That Plant Shop is a storefront where Fee sells indoor plants of all kinds, flower and veg starts, and most of your gardening needs. She also has a counter where she sells live potted floral gift arrangements, both premade and by special request. At the main counter you can also buy herb clippings, both dry and fresh, schedule for Fee to consult on and solve all your tricky botanical needs (she'll talk you through most things free of charge but if you need her to come play plant doctor she has a small fee), or make an appointment to come visit her greenhouse where she'll have a larger selection, including larger plants and outdoor plants. If, in the end, she doesn't have what you're looking for she's always willing to make it happen if you have the patience for her to get it for you.
I feel like she was intending to open a florist and was in the process of signing paperwork to purchase the shop when Golden Afternoon opened and she quickly pivoted, expanding her loan so she could greatly expand her hobby greenhouse and creating a plant nursery model so you don't have to drive to the one a ways down the highway anymore.
I feel like she was intending to open a florist and was in the process of signing paperwork to purchase the shop when Golden Afternoon opened and she quickly pivoted, expanding her loan so she could greatly expand her hobby greenhouse and creating a plant nursery model so you don't have to drive to the one a ways down the highway anymore.
Moderators: .the.MILK.theef. Caprice (played by KorrokMustache) Jackson Dewell (played by Hoogabooga)