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Forums » Locations » Royal Palace (Dekana)

Horses run across the castle’s valley in majestic beauty, free to roam and graze as they please. Flowers spring forth from the ground in giant plumes, while a gardener tends to them with care.
Satin pink flags fly over the spires of the palace before [you/your character] and in the center is the crest of a white butterfly. Presumably Shayleigh’s crest.
The walls themselves are inviting, even of walls are meant to keep things out, and the guards seem rather pleased to see you. Though they do have to stop you first. “Halt! This is the castle of the Chris royal family. Before you enter, one of those in the house must approve of you!”
“Say no more.” A tall young man no older than twenty four with gentle aquamarine eyes, long brown hair tied in a low ponytail and a soft amount of facial hair, wearing blue and silver clothes fit for a King, steps forward. He looks upon his visitor with a smile and he bows, with his hand over his heart and another crossing in the back. “Good afternoon. I am Prince Donetello Laurence Chris, heir to the Dekanian throne. I am pleased to make your acquaintance.” He stands fully back up and keeps the smile on his face. “Since you’re here, allow me to tell you what we have that may interest you during your visit.” He motions to the horses. “You are more than welcome to ride on horseback through the estate if you wish, my only request is that you don’t ride my mother’s horse- Dream.” He motions back to the castle. “Or if you wish, you can wander the estate, visit the gardens, look through the books of the library, have some tea in the tea parlor or if you wish to speak to my mother the Queen it’s only a small walk to the throne room.” Donetello excuses the guards back to their stations. “If you would like me to escort you anywhere, I would be honored.” He offers his hand to you- if you are female. Or he smiles offers a handshake- if you are male.

Moderators: The Keeper (played by CielaAzure)