Anzola Zanotta, being a Want Ad, also offers the other family members as either NPCs or as Want Ads as well. This is a well-developed character, but items can be changed based upon Admin approval
Anzola Zanotta

19 / Tavern Maid / Merchants / Single / Tamla Kari
❖ The Basics ❖
❖ Character Name: Anzola Zanotta
19 / Tavern Maid / Merchants / Single / Tamla Kari
❖ The Basics ❖
❖ Nick Names: Zola
❖ Titles/Occupation: Tavern Maid
❖ Character Age: nineteen (19)
❖ Character Gender: Female
❖ Character Sexuality: Heterosexual
❖ Play by/Face Claim: Tamla Kari
❖ Appearance ❖
Anzola Zanotta is a small woman, no taller 165.1cm (5'5”). Her hair is long and auburn, her skin is pale olive and her eyes shimmers between sky blue and deep green, depending on her mood. She is normally dressed in a bar-wench outfit consisting of a white blouse, a black low-cut waist that lifts up her bosom and a long, dark skirt with a white apron. She wears a pair of shoes of the simplest materials.
❖ Personality ❖
Zola may be a small woman, but she has a BIG mouth. Anything that can be protested to will be protested to. She hates to be put to work washing dishes and serving beer and other tasks women are often put to do, and her frustration comes out in sarcastic comments and a rough-edged sense of humor. She is brave and daring - perhaps a tad too daring, and may easily find herself in trouble. If a drunk customer at the bar gets grabby she may go ballistic. Keep all heavy trays away from her when she gets mad or she may break them over the heads of the unfortunate victims of her wrath. Zola is street-smart, but she also knows how to read or write. How else will she run her tavern and take orders from the guests? She is stronger than she looks, thanks to her hard work in the family Inn called “The Drunken Duck”, or "L' Anatra Ubriaca”; and she takes great care and is accurate with the work she does. She may seem like a show off, but she is loyal to death when it comes to her friends and her family.❖ Likes ❖
❖ To stay alive;
❖ Days without work - they are too few;
❖ Nice men - they are also too few;
❖ Travels, on the rare occasions this can happen;
❖ Sword-fights; especially when the men fighting are strong and handsome;
❖ Shooting a pistol;
❖ Dislikes ❖
❖ Drunk and/or grabby customers;
❖ Her brother Flavio Zanotta;
❖ Dishwashing;
❖ Potato peeling;
❖ Being put to domestic work just because she is a woman;
❖ Hopes ❖
❖ That one day a strong, handsome knight in a shining armor will swipe her off her feet and save her from a fate worse than death - the dirty dishes;
❖ That Flavio one day will grow a pair of balls and start making himself useful. Of course she knows that this will never happen;
❖ To travel and see the world. This will probably never happen either;
❖ Some peace and quiet. The inn is always so crowded;
❖ A world where women will be equal to men and the cleaning of dirty dishes will be taken over by machines. This will NEVER EVER happen - at least not in my time;
❖ Traits ❖
❖ Skills ❖
❖ Serving guests with a smile no matter how foul their mood;
❖ Cooking and cleaning - the usual work done in a family inn like ours;
❖ Knows how to read and write and do mathematics - at least enough to make sure the guests do not cheat with their tavern bills;
❖ Extremely good at gutting fishes (and threatening to do the same with grabby guests);
❖ Strengths ❖
❖ Don't let my petite form fool you - I am strong for a girl my age. At least I have something in return for all that work at the family inn;
❖ I am good at reading and writing - which is a bonus when I am serving the guests. I write down their orders so I don't mess up, and they are pleased when they get what they ordered;
❖ No matter how dark the future may look I refuse to give up. One day I will get out of here;
❖ I don't know if it is a strength - but I have a very strong will. Stubborn as a mule, just like my father;
❖ Weakness ❖
❖ My temper - unfortunately. When it gets the best of me I tend to speak or act without thinking;
❖ Sometimes I can be too spontaneous. Not very good when you try to run an inn - trust me!;
❖ I get extremely weak in my knees if I see a handsome man in a uniform;
❖ My father says that my unwillingness to be ordered around is also a weakness *Humph*;
❖ Relationships ❖
❖ Spouse❖
❖ None; but hopeful someday;
❖ Lovers ❖
❖ No, but I would ne’r tell if I did;
❖ Children ❖
❖ No, not yet, but someday hopefully;
❖ Allies❖
❖ My family and my childhood crush Dante. Please don't tell him that I had a crush on him. I fear it would go to his head;
❖ Enemies ❖
❖ Enemies? That's a bit too harsh - but dislikes? I don't like how my brother Flavio steals from the family till, goes out in the night to drink and sleep with women of ill reputation;
Anzola Zannotta was born as the 7th child of the innkeeper Ludovico Zannotta and his wife Lucia. Most of her brothers and sisters have married or found work elsewhere and have left the nest. Only a couple older brothers have remained and they are Emilia's co-workers.
The Zannotta family are locals from Venezia and have run their inn for at least 50 years, if not more. The "L’ Anatra Ubriaca” is located in San Polo of Venice, where the Grand Canal floated peacefully below the Rialto bridge and the street named Riva del Vin stretched between Fondamenta vin Castello and Rialto Azzurra; and when guests enter the front doors of L’ Anatra Ubriaca, it is Papa Ludovico who receives them, as the Master of the House. He is the one who receives the payment, who rents out the rooms, and manages the overall nature of the business.
Mama Lucia is the chef of the kitchen, serving tasty Venetian dishes for people of more... modest... price range. It also happens that wealthy people venture here, as they enjoy an inexpensive and tasty meal as well as the next person. The Inn is clean and the prices are reasonable. Zola and Mama Lucia are the ones cooking, cleaning, washing the dishes and doing all the domestic work. When they have house-guests, Mama is the one in the kitchen while Zola is serving the drinks - much grudgingly so.
In spite of her short stature, Anzola is a brave girl. She dreams of running away from home and experiencing battles, adventures, romance! Anything but potato peeling and scrubbing of floors!
When Zola was 16 years old, she thought she had found the love of her life in the neighbor's son Peppino. But Peppino joined the army and sailed away with the fleet, and she never saw him again. Later, she heard from a guest at the inn that Peppino had moved to Murano and married the daughter of a Muranois innkeeper.
Something died in Zola's heart that day. Oh, she is still working at L’ Anatra Ubriaca, serving drinks and talking to the customers; but never again will she trust a man with her heart. …
Until she meets Dante !!!...
❖ Família Zanotta❖
Ludovico Zanotta - 60 years old, born and raised in Venezia. Has helped his father running L’ Anatra Ubriaca since he was a boy - except from a few years where he did obligatory military service and was rewarded for his courage in battle. Tall and strong, Dark hair with silver stripes. Has a kind face and mild, brown eyes. Laughs a lot - fiercely in love with his wife Lucia.
Lucia Zanotta, nee Rebelo - 58 years old, also born and raised in Venezia. Came to seek work as a cook at L’ Anatra Ubriaca in her early teens, fell in love with Ludovico and married him. While she in her youth was blonde and slender with bright blue eyes, she has over years with good food become more obese. Kindhearted woman who always have food to spare with the less fortunate. Those who can't afford to pay for a meal or a room are always offered to work in return for their keep. Devoted wife and mother, loving her family and her work.
Bartolomeu and Rafael Zanotta - Twin brothers, 40 years old. The firstborn sons of Ludovico and Lucia. While they grew up as small runners full of pranks, they are today responsible family men and helps in running L’ Anatra Ubriaca when needed. Rafael also partially spends his time serving in the Royal army.
Julieta Coelho and Margarida Pimentel - 38 years old and twins. Married into families outside Venezia and no longer live in town. Comes to visit family in Venezia now and then, bringing their families with them.
Francesco Zanotta - 26 years old. Zola's favorite brother, and the brother who is in charge of the L’ Anatra Ubriaca when Papa and the older brothers are gone in military service or on other errands. Zola loves to tease him and pull pranks on him, and he also pulls pranks on her, but Zola would kill anyone who tried to actually hurt him... He is the one who gave her the nickname "Baixinha" which means "shorty".
Flávio Zanotta - 23 years old. Less reliable than Francisco, as he drinks and sometimes steals money from the till. He loves to bully his little sister, and to give her the blame for what he does wrong. Perhaps this is why Zola has always looked to Francisco for protection. Flávio has a dangerous temper which he often takes out on his sister. Jealous of Francisco because Ludovico wisely trusts Francisco more than Flávio.
Moderators: Playerfiles Alix Maria Tradonico (played anonymously)