ***Note this group is based off the dream in the Furcadia client. Our dream is located NE of Peristane's Auction in FurN.

    Dream created by Boe, and is owned/operated by Murphichi and Sylas|Asmodaios on Furcadia, and SilverFox on RPR.
    All patches belong to their respective creators, I claim none.
    Furcadia and the Dragonlands continuity are copyrighted to Catnip Studios.
    Banner by jibidivu