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The morning light cast beams through the casement windows lining the large hall that was full of dancing the eve before. The soft clatter of food being prepared came from the kitchen. The first few patrons coming down the stairs from a night of good rest. Diana hadn't been up long herself, the serving girls and cook taking on most of the mornings work. The slightly bitter roasted smell of kaeth mixed in an intoxicating fassion with sautéed peppers in various colors, onions, butter, and eggs. All rolled around tender brisket to make hearty omlettes, covered in a peppery crema, and with a few slices of buttery green pear imported from Chult fanned over the delicious meal. Another scent floated at the top, buttery, yeasty, and so warm. The vanilla and caramel notes of that mouthwatering aroma danced throughout the room. Savory and sweet smells applenty. The dishes were served to patrons as thy took their seats. A complimentary breakfast for those who'd spent their night and coin at the Inn already. Glowing bits of dust shimmered in the beams of light as the quiet morning of business began.

Breakfast Options:


The morning came and with it, new energy. And, more potential work, but such a thing would come much later, if anyone sought such services out from the wandering warrior.

For now, he required rest. He'd traveled on foot for so long, mainly because most other forms of transportation were not designed with someone as big as him in mind. The towering beastfolk followed his nose, the scent he'd picked up having lead him to a rather quaint looking tavern. As he stood near the door, is feline-like nose scrunched up at the prospect of having to socialize. It was never his strong suit, by any means, but it was going to be necessary quite soon.

His three vulpine tails flicked anxiously and he adjusted parts of his armor - out of a nervous habit - before finally pushing the door open and entering. His tall, furred ears swiveling about, keeping on higher alert.
Diana looked up at the front door opening, she rarely had guests show up during the morning hours. What she saw silhouetted by the sunrise outside was a large humanoid creature, dark hair on one side, and light on the other, with soft tufts of what looked to be fur around foxlike ears protruding from their head. They were dressed in a combination of furs and fine-looking clothes, and taller than any man or woman. The ears twitched and turned listening to the room. "Welcome," she called out with a small wave of her hand, "Can I get you some breakfast?" she asked softly, maintaining a welcoming smile for this large newcommer.
After having quite a night and getting the much needed rest, Tio found himself out of his room early, coming to see if Lady Diana was present but at the time before she made her way out, he decided to head outside of the tavern to get his morning started with a few exercises to start his morning off and a moment of meditation. Just his typical routine in the morning. It was rather interesting his brother was not up yet. Perhaps he was rather tired. Tio would soon smell the aroma of the food that was filling his nostrils, opening an eye from for a moment with a smirk. But his attention went towards a towering beastly figure that came up towards the tavern. The monk didn't feel any malice but he stayed quiet watching the figure enter.

Barasa on the other hand was just getting up shortly after Diana joined her girls and prepping breakfast. Barasa came out, looking around the common room and soon enough headed to Tio's room not to hear an answer from him but yet traveled back to the main dining area taking in the mouth watering scent of what was made. "Morning." he said to anyone that would hear. He'd take a seat not realizing Tio was walking right back into the inn to meet with his brother. Barasa also realized Diana speaking to a new larger being that entered the establishment.
It was a wonder how he’d made it to a different plane of existence, but as he had, he thought it would be an excellent opportunity to see how other worlds handled the lodging business—and his evening was thoroughly enlightening. The rooms themselves were quite unlike anything he’d ever seen, but that was the brilliance of it.

After layering his hanfu robes, and putting on his fur cloak, he then pulled his brown hair up to secure a gold and jade hairpiece.

Leaving his room, he made his way down the stairs, only to caught a strange sight—an unusual huli jing—however his eyes lingered for only a few moments as the smell of breakfast was both strange and enticing.

Taking a seat at an unoccupied table, he had a rather lengthy conversation about the breakfast options, as both were completely foreign to him. However, he settled on the sweet option in the end.

There were only a handful of patrons downstairs, though it was first thing in the morning. Perhaps the others would trickle downstairs as he ate.
The massive, armored beastman looked rather out of his element, and his gaze moved from one patron to the next before settling back on Dianella. After another moment of him trying to decide on what words he wanted to use, he made up his mind, and settled on a more simple, direct approach. His heavy accent very apparent when he spoke up.

"..Yes. Do you have anything for those who prefer seafood?"
Diana smiled warmly, "I do have some wonderful fish, do you prefer it raw or cooked?" she asked the beastly figure. A serving girl came through the kitchen with a warm pastry drizzled with a white icing. She carried it over to the man sitting at the table. He wore a robe, with a cross-collar design elegantly overlapping on his chest, and a fur cloak over his shoulders. Diana gave a nod of gratitude to the girl when she went back into the kitchen after serving the man his food. She glanced at Barasa and nodded to him as well. Then she turned back to the new guest before her. "Would you like anything with the fish, like eggs or rice?" she added still smiling.
It had been months since Nemo had slept so soundly. Not a whisper could be heard from the exhausted fellow during his slumber, except perhaps a faint snoring. Normally Nemo was an early riser, but thorough and meticulous exhaustion had him sleeping in.

When he did come stumbling downstairs, he was still tying the sash around his kaftan and pulling a comb through his hair. "Mistress Diana," he called, following his nose towards the kitchen in hopes of finding her. "Pray forgive my late rising! I was ah ... hm ..." He cleared his throat and trailed off, then readjusted his composure. His eyes trailed over the two folks in the tavern he didn't recognize before sliding back to the drow. "Grammercy again for permitting me to w...ork for my keep, mistress. What errand wouldst thou have me do first?"
"Good 'morrow Nemo," she answered with a wink, "I'm glad you slept well, if you go find Marie, blonde hair, permanent scowl," she demonstrated briefly, "She will get you sorted after you enjoy some breakfast. I will need plenty of wood for dinner this evening to be sure." Diana looked back to the kitchen door and rung her hands on the crisp clean apron around her waist. Her ginger hair swished as she turned, lilac eyes peering through the opening that showed the kitchen slightly. "I think she's in there." she added before turning back and smiled. "Don't overdo it, Marie can be a taskmaster." she said with a small chuckle, and turning back to the customer in front of her.
He pondered the choice silently - he was rather fond of both raw and cooked in the way of fish..

"I would like for it to be cooked, thank you. As for the eggs..those can be left raw, spread over top of the fish. I will pass on the rice." He gives a brief, but respectful and thankful bow of his head.

With his meal requested, his newest ordeal was finding a seat that allowed for as much quiet as possible, and that was even quicker to establish than he had anticipated. Finally, he found a spot he could truly rest for the while. His remaining good eye continued to scan his surroundings and the other patrons whilst he waited.
The man beamed—the pastry looked incredible. Quite unlike anything he’s ever seen. And, with the first bite, it was definitely unlike anything he’s ever tasted. While he was trying to enjoy it, he was also trying to pick apart the flavors.

The trip was an educational one, and Diana was the instructor whether she realized it or not. Thus, Xiao Se was very intently watching her interact with staff and patron alike.

Reaching into his robes, he pulled out a silver tael, which should easily cover the cost of the meal and then some, and placed it on the table. He didn’t want to get distracted and forget, after all. While he was aware it was complementary, those working the kitchen deserved something extra for their efforts.

Meanwhile, he couldn’t help but raise his brow when the patron passed on rice. It was at that moment he wondered if that was a perfectly normal preference. Honestly, he never thought rice was optional. Well, he supposed noodles were the other option, so it technically was optional. Very technically.
Diana nodded to the patron and watched them find a seat. Then she set a serving girl with short cropped black hair to watch the bar as she went to prepare the order herself. She seared the fish crisping up the skin. The buttery juices flowed as the fish went from its bright coral-pink hue to a more subdued and opaque version she added some seasonings, nothing too strong just a touch of salt and pepper. Once it was don't she plated it and cracked to large eggs, one blue and one brown. The eggs settles slightly with the heat from the salmon, and otherwise stayed nice and raw. She took the plate and walked it outside with a large cup of water. When she came through she smiled approaching the being. "I hope this is okay." She said setting the plate and cup down, "If you'd like something aside from water just let me know." She walked around to her other patrons, asking after their meals, and nights rest.

"Good morning," She said with a slight bow, based on this gentleman's clothing she thought he might be from somewhere in Kara-Tur, the people of Shoull Lung dressed in robes very similar to the mans, and though her time on the continent of Kara-Tur was long ago she remember that it was considered respectful to bow when greeting guests. Many innkeeps had done so when greeting her at least. She felt a bit awkward at it but did so anyway.
Really, it was the effort that counted. Xiao Se reciprocated with a polite seated clasped opened-handed salute. “Good morning. I’m impressed with your inn’s service, by the way. I’m in the same industry,” he beamed. “Actually—and obviously you’re busy at the moment—but I was wondering if you’d be interested in a recipe exchange. Though perhaps I’m getting ahead of myself. I’m Xiao Se.”

While he wasn’t from Kara-Tur, everyone on the street assumed he was, so there was obviously something to that assumption. At this point, when asked, he began to wonder if he should just say that he was.
Who said a new day, he would say, possible opportunity today.

But for what? Adventures, heading downstairs fast as he could smell the food, he had no ideas how he ended in this place, it’s a big mystery by itself.

He was looking lost here, and yet, he was hungry.

"Do you have one more seat? I can pay, of course, money or music, i can do both, and what happened..?"

He cleared his throat and tried to focus on that feast instead, did someone brought him here?
Diana smiled, "It's nice to meet you, I am Dianella, but you may call me Diana." She took a breath and looked around the Inn, "I appreciate your kind words, in truth the inn only runs so well thanks to the help i have." she answered. When asked about a recipe exchanged she beamed. She held up a single finger, as if to ask for just a moment "I would love to exchange recipes, I haven't been to the continent for many years, and I very much loved the food and culture." she waited for his response and afterwards would turn on her heels and look behind the counter for a pen and some paper. She came back with a pen of crystal, a soft, ethereal light emanating from the tip. She carried no ink, and instead sat down in front of the man, and began writing the recipe for her signature hand pie, Lunar Delight. She detailed the ingredients for the crust, the filling, even the egg wash she brushed on. She then wrote detailed instructions, how thick to roll the dough out, and how to shape the pies into their noteworthy crescent moon shapes. When she was done, she added a few notes, some optional additions, and exclusions, even a few replacements. She looked the recipe over, nodding periodically as she read her own words, and smiled. She waved the paper to dry the magical ink and then passed it over to Xiao Se. "I do hope you enjoy that; I made the recipe myself." she smiled and held out the pen and another sheet of paper, if he took the pen he would notice a warmth, and a thrumming beat, like the pen itself was alive. If he examined the paper, she had written on he would notice the color of ink varied. An enchanting bit of glasswork, that altered its ink based on the person using its emotions.

A dwarf came down and made a show of offering to pay for his seat, and Diana was about to let him know there were many seats spread about the room, and any that were open he was welcome to, but then he paused, and a look of confusion passed over his features. "Are you okay?" Diana asked across the room to him.

(Will post a detailed, real recipe in the introduction section for those interested!)
Dianella Ilmare wrote:
Diana smiled, "It's nice to meet you, I am Dianella, but you may call me Diana." She took a breath and looked around the Inn, "I appreciate your kind words, in truth the inn only runs so well thanks to the help i have." she answered. When asked about a recipe exchanged she beamed. She held up a single finger, as if to ask for just a moment "I would love to exchange recipes, I haven't been to the continent for many years, and I very much loved the food and culture." she waited for his response and afterwards would turn on her heels and look behind the counter for a pen and some paper. She came back with a pen of crystal, a soft, ethereal light emanating from the tip. She carried no ink, and instead sat down in front of the man, and began writing the recipe for her signature hand pie, Lunar Delight. She detailed the ingredients for the crust, the filling, even the egg wash she brushed on. She then wrote detailed instructions, how thick to roll the dough out, and how to shape the pies into their noteworthy crescent moon shapes. When she was done, she added a few notes, some optional additions, and exclusions, even a few replacements. She looked the recipe over, nodding periodically as she read her own words, and smiled. She waved the paper to dry the magical ink and then passed it over to Xiao Se. "I do hope you enjoy that; I made the recipe myself." she smiled and held out the pen and another sheet of paper, if he took the pen he would notice a warmth, and a thrumming beat, like the pen itself was alive. If he examined the paper, she had written on he would notice the color of ink varied. An enchanting bit of glasswork, that altered its ink based on the person using its emotions.

A dwarf came down and made a show of offering to pay for his seat, and Diana was about to let him know there were many seats spread about the room, and any that were open he was welcome to, but then he paused, and a look of confusion passed over his features. "Are you okay?" Diana asked across the room to him.

(Will post a detailed, real recipe in the introduction section for those interested!)

"If i am okay? I guess, i was fighting in company of my friend, and then, i.."

The confusion was real, he knew that his friend isn’t someone to worry about, unlike himself.

"And then, i don’t know, but i must say.. That Inn is a very good one, got a good bed, and.. It looked familiar to me.."
Peewit wrote:
Dianella Ilmare wrote:
Diana smiled, "It's nice to meet you, I am Dianella, but you may call me Diana." She took a breath and looked around the Inn, "I appreciate your kind words, in truth the inn only runs so well thanks to the help i have." she answered. When asked about a recipe exchanged she beamed. She held up a single finger, as if to ask for just a moment "I would love to exchange recipes, I haven't been to the continent for many years, and I very much loved the food and culture." she waited for his response and afterwards would turn on her heels and look behind the counter for a pen and some paper. She came back with a pen of crystal, a soft, ethereal light emanating from the tip. She carried no ink, and instead sat down in front of the man, and began writing the recipe for her signature hand pie, Lunar Delight. She detailed the ingredients for the crust, the filling, even the egg wash she brushed on. She then wrote detailed instructions, how thick to roll the dough out, and how to shape the pies into their noteworthy crescent moon shapes. When she was done, she added a few notes, some optional additions, and exclusions, even a few replacements. She looked the recipe over, nodding periodically as she read her own words, and smiled. She waved the paper to dry the magical ink and then passed it over to Xiao Se. "I do hope you enjoy that; I made the recipe myself." she smiled and held out the pen and another sheet of paper, if he took the pen he would notice a warmth, and a thrumming beat, like the pen itself was alive. If he examined the paper, she had written on he would notice the color of ink varied. An enchanting bit of glasswork, that altered its ink based on the person using its emotions.

A dwarf came down and made a show of offering to pay for his seat, and Diana was about to let him know there were many seats spread about the room, and any that were open he was welcome to, but then he paused, and a look of confusion passed over his features. "Are you okay?" Diana asked across the room to him.

(Will post a detailed, real recipe in the introduction section for those interested!)

"If i am okay? I guess, i was fighting in company of my friend, and then, i.."

The confusion was real, he knew that his friend isn’t someone to worry about, unlike himself.

"And then, i don’t know, but i must say.. That Inn is a very good one, got a good bed, and.. It looked familiar to me.."

He had no ideas why, but he decided to dissmiss that to focus on the breakfast, it looked like a paradise to him.

He took a seat.

"Can i dig in that food too?"
“A lovely name—Diana, then, as I’ve heard most here call you by such,” he said with a soft sound of amusement. When she praised her staff, he smiled, “Certainly an understatement—your staff is skilled indeed.”

Her writing instrument was unlike anything he had seen—really, he assumed such things were reserved for the immortals and fairies in heaven, though perhaps Diana was a fairy.

Once he took the page, he admired the ink—and, assuming the ink really was magical and he could read the script, he’d take a look at it with curiosity.

“Thank you, Diana. As for my reciprocity, is there anything specific you’re interested in? Sweets? Tea? A traditional meal?” After a moment he remembered, pulling out a gourd from his sleeve, “I do have this, though. I do not know the recipe aside from basic ingredients, however if you have anyone who can deduce things from taste, it’s yours.” It was a wine made from wild grapes, hawthorn, rice and honey. He also pulled a small wrapped package filled with enough tea leaves for one pot, and offered it to her as well. “This is an exquisite tea, you can keep it.”

It seemed that Diana was in the business of letting people work off their stay. If he couldn’t find a way home, he might need to do much the same. “Also, and this is rather embarrassing, I don’t know how I found my way here. I have enough silver taels to last some time, however I’ll likely need to find some manner of employment soon. I can cook, I’m a legendary accountant, and I can play the guqin and dizi, though I have neither on me at the moment.”
"Thank you." Another polite nod of his head is directed to Dianella as his meal is given over to him and a huge part of him was beyond - albeit silently - grateful that it was properly cooked. His last meal had been something an acquaintance had made, and accidentally butchered for him. Sure, the artificer had without a doubt meant well, but the large warrior had hoped that the other man had kept his talents to working on his tech since that ordeal.

As hungry as he was, he took his time to eat now that he was in the presence of others. Proper etiquette and the like, or whatever it was that they had called it.
He waited for a little, and he took a plate.

Humming a little while he did so, he took some food and started to eat, he looked shocked, but, it’s so good.

Then again, he love food a lot.

"Hm, a little paradise.. It’s.. Delightful."

Moderators: Dianella Ilmare (played by LadyCrow27)