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    • Be nice.
    • Try to help newcomers with interaction.
    • This group is 16+ however characters can be younger. Minor characters aren’t allowed to gamble, drink alcohol, or pursue other site-banned activities. They can try the first two, but they’ll get thrown out by a bouncer.
    • Violent themes are acceptable, just try to keep them to a PG-13 ish description. If you lose an arm, don’t describe it in gruesome detail.
    • Don’t godmode. Powerful characters are acceptable, but please ask for permission and consent before harming another character severely. Try to phrase your attacks as ‘attempts to cut at their arm’ and allow them to determine their level of damage. If I need to get the City Lord involved IC I will.
    • IC actions have IC consequences. If your character bets with their kidney, they’ll lose their kidney unless you specify you want something to happen to stop their bet (like someone smashing the gambling table beforehand.)
    • Make sure to keep with RPR rules!
    • If you characters are here to hook up (which is fine) please take it to DMs if you’re doing more than kissing.