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Forums » Ghost City » Mooncake Festival


You look outside and notice a gorgeous full moon. The autumn breeze brushes through the nearby trees, and you pick up the scent of something delicious.

Curiosity brought you to the Mooncake Festival.

This open-air market came from nowhere—it certainly wasn’t here earlier. However, everything was bright, lively, and festive. The smell of delicious desserts were everywhere. Fireworks lit up the night sky. Red lanterns were strung between buildings. Dragon dances could be seen through the streets.

The streets themselves seemed to go on for an eternity, and as you took a closer look, you could see that many of the festival’s attendees wore masks—were they hiding something?

Welcome to the Mooncake Festival!

The Lord of Ghost City has opened the realm of the dead to living visitors! For one night, he has banned darker dealings, and wishes to mimic the merriment of the living by providing sweet treats and wholesome entertainment! Ghosts and monsters are encouraged to wear masks to not scare the living guests, but all are welcome!
He felt he really outdid himself this time. The streets were cleaned up for the first time in an eternity. Though many of the ghosts wondered why they needed to cater to the living, he explained that it was to show Heaven that the Ghost Realm could hold influence of their matters of man, too. Of course, this was a good enough reason for them to cooperate, so they did—gladly.

Still, the truth of the matter was simply that he wanted to show everyone the glory and splendor of his realm. That you don’t need to be in Heaven to experience nice things. And he simply enjoyed the Mid-Autumn Festival.

The tall red-clad man walked through the streets and sampled the various pastries and sweets—and all of them met or exceeded his expectations!

Though his appearance consistently changed, his aura, as it were, remained. It was how the denizens could tell it was him even without recognizing his appearance. Either way, he wasn’t flaunting his status, instead he wanted to make sure everyone was enjoying the festival.

Moderators: Hua Cheng (played by Straye)