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After a normal day, you find yourself walking home alone when, suddenly, you fall through a portal, sending you sprawled on the ground in a dark, desolate world. Tall buildings eeriely loom over you and inhuman screams can be heard from all around you....
I stay on the ground, examining my surroundings. I can feel my body shake in fear, where am I?
Nicole walked down the hallway of her luxurious estate, enjoying the sight of the new paintings that had just been delivered. She noticed one particularly beautiful piece of work and was about to call Janne, her faithful servant, to share her delight.
However, suddenly something strange happened. Nicole felt the ground beneath her begin to tremble, and then abruptly fell into a kind of void. Her triangle hat flew off her head and caught on a nearby branch, causing Nicole to hit her foot.
Looking down, she saw that she had found herself in some dark and gloomy place, completely unfamiliar to her. Nicole slowly rose to her feet, took the triangle hat from the branch and spin it in her hands, trying to understand what had happened.
"Where I am?" - she asked herself, looking around. It was quiet and empty, and Nicole felt a sudden sense of anxiety. She will have to gather all her strength to figure out how to return to the world from which she suddenly disappeared.
Van lifted his dagger to his chin, watching with keen eyes in the mirror as the blade traced down his jawline and neck.
Thievery, murder, arson. They were all good when it came upon the right person. Being subjected to it yourself... that wasn't quite as nice.
Everything was well when he closed his eyes, imagining the bracing darkness wrap around himself.
Until it was true.

As his eyes flicked open to a new scene... confusion was one emotion that came upon him. Acceptance was another.
Anyway, all darkness that falls, rises.
"What on earth is this stupid place?!" Her screaming voice echoed out into the abyss.
It was... gloomy, to say the least. Wasn't much different from home.
Chaos scowled, folding in her wings to protect them from any possible fights. Not that she would care that much.
The whole world seemed to be empty.
Sigh. I want to go to sleep, Bianca thought as she trudged along the dimly lit street, a heavy weight of exhaustion settling on her shoulders.

After a tiring shift at the dairy shop, where she worked part-time as a clerk, she was finally on her way home. The familiar route was just a twenty-minute walk from the store, but in that moment, every step felt like a marathon. She glanced down at her Mickey Mouse watch — a playful gift from her mother celebrating her high school graduation — and noted the hands pointing to 8 PM. It was late, and she felt the tug of fatigue pulling her down. Bianca was overworked and in desperate need of rest.

Just as she was mentally preparing for the comforts of her cozy bed, something unexpected happened. The ground beneath her feet seemed to shift, and in an instant, she stumbled forward, tripping into an unknown portal that erupted before her. The world around her faded into a swirling void, and a rush of panic surged within her. As the darkness enveloped her, she struggled to grasp what was happening, her heart racing in her chest.

When the chaotic sensation finally subsided, Bianca found herself standing in a bustling and strange cityscape. Towering buildings loomed overhead, their surfaces glittering with unfamiliar lights, and the air vibrated with the sounds of chaos. There were screams all around her, sharp and chilling, echoing off the sterile surfaces of the immense structures. For a moment, she was frozen in fear, unsure whether the cries came from humans or something far more terrifying lurking in the shadows.

Damn it! Where am I?! she thought, her mind racing as she took in her new surroundings. Her instincts kicked in, and she quickly ducked behind the nearest building, pressing her body against the cool, hard surface as she strained to peek out into the tumultuous scene.
Max groans as he picks himself up from the ground, looking around. He notices other people around but isn't sure if he should address them or not.

"Good grief, what's this?" He thinks, taking in the surroundings.
Trinity finally managed to get out of the shock and push herself up. She stood up looking at the other people by her. Her hands still shook as she waved to them “uh hi?”
As his brain adjusted to the area's darkness, he tried to remember where he had been before this. Just as he found a glimmer of a memory- walking home just before the ground seemed to give way and swallow him up, someone, somewhere spoke up. "I. . uh. . hello?" He stood on the top of a short metallic building, looking around. Silver, mirror, and building- and. . . more buildings. Not a very interesting place. He sat down, letting his legs hang off the edge of the building, before pushing himself off and landing haphazardly not-so gracefully on the ground below. "Who. . are you guys?"
She pushed aside the branches and took a few steps closer to the sources of speech, the people who appeared here for some reason too.
- yeah, hello...
Trinity hugged her arms, still examining the people around her. “Where are we?”
As the newly met comrades (possibly) talk, a silhouette of a giant man takes form miles away towering over all the buildings. When he roars, the buildings next to the shake and begin to crumble collapsing around them. Then come the footsteps. Quiet at first, they begin to rise until it sounds like a horde of elephants running for death life.

A small disembodied voice rings through the air, overtaking the running sound. "I would suggest you hide before the Hustesls get here...."
. . Run. Flick snagged the nearest person's arm, (no sense in going alone-) before taking off. Whatever those noises were, he was sure they weren't coming to bring everyone cupcakes and rainbows, and the voice only confirmed that. He wasn't sure where he was going, the voice told him to hide- but there has to be an exit, right? If he can just find a door, or a path- him and whoever he's dragging along can get out of here. . .
Nicole looked at how two people rushed somewhere in a panic and she clearly did not intend to wait for death, so she ran after this couple like village boys running after eachother. - Hey, I'd better run with you! She said, having already run out of breath while running.
Flick had grabbed Trinity’s arm, she ran with him keeping his pace. “What the heck? Where are we? Who are you?!”
"Why is that important right now? There's a literal death causing thing coming!" He slowed down a bit to catch his breath, letting the girl go before coming to a full stop, looking around and letting the other person catch up. Everything just looked near the same. . what in the world is this place?
“The more we know about each other and this place, are survival chances could be higher.” She caught her breath also looking around, looking for shelter.
She silently follows this couple, but when they take a breath, Nicole enters the dialogue. - maybe we should just hide, it seems to me that we have already run far away from other people
Max takes off after them, panicking. "Hey, wait up! We should stick together!"

Moderators: Relentlesspursuer