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  • Out of Character Expectations

    - Players are expected to be 21+, as there are themes of classism, servitude, and other mature elements possible in scenes and characters.

    - Common Courtesy
    Whisper before posting at someone in case they are tabbed away or otherwise AFK, and understand that sometimes people like to be in-client without expectations of being in character.

    Please respect staff, as they are here to assist and encourage RP and keep to continuity.

    Malicious behavior is not permitted, and using your character as a conduit to express dislike to another or engage in behavior that encourages strife (without OOC consent) is not appropriate.

    We encourage the use of the Silence Rule for harassment, and unless it is actively happening publicly/with collaborated logs within the dream or RPR forums, we do not have the tools to handle disputes.

    - OOC Chatter
    It is allowed anywhere within the dream as long as it does not disrupt scenes.
    We utilize the pounce group whisper chat as our OOC room, which you can access by being a member of the pounce group, and using the command `jg Bastion de Perrigwyn in-client.

    - Idling
    You are welcome to park your pixels anywhere within the dream as long as you do not block foot traffic, and if you are not actively roleplaying, please move if requested by those who are.
    We do have a 4-hour idle timer that will move you to the IC jail, and staff can also move you if you are unresponsive - use any teleport command to release yourself.
    Lurking is at the consent of the Roleplaying Parties, unless in a distinct public space with understandable expectations of earning an audience: IE great hall and tavern.
  • In Character

    - Character Age
    Must Be 18+ in actions and appearance both. There will be no loopholes of “amnesia/mental trauma/etc leaving them childlike”, “ancient mind trapped in youthful body”, or similar stretches.
    This is both a Bastion and Furcadia rule as we are uploaded in FurN.

    - Character Details
    We would appreciate if there is no modern or futuristic based time travelers (magic or otherwise), modern slang used by your character, and canon characters that do not fit the setting.
    Your character may be from a canon setting as long as their arrival and appearance would not disrupt the continuity.
    We also ask that unless your characters species or race is commonly found to be short (halflings, dwarves, kobolds, goblins for examples), that your character is not under 4’6 in height.
    This relates to the above rule of age & appearing as such, and also is a request specifically from the owners of Bastion.

    - Line Limit
    We would appreciate posts be at least 4-5 lines in furcadia's smallest font in any public RP one participates in. This is not a heavily enforced rule, but can and will be if one repeatedly only uses 1-2 lines.

    - Continuity
    Any actions that might effect the continuity in a large scale must be staff approved and will be treated as ret-con (ignored/reversed) if not; actions cannot be made with the intent to disrupt, harm, or harass the community, setting, and environment.
    Characters must also fit into the setting when in a public roleplay. You are welcome to idle on any alt you so wish, but only those who fit the setting may be played out in public out of respect for the community and continuity.

    - Consent and Consequences
    We encourage players to ask for permission before doing any drastic actions, or at the very least discuss the reaction of such, to ensure everyone is enjoying the play. No one is obligated to react in the way you wish, and no one is required to interact in a situation they do not wish to. Communication is important both OOC and IC.
    Your character can and will be punished for crimes committed if caught doing so, and you cannot dodge this using consent rule if it is a realistic situation you put your character in. Staff are capable of taking actions against your character, and will discuss over whisper to keep conflict to a low. (Punishment for theft being repayment in various ways, for example.)

    - God Mode and Auto Hit
    Your character's powers must have a balance to them, and cannot whip up new abilities on the fly to become unstoppable. Any actions against another character must also be played with room to deny or avoid, unless communicated approval, and players may treat auto-hit actions as otherwise (barring few exceptions seen with dice usage).

    - Sexual RP and Combat
    Sexual themes in RP can only be public in specific areas outside the private rooms, and we encourage finding secluded spots with no foot traffic if seeking that thrill otherwise.
    The public areas it is allowed include the spa, servant quarters, punishment, any of the underhall and its included rooms, and the tavern. This may be adjusted at a later time.
    Combat is allowed anywhere within the dream as long as the players are under the expectation there can and will be guard reaction while within the castle walls, both PC and NPC.