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Forums » NPCs and Positions » MV Guidelines for NPCs

In "Memento Vivere”, and the cosmic online world of RolePlay (RP), there is no possible way to portray the entire population of the world in which your characters come to life. So in order to promote realism of our world, and enhance the flow of the story, we utilize a tool called “NPCs”... Non-Player Characters, or Non-Playable Characters… that can become temporary characters required for a certain scenario, time-frame, deed or action, or situation.

NPCs occur in various identities and purposes, but are generally always are treated as *side or supporting* characters, serving to advance the plot, theme, or story, in some way, whether by temporarily filling required positions, aiding Characters, or hindering them.

Adding NPCs can create a better scene than just two characters. NPCs do not need to be the focal point of the thread. NPCs can be temporary or permanent. Just make sure to read carefully and adhere to NPC information, if it is provided.

Here are a few typical implementations of NPCs
in "Memento Vivere”

❖ “Venezia” own vast lands and cities in “Serenìsima Repùblica Vèneta” and the “The World Outside” have a plethora of uses for NPCs... and if not for them, many of our characters would get quite boring for us who plays the boring character to simply have tedium threads over and over again...or... things, which could be of import, would go unmentioned. (e.g. Not everyone wants to be a prostitute in a tavern, especially if there are so many establishments... or a man to clean garderobes... or men hired to repair and upgrade things about time... or a backup dancer to a character’s lead dancer)

❖ Individual plots in "Memento Vivere” may allow direct companion-styled NPCs (e.g., a sidekick character that is yours to control and yours alone). But often this is not necessary since "Memento Vivere” does not have a “Multiple Character Rule”.

"Memento Vivere” has a lenient selection of Canon people and positions, all adoptables !!... Admins continually develop and maintain a list of NPCs to keep the *world* populated... These NPCs will usually free for any roleplayer to use (unless restricted by the creator) — but NPCs usually have some kind of personality, other pre-defined characteristics, skills, or talents, and Admins recommend using the NPC profile app to flesh them out.

"Memento Vivere” simply assumes the whole world is populated by a number of unnamed, shifting NPCs. This is common because there are far more people in the area than there are played characters. Especially when stories expand outside Venezia, outside the Veneto, or even outside of the Republic, or even other parts of the World Outside.

Give Depth to Your NPC, But NOT too Much

❖ Make sure your NPC is not one dimensional. A flat, characterless NPC is no fun to roleplay with. Pick a personality type, or similar.

❖ Remember, NPCs needn’t be shadowy sidearms existing only to support main characters — they can and should disagree with characters, act inappropriately, etc. according to their personality and the situation.

❖ Don’t Give Your NPC Too Much “Character” ... Roleplay isn’t about the NPC (unless the NPC is adopted to become a PC); you don’t want it distracting the roleplayers (yourself included). Try to strike a balance between “totally undeveloped side character” and “fully fleshed character.”

❖ Avoid fixating too much on a “quirk” or particularly outstanding trait — this can get irritating and boring incredibly fast. A small quirk is fine and may enhance the character (physically or in personality) but avoid making them too out of the ordinary in action.

Please do not kill, damage (permanently), or use any NPC in ways that would forever alter the SL of that character without first talking to the creator.

❖ Remember that NPCs are here to help move the storyline along and act as more of a shadow to your own character.

❖ Some NPC's may be up for adoption! Contact the admin or the creator for more details.

Disposable or Throwaway NPCs

In "Memento Vivere”, these NPCs are the ones that fill your requirements for very temporary characters... not just the bad guy... or your character’s “temporary” nemesis... these could simply be bystanders hit by a runaway carriage, killed or maimed by bandits, caught in a battle, and death, dismemberment, or whatever causes them to be disposable.

These NPCs help keep the Admins sanity and save valuable time for writing their characters’ stories, instead of adding and deleting other member’s characters... and the member players sanity and valued time by writing stories, instead of developing and posting characters... Plus, its more efficient !!!

NPC Bio ???
Groan. Yeah, seriously?

If you’re creating an NPC on the fly for a situation, preferably one-time shot, fine...

But if the NPC is recurring, please fill out an NPC app in the NPC Section and post that link in the story post where the NPC was first introduced and/or anytime he is used for more than just a one-time shot. It’s easier for you and other roleplayers to reference as the thread progresses. You may remember everything about your NPC, but other players will have to re-read your whole introduction post if they just can’t remember the character’s eye color.

Just give an appearance, personality description, and a brief history (optional) of the NPC and keep it short. Again, don’t add too much character to your NPC! You can even leave the history off, if you want — but it may help you write better dialogue for the character.

Histories are points of reference, and while it may seem tedious to create a whole biography for a character you’ll use once, it can improve your NPC use!

Try this for size:

Status: Is the NPC free to use or Restricted. If RESTRICTED, please annotate what OOC Member it is restricted to !!
Age: (if below age 16, absolutely no sex or carnal knowledge is allowed)
General appearance:
Personality: (any length acceptable, only important details)
Primary Location: OPTIONAL.... where is the NPC usually located?
Character FC: OPTIONAL... (...but if you choose one, then please post also the image code of the photo, which should be no larger than 400 x 400. In order to avoid face claim conflict, please choose an FC, either celebrities of minor importance (singers, actors, sportsmen who are not widely known, or Non-Hollywood) or paintings of that period, etc.)
History: OPTIONAL (including names of the immediate family if needed - any length acceptable, only important details)
Additional Information (the plot, if NPC created for a specific plot which involves several threads. If not, any other useful information - credits to the creator included)

Moderators: Playerfiles Alix Maria Tradonico (played anonymously)