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Forums » Directory & Lore » Caprice

Known Names: Caprice or Cap
Music vibes playlist: Caprice And Spoiler Caprice
Race: Appears humanoid/Dragon
Age: Looks late 20's early 30's
Relationship status/Crushes/Flings: Very open. Long standing thing with Gil, has been hitting on Enoch for about 20 years. Big crush on Ms. Pearline.
Occupation: Owner of The Hoard and town contractor
Magic type (if applicable): Most forms but specializes in Ethereal/Primal/Alchemy.
Background: Unknown

Laurel Hill Springs specific information (Information that's purely for this roleplay): Caprice has been living in town for roughly 80 years and has never spoken about his life before coming. He hates paper money but will acquire it on occasion to tip workers or receive it from tourists. All others he uses the 'gift for a gift' system and takes anything from gold and silver, shiny objects, bakes goods and even favors and sex. Is never wearing shoes unless he's in another person's home/business and only takes of his silver rings if he's in his own home/shop/secret cabin.
Why not! The cool kids are doing it.

Caps Pinterest:

Moderators: .the.MILK.theef.