In this want ad, for basically open, but This Courtesan has some stories that need to be along with Signore Dominic Caresini, a master builder and inventor with the Arsenale. Plus she owns the Croce Appannata
The courtesan's name and app information is merely a suggestion and is Player's Choice, and can be changed except the FC.
❖ Appearance ❖
Delicately formed in face and fairness, copper curls always sensuously tousled, a smile to die for, Eyes just the color of frozen seawater... and a mouth always seemingly kiss-bruised;
❖ Personality ❖
I have a way of making men desire me, and women befriend me, appearing almost quirky and ditzy at some times, but don’t let the ruse fool you, I am a businesswoman despite my tender heart and quick laugh. I am like a puzzle box, with many layers and locks... no one will know the true heart of the Flame.
❖ Hopes ❖
❖ To become the most Famous, or Infamous, Madam in the Empire
❖ To one day have a real family and children (but would never tell anyone this )
❖ Likes ❖
❖ money;
❖ power;
❖ security;
❖ men;
❖ citrus;
❖ Dislikes ❖
❖ Domesticity;
❖ Red wine;
❖ Red Roses;
❖ Sadists;
❖ Skills ❖
❖ ambidextrous;
❖ excellent swordswoman;
❖ experienced equestrian;
❖ womanly charms;
❖ Strengths ❖
❖ possesses a deep insight into people’s nature;
❖ intellectual;
❖ a literário (those who love, read, and comment on literature);
❖ pillow-talk politics;
❖ Weakness ❖
❖ soft, intelligent, and self-assured females;
❖ if pushed too far, a hothead; self-detrimental to the person and those around her;
❖ passionate in nature;
❖ Spouse❖
❖ None as yet, though nobility requires an heir;
❖ Lovers ❖
❖ Of course, this is Venezia;
❖ Children ❖
❖ None, yet;
❖ Allies❖
❖ Gaetano Giustiniani
❖ The Corazzieri
❖ Doge Alvise I
❖ Enemies ❖
❖ Giovanni d’Foscari
❖ The Red Guard
❖ Lucca Arcasian
The courtesan's name and app information is merely a suggestion and is Player's Choice, and can be changed except the FC.
❖ Character Name ❖
22 / Cortigana Onesta / Bisexual / Laura Haddock

❖ The Basics ❖
Nickname: The Flame22 / Cortigana Onesta / Bisexual / Laura Haddock

❖ The Basics ❖
❖ Appearance ❖
Delicately formed in face and fairness, copper curls always sensuously tousled, a smile to die for, Eyes just the color of frozen seawater... and a mouth always seemingly kiss-bruised;
❖ Personality ❖
I have a way of making men desire me, and women befriend me, appearing almost quirky and ditzy at some times, but don’t let the ruse fool you, I am a businesswoman despite my tender heart and quick laugh. I am like a puzzle box, with many layers and locks... no one will know the true heart of the Flame.
❖ Hopes ❖
❖ To become the most Famous, or Infamous, Madam in the Empire
❖ To one day have a real family and children (but would never tell anyone this )
❖ Likes ❖
❖ money;
❖ power;
❖ security;
❖ men;
❖ citrus;
❖ Dislikes ❖
❖ Domesticity;
❖ Red wine;
❖ Red Roses;
❖ Sadists;
❖ Traits ❖
❖ Skills ❖
❖ ambidextrous;
❖ excellent swordswoman;
❖ experienced equestrian;
❖ womanly charms;
❖ Strengths ❖
❖ possesses a deep insight into people’s nature;
❖ intellectual;
❖ a literário (those who love, read, and comment on literature);
❖ pillow-talk politics;
❖ Weakness ❖
❖ soft, intelligent, and self-assured females;
❖ if pushed too far, a hothead; self-detrimental to the person and those around her;
❖ passionate in nature;
❖ Relationships ❖
❖ Spouse❖
❖ None as yet, though nobility requires an heir;
❖ Lovers ❖
❖ Of course, this is Venezia;
❖ Children ❖
❖ None, yet;
❖ Allies❖
❖ Gaetano Giustiniani
❖ The Corazzieri
❖ Doge Alvise I
❖ Enemies ❖
❖ Giovanni d’Foscari
❖ The Red Guard
❖ Lucca Arcasian
❖ History ❖
Xxxxxx is a mystery a puzzle to be solved, some think she was French, others say she came from Farming Village in the mountains of the Veneto, still others say she is a Disgraced Jewess...but what is known of her to be true and rumour, are just such... Stories far too sad to tell, of a young girl sold by destitute parents to a Villain, a devil disguised as a Saint... Who had a taste for young girls with beautiful voices... a Small child singing a funeral song for a dead starling...who fate put in the path of a madman... the story of how she survived and vaulted into Riches, Prominence and Infamy have yet to be revealed...
Croce Appannata
(The Tarnished Cross)
(The Tarnished Cross)
Residence & Business:

Unlike the grand Palazzo Columba in Rome... Croce Appannata (The Tarnished Cross) is a simple, narrow palazzo with three floors, located in Venezia’s Sestieri Dorsoduro. The building faces the small tributary that passes the building front, and accommodates a small landing for embarking the gondola for vessel access to the Grand Canal.
The portal of the palazzo is made of Istrian marble, in a rectangular shape, surmounted by Borromini's false-perspective windows on its perimeter, decorated with checkered patterns.
The ground floor is used as a lobby for arriving guests and business transactions, or venue to the bath area;
and the *piani nobili* (noble floors) on the top two floors; with...
--- The second floor is used for formal entertaining; specifically, in the great hall, situated with finer views, especially on the largest bend of the Grand Canal; and more practically to avoid the dampness and odors of the street level with its larger windows and balconies and open loggias; and smaller rooms for more personal and intimate discussions; and...
--- The third floor is strictly for private use, with large bedrooms, often connected by ornate doors.
The rear of the building has a garden known as a giardino segreto ("secret garden"), for its concealment from an outsider's view.
Moderators: Playerfiles Alix Maria Tradonico (played anonymously)