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  • -Life comes first! If something comes up and you won't be able to post for a while, just let me know and I'll account for it. Characters ending up deep in their work on the ship for a while can happen.

    -All group members should be 18+

    -OOC conflict that escalates beyond being able to be talked out by the players will not be tolerated. I'm starting my Master's degree right now so I won't have as much time to moderate and mediate as I'd normally like, and will need players to handle themselves appropriately. Be respectful and communicate, and play nice!

    -Anyone joining the group will be signing up as a crew member. Once the crew is set and we have set off, new crew members are unlikely to be accepted.

    -I'm willing to explore various forms of interaction between species and interstellar cultures and factions through characters, but the crew will need to be willing and able to work together to get the job done, and the client will have certain expectations of civility. Play nice, and, if you are looking to have complicated interactions between characters because you think it would make an interesting story, make sure all parties involved in that dynamic agree to it OOC.

    -Themes of sex, substance use (alcohol, various smoked things, Spice-esque sci-fi/sci-fant performance/ability enhancers, etc.), criminal activity, and factional conflict may be explored if group members are comfortable with it. Let me know if there's anything you would like to see avoided or like to see experimented with!

    -Follow general RP etiquette around respecting character autonomy and respecting the scale of the setting. This is pretty boilerplate, but if you have questions feel free to ask.

    -If you have ANY questions, concerns, suggestions, requests, complaints, puns, or funny inuendos you don't want to make everyone deal with, regarding the group, at least, feel free to DM me! I'm pretty new to running groups and happy to get brainstorming help on ideas in general.