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  • Info

    Thanks for your interest in this volunteer role.
    Please fill out this questionnaire and whisper them to Sylas|Asmodaios or Murphichi:

    1. How old are you IRL?
    2. What times are you typically online?
    3. What role would you like to play?
      (Bar tender, security, librarian, house slave, grounds keep, OOC, etc)
    4. Why Inferno?
    5. Past experience?
    6. Are you apart of our Discord and RPR?
    All players must be 18+ both IC and OOC. Please note staff don't get Discord mod preferences nor anything like that. This is mainly an IC role, and while RP participation is not required it is highly encouraged.

    Any issues should be brought up with me directly. Cheers!

    Art by Slo1ka