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Forums » "Session 0" and planning » General introductions

Hello all!

Please briefly introduce your character below. Please touch on

-Their personality
-Their requested roles
-Their culture and species

The intent here is to get an understanding of who characters are and their setting assumptions so that we can work together to make a unified setting which allows for all characters involved to exist in the same place and be in a shared story, and to help define the atmosphere of this tale. Adventurous sci-fi has a lot of moods, themes, and forms, so I would like to get everyone on the same general page. That said, some variety is never a bad thing. Space is big, and a lot of different things can be going on in different places!
Edward is a bit of a quiet individual, preferring to quietly get on with his work rather than dawdle and be distracted by other things. This means that he can be a bit awkward in social occasions but can eventually warm up to people.

He is experienced in paperwork and various administrative processes along with possessing a Cargo Handling Certification Rank C so he would be useful for helping keep the admin side running smoothly. He also briefly worked on a station as a technician's assistant, so he has a few skills in engineering.

His home planet of Degham is one mainly of vast deserts, dense forests and jungles and large but sparse lakes. In some of the deserts it can reach almost 40°C in the shade, and there is practically no shade, so there are networks of underground tunnels in some of the more travelled areas to keep the journeys cool. Some of these tunnels have even turned into small towns at junctions between major routes. Degham is largely inhabited with snakes of various varieties. Some are as small as snakes on Earth and some can end up larger than the Basilisk from Harry Potter. There are also some variants that are snake-human hybrids, sometimes informally referred to as snumans.

Race: Grelf (☌⍀⟒⌰⎎), a species of highly advanced spacefaring people who have been around for nearly as long as the universe has. Having developed advanced space travel early in the grand scheme of the universe, the Grelves have been exploring it long before many species evolved sentience. A highly inquisitive and social species by nature, Grelves can be commonly found in the mythos of many developing species legends, as they enjoy visiting and studying other species, regardless of cultural/intellectual/technological maturity. Having left their home planet so long ago, it is rumored to be entirely lost to them. Nearly all Grelves are born in space aboard the Grelves iconic 'flying saucer' spacecrafts. Though individuals are free to choose their own paths, Grelves as a collective are inherently peaceful and have never been known to involve themselves with any galactic conflicts.

Personality: Kee'Jah has an exceptional talent for flying and is not afraid to flaunt it. This paired with her young age can come off commonly as bratty, egotistical, and abrasive. Though she is generally reserved she is highly opinionated on nearly any subject and is willing to go to lengths to share them if coaxed. She is obsessed with the fashion and culture of Humans and can commonly be found sporting retro human clothes and various colorful wigs. She was born to fly and is most happy when doing so, preferably fast and dangerously, though she is often found behind the controls of clunky freighters as she saves up for a galaxy hopper of her own. Slow flying is better than no flying afterall!

Roles: Kee'Jah is a dedicated pilot/helmswoman and can often be found offering her services at popular spaceports, she has her own vessel, the CHV Agamemnon, a modified Axon-Class cargo hauler but is more than happy to ger her little green mitts around the controls of any other offered ship.
I should also add that Kee'Jah is stubborn and knowledgeable enough to be able to fix, or at least, diagnose most engineering issues with her own ship which usually translates to a decent level of comprehension with other ships as well.
Here is Kee'Jah's ship! As stated above, Kee'Jah is beyond more than happy to fly other ships, but is also happy to use hers, especially if it means more dosh from the contract!
Sorry that's so massive lol, I'll get some better quality images if we end up wanting to use Kee'jah's ship!
Greetings, fellow space travelers.

Here is a short description of my chatacter:
Physical Description:
He is a mass of writhing, hairy tendrils, a grotesque half-ton of undulating hairy tentacles that moves with an eerie grace, despite his bulk. His primary means of perceiving the world is through touch, using fine, elongated antennae that extend from his body. His auditory senses are acute, allowing him to hear the faintest disturbances in the air around him, while a rudimentary form of echolocation gives him a vague awareness of his environment. He "sees" the shape of rooms, the mass of objects, and the density of creatures. Color is practically unknown concept to him though he understands concept of light and different frequencies of radio waves and is able to use equipment that can detect that. To communicate, he relies on a tactile form of writing akin to Braille, and he can interfaces with technology designed for his species.

He is a being of intellect, a "star engineer" whose mind is a labyrinth of vast scientific knowledge and boundless curiosity. He views the universe through a lens of cold calculation, with a touch of god complex. Other forms of life, primitive and fragile, often appear beneath his notice, yet he is not malevolent. His divine complex manifests as a dismissive attitude toward those he considers lesser, though his interest in intelligent species can occasionally override his aloofness. The intricacies of organized warfare are foreign to him, not through lack of ability, but through lack of necessity. Conflict in his civilization is thing of the distant past, but he can look up vast electronic libraries and learn what needs to be done should the need arises.

Though seemingly detached, he is far from defenseless. His mass of sinewy muscle, combined with the near-imperviousness of his flesh and his rapid regenerative abilities, makes him a terror in close quarters. His intellect is his greatest weapon—capable of harnessing technology, scavenging and designing weapons that can be laughably ineffective or grotesquely overpowered (basically he can just as easy show up to a gunfight with a crossbow, or with a robotized nuclear artillery division, but figuring out which one would be more appropriate at given situation, is not guaranteed). Trough cold scientific detachment he can tolerate significant pain and overall he is much more of a being of mind than that of a flesh. On the open however, he is rather slow and has limited perception range.

He abandoned the myriad of hyper advanced and structured words of his species eons ago, traveling for many cold centuries to another galaxy, taking with him a fleet of machines designed to aid in the construction of a Dyson sphere—a divine structure to harness the energy of a star. His goal was not merely exploration but the bending of the cosmos to his will. However, a catastrophic incident involving a rogue AI led to the loss of his entire fleet. All that remains is a solitary ship, a relic of his former power, adrift among the stars.

Now, he navigates through uncharted space, seeking knowledge, resources, the remnants of his fleet, or a place to call home and sentient species to meet, make friends with or vivisect, for science. The cosmos is his laboratory, and though he is diminished, his ambition remains as vast and boundless as the dark void between the stars.

By his background he also got a ship, and because of his little "AI incident" I was thinking he would want to seek a crew of sentient creatures. Rather than rely solely on automation.

That being said if we decide to use the "Agamemnon" Or other ship I can come up with a reason for Koth to hire himself out as a Capitan or navigator. The only problem with it that Koth is functionally blind when it comes to electro magnetic spectrum so he requires different "monitors" as he cannot use regular "human" "screens"

Also since his primary means of perception is tactile if anyone is squeamish about being touched by hairy tentacles Let me know.

Moderators: Avitrathephoenix