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Diana warmed water on the woodburning stove in her large kitchen, while a few of the serving girls were helping prepare the dinner for tonight's patrons. A roast had been prepared and cooking slowly over hot coals for the better part of the day, a trick Diana used to ensure it was tender and delicious. She had carrots, potatoes, and onions all chopped and thrown into the pot with the roast for the last hour stewing in the meats broth and seasoned with herbs and spices, some imported. A little wine added to the broth to give it some depth and she was sure there would be no complaints again tonight.

She took the warm water and dipped a soft cloth rag into it, steam rising from the cloth as her hands wrung it tightly. She left the kitchen and went out to the bar, a few of the calm regulars sat around drinking, and a young man with deep red hair was playing his flute softly by the large hearth between the stairs at the end of the large dining hall. She began to run the rag over the polished surface of her bar cleaning idly while she waited for the bustling evening to begin.
Now, it's been a few days since the last town they've stopped in. Tio and Barasa found themselves managing to find another civilization, seeking to get some rest. Maybe they could gain a new bidder for their skills while here or...they could just enjoy themselves and stay a few days. Walking up, opening the door, both dark skinned men stopped in their tracks to scan the room of all the patrons that was in sight.

Without a word, both males walked across the room, quietly passing the tables until reaching the bar to take a seat, one next to the other to wait for the barkeep to come over so they could ask for refreshments. Since coming to these lands, they've already came in contact with various inns and people but this place....this was far better than some of the landfills they have resided in. Maybe this could be a chance they did not have to fight anyone to get proper service.
Dianella offered a warm smile to the two gentleman that entered her establishment, her hands stopping their work buffing the bar and moving to gather her ginger tresses into a loose bun at the back of her head, a few unruly strands resisting the change and falling down to frame her face. The pair, she observed were an interesting contrast to one another, white hair fair complexion, and black hair with a darker skin-tone. Definitely together though, she decided with a greeting. "Evening gentlemen, my name is Dianella, but my regulars call me Diana." she called after their posterior's found seats at the bar. "Dinner tonight is a slow roasted and stewed beef. The fresh bread will be done in just a moment, and I have something to drink for just about any pallet, so order what you like, and I will do my best to accommodate." She winked to the pair before she wrung her hands on her crisp apron and set about wiping the bar with the warm moist cloth again.
It was but only for a moment that both brothers were waiting before hearing a woman's voice. Looking over, Tio took in her appearance. Her skin, dark...not quite the same color but she must be what these lands called a drow? if he remembered. Barasa on the other hand, despite his reserved demeanor, found this female quite alluring. Tio nodded to the who called herself Dianella. "Hello, Diana, My name is Tio and this is my brother Barasa. Your roasted and stewed beef sounds like a delicacy that we both would come to need and enjoy. Would you happen to have ale or wine and which would you prefer to be the finest of the two?" He asked.

Barasa spoke. I will not mind the beef but I do not desire the bread." Tio spoke once more. "Do you have a place here we could lay our heads?"
A humble man came through the door in the wake of the brothers. He wore a dust-brown cloak with the hood drawn up, hiding his gear save for the heavy shield that was slung from his back and seemed to weigh him down. He closed the door behind him and limped his way up to the bar, sitting one seat down from Tio.

"Pray, mistress," he said in a soft, almost boyish voice, thick with an archaic accent. "I'd fain partake in such repast as well."

He lowered his hood after his gentle request. His face was a strange amalgamation of young and old--soft cheeks under a layer of scratchy stubble, a round nose between wizened, sunken eyes. Crossing his lips was an ugly scar that ran from cheek to chin. He offered Dianella a smile, but the expression was twisted by the scar.
Diana smiled and pointed over her shoulder with her right thumb. "I make my own mead, wine and Ale. Though I tend to save it for the special guests. I am not opposed to letting you try a sample of each." She tapped her foot rhythmically, four times, and a serving girl came out. She made some signs with her hands and the girl went off to the kitchen, to fetch the two gentlemen's orders. "As for rooms, I have more than a few available, and all rooms are 2 gold, per individual." Another gentleman entered, hooded and limping, and soon spoke after the first two made their wishes known. She watched him warily, though out of general concern more than distrust. As he spoke, he lowered his hood to reveal a scarred face. She couldn't place his age right off, but he attempted what she could only assume was a smile, despite the parody his scar made of it, and she returned it genuinely. He wouldn't be the first or the last person to cross her path with scars to alter even the best features. "Of course, anything to drink?" she gestured broadly behind her. "I have more in the back if you don't see anything you like here."
The stranger seemed happy to be off his feet, though he was as grateful for the fair company as he was for the rest. He slipped the shield from his back and leaned it against the next chair, then rolled his shoulder with a contented grunt. "Aye, a drink would do me good, mistress," he replied. Suddenly he flinched, as if something pained him, and he cupped his left hand in his right. Both were gloved. "Hast thou aught hot? A warm cider or mead, mayhap? I, ah ... I have little in the way of coin, mistress--I shall drink thy dregs, not thy fine draughts."
Diana couldn't help but beam, "Such manners earn you a warm meal from my personal stock. would you take it spiced or honeyed?" she asked. "The food and drink come with the room, and if you can't afford the 2 gold, I can certainly find something for you to earn it with." she paused for a moment, trying to think of something clearly, "Be it chopping some wood tomorrow after you've rested that leg, or simply helping me to clean up in the morning hours. It could even be just feeding my cats. Great for catching mice, but they refuse the eat the things. Spoiled picky creatures they are."
Seemingly pleased with the offer of allowing himself and Barasa sample her fruits of labor, Tio gave a slight smirk nodding to the offer before noticing another gentleman coming forth to sit a seat away from himself and Barasa. Both monks looked out the corner of their eyes to him but said not one word to him as of yet. Tio continued. "Two gold...fine. two rooms." Tio mentioned while the helpers of Diana went forth to get their orders tended to.

Now, the brothers were a little curious about this newcomer. Even though it was none of their business to listen to the conversation between both the hostess and the new arrival, Tio wondered where this man came from? Was it a battle he survived? Or was he just some lowly vagabond? Tio made sure not to judge harshly of this individual who seemed short of coin. Barasa looked to Tio, wondering if he was going to do what he thought his brother was going to do? "You're not going to offer are you?" he asked Tio. Tio's head slightly turned to Barasa but then returned to the position it was a moment ago. "And who might you be, stranger?" Tio asked the scarred male.
The stranger pressed his tongue to the scar on his lip when Dianella told him the price of room and board. He might have been able to scrape together enough to pay, but her offer of barter came before he could dump the lint out of his coinpurse to check. "Verily? O, thou'rt a beacon in the night, mistress. I shall fain scrub thy dishes and split thy wood." He laid a hand on his chest and issued the barkeep a seated bow. "And as for thine offer of drink ... honeyed, if thou wilt. Grammercy, fair lady."

The stranger canted his head to briefly catch the glowing gaze of the monk who spoke to him, before his eyes skipped downward, almost deferential. He stared at his hands as he began to remove his gauntlets, albeit slowly, as though the action gave him trouble. "O, I am no one," he said as he worked. "There are some who clepe me 'the Hanged Man,' but 'tis a grim m...oniker, and a mouthful to boot." One glove slid free to reveal a dense network of scar tissue on the flesh of his hand, which trembled slightly. "I've m...any others: Falche, Kite ... Nemo ..." The second glove came off, and that hand was much the same as the first. "Thou may'st clepe me whatever is sweetest on thy tongue, sir." He let his eyes lift to meet Tio's. "And thee?"
Diana nodded to the gentleman who'd asked for two rooms before she looked back towards the kitchen. The girls were giggling more than working, but most of the food was on the serving tray from what she could see through the simple split door where the top was open, the blonde tiefling serving girl made eye contact with her briefly and Diana signed for one more plate. A few cups sat empty, and Diana walked over to the far end of her bar, dropped into a deep squat and opened a small cupboard in the corner. The gentlemen introduced themselves and she went to work collecting the array of homebrewed drinks.

She pulled out two wine bottles one green glass and the other a clear glass. In the clear bottle a deep pink wine swirled, and in the green a deep purple. She set them on the bar overhead and rummaged more. She pulled out a large, heavy bottle full of amber mead with spices swimming in the liquid. Hefting the large bottle onto the counter she sighed. She went back for another this one more golden in color than the last. "Just one more." She said leaning back down to grab a small barrel sealed and with a crescent moon burned on the side. She set it on its side in front of her. "Which first gentleman?" she gestured to the sprawl while wiping her brow with her left hand. She poured the scarred gentleman his spiced mean and gently wove a spell of warmth around the cup before serving it to him with a gentle slide down the bar. Steam rose from the cup and the spices smelled of a fine autumnal blend.
With Diana moving away to gather the drinks and checked those who were in the kitchen, Tio's attention was on the man before him. Tio made it customary to at least meet new acquaintances wherever he and Barasa traveled and this was no different than before. They were in a peaceful setting and the man near them did not give Tio any hint of aggression.

Seeing the scars and listening to the man speak, Tio raised a brow. He couldn't help but to wonder what could have caused him to gain such monikers. The scars and possible ailments this man suffered, who and what did this to him? His mind was in a tangle of questions but to keep from being rude, he was not going to pry too much. "Hm...I'd call you whatever is the most to your comfort." When asking about him, Tio smirked. "Tio...of the Sumu monastery." he started off. "Just a traveling monk...and this is my brother, Barasa..." before continuing, his attention went back to Diana.

"The amber mead you have there..." Tio chose. Barasa gave a slight wave of the finger as he agreed to wanting the same thing. "Then I want to try what's in that green glass as well." Tio added.
The stranger's lips quirked into a crooked grin as Tio looked him over. He had lived a very long life, and he knew the places that people's eyes tended to go first when they were sizing him up. He hiked his cloak back over his shoulders, giving the others a better look at the kit he wore beneath: battered and antique armor with mended mail and a patched gambeson, which contrasted the handsome falchion that rode his hip. "The name my true love cleped me I can no longer remember, so it m...atters little which you use. 'Nemo' will suffice just as well as 'blaggard' or 'gorehound.'" He chuckled, but his smile didn't reach his eyes now. "Tis a pleasure to meet ye both, good sirs," he said, addressing both monks. "Alas, I have not heard of your order, but it must be a v...igorous one to produce such fine specimens as yourselves."

The more he spoke, the more apparent his accent became, as well as the faint stutter that caused him to hesitate over his words. He fell quiet, however, when his scarred hands wrapped around the cup that Diana brought. For a long moment he did not drink, and instead just relished the warmth of it soothing his aching fingers. Eventually he took a small sip, then by a larger one, followed by an appreciative sigh. "O, sweet nepenthe," he murmured, eyes closed. When Tio spoke of the green bottle, however, they opened again, and he watched curiously.
Diana smiled with a warm flush in her cheeks. She was always a tad nervous sharing her own creations. She made them to her taste more than for others. She smiled as Falche took more than a few sips of the warm mead. A comforted expression if ever she'd seen one. Tio and Barasa had finished introducing themselves before eyeing the selection before them. Tio spoke his selection, and his brother gave a simple gesture she took to mean that he wanted the same. She didn't hesitate to pour them both a decent amount and slid it to them, holding up a finger preparing a warming spell, she asked, "Warm or as is?" she liked hers warm even on a more temperate day, but she'd seen some patrons ask her to cool the beverage instead. The Green bottle she held up and got one of her nicer glasses down from the hanging rack over the bar, the glass was thin glass and cool to the touch, she was incredible fond of the set, it had come with the Tavern and was enchanted to cool its contents. Simple spell work, but the simple pleasures are exactly what made her settle here to begin with. Her cheeks and nose were flush with anticipation, hoping the flavor was to the gentlemen's liking. As she slid the drinks their way, three bowls of Stew and roasted beef came from the kitchen, one without a slice of warm buttered bread to the side, but a bit extra roast to make up the difference. Diana smiled appreciatively to her workers. As they set the food in front of the three gentlemen. Steam gently rolling from the meal rose to greet them all. Music rose from direction of the hearth; someone had joined the flutist with a small set of drums tapping lightly. Diana's foot tapped in tune with the beat, and she poured herself some of the wine and swirled the dark violet drink in the glass.
Tio tired not to stare too much while trying to get a read on this man before him but his eyes did avert from the man to keep from bringing forth an awkward air between them. Tio simply nodded. "Nemo...well...pleasure to meet you as well." Tio gave a half smirk. It was but a half chuckle that was earned from Nemo's words about where he comes from. "The's not of a place others would normally visit. If anything, it feels like it's half a world away. But's where we learn our unforgiving and yet basic principles in our way of life...brothers of our deadly venoms arts." Tio usually kept his teachings to himself but still, he felt no harm in speaking about it to Nemo. "Are you not of some form of brotherhood or clan?" He asked.

Watching how Nemo took to the drink, the monk raised a brow while Barasa was wondering what Nemo was talking about but upon getting their drinks, Tio smirked. "Warm..." he'd choose as before, Barasa gestured the same way as he wanted the same. Once it was warmed, both swirled the contents in the cup and inhaled the scent before both started to take a swig which soon turned to glumps, having the liquid flow down their throats, savoring the flavor and warmth which caused it to go down smooth. The brothers looked at each other and then they both looked to Diana. Tio stared at her, keeping a stone face for a moment. "Of all the inns and taverns my brother and I have traveled, this drink has to be one of the most refreshing I've had in a long while. No, you've brought curiosity to me about your other drinks. I'll see how I feel after eating."

Once the bowls reached them and the new drink that was in chilled glasses were slid to them, both started to dig in. Taking in the meat and all, it was safe to assume, both males were thoroughly enjoying their meals. But not without trying the deep purple liquid that was served next. With a swig of that, it seems to compliment the food that was given to them, sweet but with a blend of it being smooth and dry. It was perfect. At mid sip, Tio gave another nod of approval to Diana. Now Barasa may not have gave a response but it was safe to assume, he enjoyed it just as much.

Tio turned to Nemo. "You should try this one as treat..." He offered the man.
Nemo's brow knit when Tio spoke of brotherhood, and though he stared towards the back of the bar, what he truly gazed at was much further away. "Aye," he said, rubbing his thumb down the side of the cup. When next he spoke his words sounded distant. "A great white wall across a sea of green, and O, min hrém lossen, 'twas nottis and þun ..." He blinked suddenly and waved a hand as if to clear away whatever fog he'd just been wading through. "I, ah, I can no longer recall its name."

Nemo was grateful for the intoxicating aroma of the meal to distract him. His mouth watered. "O, grammercy to thee, mistress--Dianella, was it? 'Tis board fit for a king, not a dusty traveler such as myself." Eager though he was to tuck straight in, he forced himself to wait, breaking apart chunks of meat and vegetables so they would cool faster. After he took his first bite, however, the hunger he had been ignoring caught up to him and he found himself wolfing it down with abandon.

Tio's offer made him pause and quirk an eyebrow. "O, how am I to resist an offer from so charming a fellow? If thou temptest me further, I shall make a fool of myself anon." Nemo looked back to Dianella. "I pray thee, mistress, wouldst thou bring me some? Warm or cool, I shall let thee decide."
She was glad the brothers were enjoying the wine as well as the mead, and their food it seemed. "Diana is fine, dear." She answered to Nemo, "and I do try to make all guests fell well accommodated." She noticed the carefulness Nemo took with his meal and then watch the caution flee from him with the first bite. She nearly let herself chuckle but held it back. If only just. It would only take a glance to see she was beaming though. Her cheeks a warmed to a fuchsia glow that reached the tip of her nose even.

She set down two more cups for each of them, Nemo included, and one more cooling glass. She nodded when he asked after another drink. "Before the regular come in and get envious I think, and since Tio was kind enough to offer." She began pouring the other wine from the clear bottle when the music at the end of the room faded into a new song. This wine should have a fruitier bouquet and be wet rather than dry. Sweet but that sweetness only hid the strength. Her Fae wine was sold to some of the local merchants for their private parties. A single glass wouldn't effect a person over-much but depending on their aptitude for magical drink, they might find themselves a bit out of sorts with a pleasantly floaty feeling. Though one gnome, she remembered, had truly floated upwards from his seat. She tended to limit guests after that to a glass each. Diana realized she knew this song, she'd played it herself more than a few times and as such found herself humming while she poured the mead next, and the Ale. The Ale came from the barrel smoothly building up to a nice head of foam. She turned the cup around and looked at it proudly. She'd been experimenting with it to get that foam just right. She gestured to the array of drinks in front of the three men. "Do be honest with me. I always look for ways to improve." She said almost in tune with the music. A silly habit but one she's come to terms with.
When Nemo spoke about his brotherhood, the monk tried to keep up with what the male was saying, displaying a slight bewildered expression while hearing him speak in a distant manner. "I see...if you do recall...I would not mind listening of the tales of what was shared there." He smirked not minding sharing experiences with Nemo.

With the soothing music and the experience with taking in the fine drinks that were prepared by the host, Tio figured he could let his new acquaintance indulge a bit through his expense. "Be my guest, since you're taking time to share in conversation, I do not mind sharing a cup." He smirked. He felt it was appropriate to do such a thing, drink and have a wholesome conversation. It has been a while since having a peaceful moment to just sit back and enjoy oneself.

With the next rounds coming forth, The foamy ale, the pink looking wine from the clear bottle which left both brothers wondering about it. Not the color but it did seem to have something special about it. Nevertheless, they were going to sample that as well. After finishing the purple drink and continuing with his meal and finishing the bread, Tio would nod. "Well the food is something better than what I've had for some time now. And your drinks...are different but they are good. I'm not used to drinking fruity types but it's something that's growing on me." he said as he tried the Fae wine. Barasa finally spoke. "What would you say is your strongest brand?" He asked her.

Tio looked over once again. "If Nemo would like another drink, I will put it on my coin." Now the fae wine was definitely different, was it...magic infused? That's what was on the mind of TIo as he continued to enjoy the flavor and the now floaty feeling he was starting to experience.
Diana's grin was infectious, though the libations might have had an impact on that as well. Nemo pulled off his cloak and balled it up on the seat next to him. The musicians started another song, one that their host seemed familiar with, and Nemo found himself wagging his foot to the rhythm. With his armor on and his feet still sore from his long journey, he wasn't ready to do anything more than that, but the night was still young.

He sipped the pink fae wine and rolled it across his palate. After he swallowed, he steepled his scarred fingertips in front of his face and fixed Diana with a long and searching stare, as if he had some criticism to give her. When he spoke, however, he could not conceal his smile. "Ne'er have I tasted a drink its equal. Is it thy creation, mistress?" He sampled the other drinks as he polished off the rest of his meal, but the fae wine was his favorite by far. "I enjoy a sweeter sip than most," he admitted. Maybe he wouldn't need to take his armor off after all--he was beginning to feel remarkably light. It seemed as though a strong breeze would be enough to blow him right out of his seat and onto the floor to dance. Tio's request for her strongest drink made his brows loft, and he watched her with obvious interest. "My unending gratitude to thee, good sir," he said to the monk.
Diana turned quickly at the praise from Nemo regarding her drinks. Her muted pink skirts flaring slightly with the movement. She used it as an excuse to grab her strongest drinks for Barasa. "Those are all my own brews Nemo. They Fae wine is the strongest in effect while the ale has the strongest flavor profile. The Fae wine though, it is imbued with a touch of magic. Nothing fancy or dangerous mind you, but it gives a..." she paused, "floaty effect when drank, or if you're more like me, it makes you..." she blushed grabbing the bottles as she found them. "Well, it makes me want to dance... spiritedly."

The bottles she grabbed had well-made labels, readable from a distance, Rashamaar Firewine, Elverquest, and Dwarven Firebrandy. "I have these here, for a real kick. Not many can handle more than a single cup." she set them down one by one. "They're a bit more expensive since these are a tad rare too." she looked back to her shelf searching, "But, if you want something priced reasonably that will still have you conked good and well into the morning tomorrow, I recommend" she ran her finger along the bottles and barrels, "Ah, Dragon's breath. A simple enough beer. But the name is likened to its strength." she held out the firewine, and the dragon's breath. "These are the most reasonably priced." she looked back to Nemo, who was tapping his foot. She made a rapped at the floor with her foot again, a sure sign she was summoning the serving girls again. More patron's entered now, tables filling up a bit. A black haired and black-eyed human girl came from the kitchen and Diana signed for her to stoke the fire and have the guests tended to.

Moderators: Dianella Ilmare (played by LadyCrow27)