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  • Guidelines/ Conduct in LHS

    All players must be 21+
    All played characters must be 18+
    All NPCs may be any age

    Hello & Welcome!
    Goal: Player- Built + Collaborative RP Town
    Consider it like a Monster of the Week tv sitcom, except we're flexible. If you didn't like something, we can discuss.
    PLUS, time is wibbly wobbly and very possibly as long as many jeremy-bearemies, so... maybe people are filling in town history posts in one thread while others are in 2024 posting events in the current day.

    If there's a role you want to fill in town PLEASE be my guest. You can make Proposals here!

    RP conduct:Be cool and respectful OOC, for sure! I'd like to think we're a friendly and not antagonistic bunch. There's no need for shenanigans. And, please, if there's an issue let's chat about it.

    In a New Thread:
    Note Players Involved at top.
    Note if RP is [OPEN] or [CLOSED] to others. at top.
    Note Time, Date, Location Specifics at top.

    PLEASE consider tagging themes of graphic or triggering natures that could come up.
    PLEASE consider collapsing text for those posts, ex: Graphic Adult Scenarios.

    Consent is important to me among players. I love and appreciate communication on what to expect.
    No Main Player Character Traumas/ Death without proof of consent before players engage in the making of that scene. And vice versa; don't surprise someone by dying graphically without consent.
    IE: The specifics & circumstances must be agreed upon by those involved.

    Introduce Yourself! <3
    Template for your LHS Introduction Profile, credit: Hoogabooga!

    Post Your LHS Introduction Here
  • Guidelines Note

    All players must be 21+
    All played characters must be 18+
    All NPCs may be any age

    Hello & Welcome!
    Goal: Player- Built + Collaborative RP Town
    Consider it like a Monster of the Week tv sitcom, except we're flexible. If you didn't like something, we can discuss.
    PLUS, time is wibbly wobbly and very possibly as long as many jeremy-bearemies, so... maybe people are filling in town history posts in one thread while others are in 2024 posting events in the current day.

    If there's a role you want to fill in town PLEASE be my guest. You can make Proposals here!

    RP conduct:Be cool and respectful OOC, for sure! I'd like to think we're a friendly and not antagonistic bunch. There's no need for shenanigans. And, please, if there's an issue let's chat about it.

    In a New Thread:
    Note Players Involved at top.
    Note if RP is [OPEN] or [CLOSED] to others. at top.
    Note Time, Date, Location Specifics at top.

    PLEASE consider tagging themes of graphic or triggering natures that could come up.
    PLEASE consider collapsing text for those posts, ex: Graphic Adult Scenarios.

    Consent is important to me among players. I love communication on what to expect.
    No Main PC Character Traumas/ Death without proof of consent before players engage in the making of that scene. And vice versa, don't surprise someone by dying graphically without consent.
    IE: The specifics and circumstances must be agreed upon by the players involved.

    Introduce Yourself! <3
    Template for your LHS Introduction Profile, from Hoogabooga

    Post Your LHS Character Introduction Profile Here

    Join Now

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