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  • Info

    The Farm
    . . . . a large manufacturing ring underneath Inferno Lounge for the proprietary herb known as ‘Oui’d,’ a 5-leafed plant that grew massive buds in the spring and summer months. Workers will harvest and package the precious crop by weight to sell all around Kasuria. They operate similar to the Cartel - any outsider caught attempting to replicate their crop would be given no mercy.

    Slave Training
    Obedience »
    Many handlers at Inferno offer their services, offering basic obedience to advanced techniques in behavior modification.
    » Teaches bondage courses. [Safety, knot ties, suspension]
    »Tricks like heel, sit, kneel, eyes down/up, mouth open/shut, with me, balance, etc.
    »Teaches slaves how to endure and enjoy varying levels of pain, using positive and negative reinforcement methods.

    Cultivation of Oui'd and Bangers

    Oui'd »
    Pronounced "weed"
    The name of the "special plant" grown in the cavern. Takes two months to grow in the spring and summer months. When it's ready for smoking it is to be ground up and smoked using rolling papers or special leafs. It is a unique species and Asmo is the only living furre who knows the process. It tastes like mint & sweet fruit, and can also be made to be compatible with a hookah. Anyone found growing their own will likely lose some fingers, teeth, or their life.
    Bangers »
    The name given to the psilocybin (magic) mushrooms that grow in the cavern year-round. These mushrooms are sensitive to light and only grow in the blackest of areas - like deep within caves - to stay properly nurtured, and only grow here. They taste salty and it takes about 3 grams to have a delightful but mild trip, 5g to get really wild, and over 7g will put most creatures on their arse.


    Asmodaios, the owner, is quite wealthy from his work and has been known to make some high-risk loans. Several of his clients are gamblers. These are often predatory in nature and the only reason he does them is to create servants, or to act
    Ask the local bar tender if interested.


    Asmo owns a small boat he keeps at the Inferno's dock. It is about 80 feet long, has about 8 working sails, and can comfortably hold about 10-12 people and furres. It has two levels complete with furnished cabins, a small kitchen, and two bathrooms.
    He uses it to distribute goods accompanied by his crew and hired help.
    Want to join the crew? You'll have to prove your worth, usefulness, and ability to follow orders. Speak with Sylas Asmodaios or Aethea.

    Martial Arts

    Combat »
    Self defense and fighting used for various combat situations. There are several teachers at Inferno: Asmodaios (teaches hand to hand), Kerinci (teaches use of various weaponry), Murphichi (elemental magic), Illyius (archery).

    Health-oriented »
    Martial arts that teach side disciplines which pertain to medicinal practices. This is particularly prevalent in traditional Kasuria martial arts which may teach bone-setting, herbalism, and other aspects of traditional medicine. Speak with Illyius, Murphichi, or Xi Jiang.


    Some of the surrounding vegetation is magical in nature and thus widely used medicinally. Many of the workers at Inferno are well versed in healing and spend time gardening or foraging for ingredients. Ask Wisteria, Finnegan, Xi Jiang, or Ivy.


    Inferno houses three bars for patrons to use at their leisure. Commands *lounge, *beach, and *bar.


    Cage dancing, performances, sex shows, public slave training sessions, hookahs and opium... There are plenty of activities to keep patrons busy. Ask your local *staff for more info!

    Haunted Desert
    To the west of the establishment lies the Haunted Desert region of Darvin. Occasionally the native creatures find there way to Inferno to cause mischief. Security tends to eliminate major threats without stirring up the patrons, however, some slip through the cracks.

    Sharker Beasts

    Art by AwPoop174
    Species by Mr_Ais
    click to expand...
  • Current Plot

    Art by Catcake5
    Naga War
    Asmo has an ongoing war with a clan of naga. They often attempt to invade the mountain that houses his cavern, and they have the advantage of numbers. Asmo will oft hire combat slaves, those proficient in healing, and forgers of weapons/armor to assist in the annihilation of said clan.
    The way this typically goes is he'll round up 1-5 player characters and another 5 or so non player characters, pay their rental fee for the week if applicable, sail them out to his cavern to train (if need be) and assign everyone their tasks for the week in preparation for an assault (going to the Naga's hideouts) or invasion (preparing for Naga coming to them.) Obviously there will be a risk of injury so bare that in mind, please.
    I like to make "disposable" NPCs to sacrifice in place of any player characters dying, cause obviously no one wants their char to die.
    • Combat slaves (any level of exp)
    • Healers (both for “active warzone” and those that will stay at the cavern)
    • Forgers of weapons and armor
    • Enchanters
    • Opposing Naga
    • Instructors who can teach newbies the ropes

    Coming soon...

    A mysterious vender in the nearby Haunted Desert with supposed "cursed" objects for sale...

    Monsters prowling the gardens and eating goats...

    Slave training sessions...