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Events » Naga War [1]

June 23rd 2024, 3:00am - September 23rd 2024, 3:00am
Naga Wars
Asmo has an ongoing war with a clan of vicious naga. They often attempt to invade the mountain that houses his cavern, and they have the advantage of numbers. He will hire combat slaves, those proficient in healing, and forgers of weapons/armor to assist in the annihilation of said clan.
The way this typically goes is he'll round up 1-4 player characters and another 5 or so non player characters, pay their rental fee for the week if applicable, sail them out to his cavern to train (if need be) and assign everyone their tasks for the week in preparation for an assault (going to the Naga's hideouts) or invasion (preparing for Naga coming to them.) Obviously there will be a risk of injury so bare that in mind, please. We will be using dice rolls to determine how fights go!
  • Combat slaves (any level of exp)
  • Healers (both for “active warzone” and those that will stay at the cavern)
  • Forgers of weapons and armor
  • Enchanters
  • Magic users
  • Opposing Naga
  • Instructors who can teach newbies the ropes


Expect to see the following faces in attendance:

You might also see the following faces there:

Event Comments

  1. Togoro (played by SilverFox)

    June 21st 2024


    Please no one mistake me for a naga.
  2. Sylas Asmodaios (played by SilverFox)

    June 21st 2024


    Never should have come here!

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