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Forums » Longstanding Community & Peoples » Cervitaur

A people protected by Draruian for many years. After the tribe had a near extermination by an opposing force, the Cervitaur sought asylum amongst Draru'ai nearly 200 years ago, ever since then, they have been rebuilding their community. Due to the state of their people and having so few left, they are exempt from military drafts. However, any who wish to join the military force of their own accord are welcome.

The cervitaur are centuar like beings, but instead of horse like features, have deer like features. They are exceptionally agile and fast. They are smaller than your average centaur and tend to have excellent hearing and eye sight. They make excellent scouts and couriers. Save for rutting season, between October - January, these people are docile, friendly, and enthusiastically helpful.

During rutting season, the males have flares of short tempers and can become hostile. The antlers on their heads aren't just for show, they are lethal. It is best to mind yourself during the this particular season or fall victim to their nature. To kill a cervitaur in the land of Draru'ai is considered a top offense, and will most certainly grant the offender a penalty of death.


Moderators: Vicious