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Forums » Locations » Shrine of the Great Mother

The temple before you shimmers in the morning dawn's sunlight in an otherworldly fashion. Its marble is clean and pristine, sparkling with the light of white candles scattered about. A red velvet carpet with butterfly embroidery sits under your feet as you walk, bolted to the ground to keep it from rolling out of the way. Matching curtains sit on both sides of every window. A grand chandelier glows in every hall, but the biggest lies in the altar room. And in this room also stands a giant statue. A statue of a Pieris Rapae Butterfly goddess, with a crown of flowers, a veil over her compound eyes and a cascading white robe reminiscent of Lady Justice. This goddess is none other than the creator of Shayla, Shayleigh.
"Ah, good morning." A young man's voice calls out to you. It is a young priest wearing long white robes with a red shawled coat on top. His hair is a deep blonde with dyed lilac tips, which match some of the flowers on the statue's head. "Come to offer incense to our Great Mother I see? I won't get in the way, though I do want to let you know that I'm here if you need any assistance. My name is Josephus, so call my name if you need anything. My mother Joelle is a nun here as well so if you need a more feminine hand, I will grab her for you." He bows and takes his leave to let you marvel at the splendor of the one who created this whole world... or is she...?

Moderators: The Keeper (played by CielaAzure)