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Forums » Locations » Annaliese's Tailoring (Everglade)

"Wh-who's there?" A timid woman no more than twenty, with strawberry blonde hair and cloud-gray eyes with many freckles, opens her family home's wooden door. She gives the strong aroma of chamomile tea, and holds a sewing needle and red thread. Upon seeing that you are no threat to her, she relaxes and smiles. "Hey stranger! I don't think I've seen you around Everglade before! So uh... welcome!" She lets you into her humble abode.

Mannequins holding both simple and elaborate dresses, as well as a wide array of men's tunics, pants and coats, line a few of the walls of the foyer. The wooden floors are rather old, but they have been polished recently. Her sewing supplies, along with a large spindle, sit in the corner. Presumably that's where she was working before you knocked.

"Yeah, this is my house too. But my mother and brothers aren't here so feel free to roam around! I'm sure they won't mind! Oh, and I'm Annaliese by the way. Pleased to meet ya! Let me know if you need anything!" Annaliese scampers off to her sewing project, which looks like a wedding gown, with a big smile on her pale face. She returns to her happy place, stitching thread through the gossamer fabric with precision and talent.

Moderators: The Keeper (played by CielaAzure)