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Forums » Locations » Vine Library (Floret)

The smell of lavender hits [you/your character]'s nose straight away. A relaxing smell. A calming smell. One that makes you cozy inside and out. The fresh vines that are adorned in plumes of radiant pastels sway your attention to the staircase. It is made of ivory, with precious golden metal trim. And this is the same as the bookshelves, where millions of books at least sit with pride. Not a single one has a speck of dust, none with a stain or crease. All are gently taken care of with the highest respect. All so someone like [you/your character] may enjoy them.
The sunlight peeks through the windows and the clear roof. This is perfect for the dozens of Florae who are currently reading here, allowing them to eat while indulging their eyes on wonderful written material.
There are doors upstairs that lead to private rooms. Many things could be there; school study groups, a party of friends going on an adventure, or a thrilling romance between lovesick youth. So many adventures, so many stories, so much to see! What will you start with?...

Moderators: The Keeper (played by CielaAzure)