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Forums » Gambler’s Den » First Floor - Gambling

On the main street of Ghost City was a large building—it said Gambler’s Den in a language you likely couldn’t read, but for some reason you understood. Everyone around you could be understood as well. Perhaps it wasn’t surprising, given the otherworldly nature of this place.

It was a multistory building, and it was absolutely palatial. If it were more narrow one could have mistaken it for a pagoda. It was much too large and far too sinister for that, though. Either way, it was a gorgeous building painted red, and might be considered elegant if it weren’t for the fact it was adorned with garish and illegible calligraphy. The magical translation spell wasn’t helping, that’s how terrible it was.

Either way, you approached the building only to be met with a beautiful young woman.

She would inform you that you did not require currency to play—that the stakes were high, and most gambled with their life, or other things or value either concrete or otherwise.

If you did not wish to gamble, there was still a bar, a restaurant as well as private seating areas. A few rooms could be rented to stay the night, though it was questionable on whether that was a good idea.

You were also informed that staff often wore white laughing masks, and if you needed assistance, you could go to one of them.

Once inside, you could see a large gambling table with bamboo shakers and lots of dice. Towards the back was a large throne obscured by curtains, and it was difficult to tell at first glance whether or not it was occupied.

Moderators: Hua Cheng (played by Straye)