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The Venetian Government

❖ --- Doge ~ Alvise Mocenigo I; FC: Peter EyreWant Ad: TBD (TBD) – AVAILABLE

❖❖ --- Dogressa ~ Loredana Marcello; FC: Player's ChoiceWant Ad: TBD (TBD) – AVAILABLE

❖❖❖ --- Issue of the Doge:
❖❖❖❖ --- Daughter ~Liliana Mocenigo; – available

❖❖❖❖ --- Herald ~ Name TBD; – AVAILABLE
❖❖❖❖ --- Messenger ~ Name(s) TBD; – AVAILABLE
❖❖❖❖ --- Pages ~ Name(s) TBD; – AVAILABLE


Serenissima Signoria
Signoria of Venice consists of:

Doge ~ Alvise Mocenigo I; FC: Peter EyreWant Ad: TBD (TBD) – AVAILABLE

Minore Consiglio (Minor Council) ~ (6 advisors):
❖ --- Consigliera Ducali: Name TBD; FC: Player's ChoiceAVAILABLE
❖ --- Consigliera Ducali: RINALDO d'ESTE; FC: Guilo Maria BerrutiTAKEN by William
❖ --- Consigliera Ducali: Name TBD; FC: Player's ChoiceAVAILABLE
❖ --- Consigliera Ducali: Name TBD; FC: Player's ChoiceAVAILABLE
❖ --- Consigliera Ducali: Name TBD; FC: Player's ChoiceAVAILABLE
❖ --- Consigliera Ducali: Name TBD; FC: Player's ChoiceAVAILABLE

Tribunale di Quarantia (Tribunal Heads – 3 prime members)
❖ --- Provveditore Generale degli Affari Militari ~ Enrico de Parma; FC: Hugo SpeerWant Ad: TBD (TBD), (Superintendent General of for Military Affairs favors / advises / commands the Reggimento Corazzieri);

❖ -- Criminale di Quarantia ~ Name TBD; FC: Player's ChoiceAVAILABLE
(Chief Criminal Prosecutor; sits with the Doge and Minor Council)
❖❖❖❖ --- Avogadori de Comùn ~ Name TBD; FC: Player's ChoiceAVAILABLE
(Criminal Prosecutor; also assists in the interests and defense of the nobility)

❖ -- Civil di Quarantia ~ Name TBD; FC: Player's ChoiceAVAILABLE
(Senior Judge for Court of Appeal from Venetian courts and sentences from Venetian Governors and Deputies to examine external appeals)
❖❖❖❖ --- Auditori Vecchi alle Sentenze ~ Name TBD; FC: Player's ChoiceAVAILABLE
(Appellate Judge reviewing state appeals)
❖❖❖❖ --- Auditori Nuovissimi ~ Name TBD; FC: Player's ChoiceAVAILABLE
(Appellate Judge reviewing matters involving minors)


❖ Maggior Consiglio ❖
(Major Council)
This is the highest political body of the Republic and met in a special large room in the Doge's Palace to create laws and elect the Council of Ten. Participation is a hereditary and exclusive right of the patrician families enrolled in the Libo d’Oro (Golden Book of the Venetian nobility). Maximum size of 2746 members.)

Consiglio dei Dieci (Council of Ten)

❖ --- State Inquisitors (tribunal of three (3) judges chosen from among its members to deal with threats to state security)
❖❖❖ --- Il Rosso ~ Rinaldo d'Este; FC: Guilo Berruti – TAKEN by William
("the red one", because of his scarlet robe) was first chosen from the Doge's councilors;
❖❖❖❖❖ --- Bocche dei Leoni (lion's mouths; Informants;
❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖ --- Informant 1 ~ Name TBD; FC: Player's ChoiceAVAILABLE
❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖ --- Informant 2 ~ Name TBD; FC: Player's ChoiceAVAILABLE
❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖ --- Informant 3 ~ Name TBD; FC: Player's ChoiceAVAILABLE

❖❖❖ --- I Prima Negra ~ Name TBD; FC: Player's ChoiceAVAILABLE
("the first black one", because of his black robe) was chosen second from the Minor Consiglio
❖❖❖ --- I Seccondo Negra ~ Name TBD; FC: Player's ChoiceAVAILABLE
("the second black one", because of his black robe) was chosen from the Consiglio dei Dieci (Council of Ten)

❖ --- Magistrato alle Acque ~ Name TBD; FC: Player's ChoiceAVAILABLE
(advisory magistrate for the waters)
❖ --- Provveditori ai Beni Inculti ~ Name TBD; FC: Player's ChoiceAVAILABLE
(supervise the land reclamation and cultures)
❖ --- Councilor for Military Affairs ~ Name TBD; FC: Player's ChoiceAVAILABLE
❖ --- Councilor for Diplomatic Affairs ~ Name TBD; FC: Player's ChoiceAVAILABLE
❖ --- Councilor for Foreign Affairs ~ DEMETRIO CONTARINI; FC: Player's ChoiceAVAILABLE ~ Father to Mirabella Contarini, fiancé to Crown Prince di Napoli
❖ --- Councilor ~ Name TBD; FC: Player's ChoiceAVAILABLE
❖ --- Councilor ~ Name TBD; FC: Player's ChoiceAVAILABLE

Procuratori (related to the seven (7) administrators and the three connected buildings along the perimeter of Saint Mark's Square, constructed by those charged with administering the treasury of the Church of Saint Mark as well as the financial affairs of state wards and trust funds established on behalf of religious and charitable institutions within the six (6) Sesteri (districts))

❖ --- Procuratori de Supra ~ Name TBD; FC: Player's ChoiceAVAILABLE
(one (1) administrators of St Mark's Basilica)

❖ --- Procuratori de Citra
(three (3) administrators responsible for trust funds established in the Sestieri)
❖❖❖❖ --- Procuratori de Citra delle Sestieri San Marco ~ Name TBD; FC: Player's ChoiceAVAILABLE

❖❖❖❖ --- Procuratori de Citra delle Sestieri Castello ~ Name TBD; FC: Player's ChoiceAVAILABLE

❖❖❖❖ --- Procuratori de Citra delle Sestieri Cannaregio ~ Name TBD; FC: Player's ChoiceAVAILABLE

❖ --- Procuratori de Ultra
(three (3) administrators responsible for trust funds established in the sestieri)
❖❖❖❖ --- Procuratori de Ultra delle Sestieri Dorsoduro ~ Name TBD; FC: Player's ChoiceAVAILABLE

❖❖❖❖ --- Procuratori de Ultra delle Sestieri Santa Croce ~ Name TBD; FC: Player's ChoiceAVAILABLE

❖❖❖❖ --- Procuratori de Ultra delle Sestieri San Polo ~ Name TBD; FC: Player's ChoiceAVAILABLE

Savi Grandi (sixteen (16) senior magistrates)

❖ -- Savi del Consiglio
(Sages for the Council) - six (6) members that prepare the government's agenda, frame resolutions, defend those resolutions, and supervise the execution of selected resolutions.
    ❖❖❖❖ ---
Savi del xxxx ~ Name TBD; FC: Player's ChoiceAVAILABLE
❖❖❖❖ --- Savi del xxxx ~ Name TBD; FC: Player's ChoiceAVAILABLE
❖❖❖❖ --- Savi del xxxx ~ Name TBD; FC: Player's ChoiceAVAILABLE
❖❖❖❖ --- Savi del xxxx ~ Name TBD; FC: Player's ChoiceAVAILABLE
❖❖❖❖ --- Savi del xxxx ~ Name TBD; FC: Player's ChoiceAVAILABLE
❖❖❖❖ --- Savi del xxxx ~ Name TBD; FC: Player's ChoiceAVAILABLE
❖ -- Savi di Terraferma (Sages of the Mainland) – five (5) men charged with supervision of the Republic's possessions in the Italian mainland
    ❖❖❖❖ ---
Savi del xxxx ~ Name TBD; FC: Player's ChoiceAVAILABLE
❖❖❖❖ --- Savi del xxxx ~ Name TBD; FC: Player's ChoiceAVAILABLE
❖❖❖❖ --- Savi del xxxx ~ Name TBD; FC: Player's ChoiceAVAILABLE
❖❖❖❖ --- Savi del xxxx ~ Name TBD; FC: Player's ChoiceAVAILABLE
❖❖❖❖ --- Savi del xxxx ~ Name TBD; FC: Player's ChoiceAVAILABLE
❖ -- Savi agli Ordini
(Sages on the Orders) – five (5) men charged with supervision of maritime matters, including commerce, the Venetian Navy and oversees colonies (Stato da Màr)
    ❖❖❖❖ ---
Savi del xxxx ~ Name TBD; FC: Player's ChoiceAVAILABLE
❖❖❖❖ --- Savi del xxxx ~ Name TBD; FC: Player's ChoiceAVAILABLE
❖❖❖❖ --- Savi del xxxx ~ Name TBD; FC: Player's ChoiceAVAILABLE
❖❖❖❖ --- Savi del xxxx ~ Name TBD; FC: Player's ChoiceAVAILABLE
❖❖❖❖ --- Savi del xxxx ~ Name TBD; FC: Player's ChoiceAVAILABLE
❖ Senato ❖
(Senate: main deliberative and legislative body of the Republic;

Senatore (totally, about 300 men (out of an estimated nobility of 2,500), but only 230 of them have a right to vote. The minimum number for a quorum was set at 70, but more usually there were about 180 nobles in attendance.)
    ❖ ---
Senatore ~ Name TBD; FC: Player's ChoiceAVAILABLE
❖ --- Senatore ~ Name TBD; FC: Player's ChoiceAVAILABLE
❖ --- Senatore ~ Name TBD; FC: Player's ChoiceAVAILABLE
❖ --- Senatore ~ Name TBD; FC: Player's ChoiceAVAILABLE
❖ --- Senatore ~ Name TBD; FC: Player's ChoiceAVAILABLE

Moderators: Playerfiles Alix Maria Tradonico (played anonymously)