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  • 1) Be Cool!

    2) Be Inclusive!

    3) Have Fun!


    These purposefully mentioned rules are the 3 staples that apply before all else! We are here to write, hang out, and have fun! Which is something everyone equally has the right to do! Dont break peoples trust, dont hurt peoples feelings, and do your part in making the game fun for all! At the end of the day, we are all writers, here doing the same thing! So lets help each other make it as great as it can be!


    Onto some other general outlines, what is to follow are basically principles which are worth mentioning so they always stay in the forefront of everyone's thoughts when RPing!

    • The Group is 18+
    • This is not just a content statement, but also a reminder for individuals to act their age. There is nothing that can't be resolved calmly if issues arise!
    • IC =/= OOC : Dont let what happens IC trigger or upset you OOC! We are not our characters! (Most of us would be in jail if we were!) But if something is still troublesome to you, please regard the rule above! Calm resolutions and diplomacy before all else!
    • Expect Content within the open and readable group forums which may contain Adult Content. This includes Drug Use, Alcohol Use, Harsh or Vulgar Language, Sexual Depictions and Smut, Violence, Bigotry and Racism, and Possibly Psychological and or Triggering Subjects.
    • You have the right to walk away, and not to read something you dont like! So long as content and subject matter is not breaking of any IRL Law or RPR Rules, it is allowed to be here. You have a personal responsibility to take care of yourself if something is triggering or upsetting to you. Dont take things out on creative writers.
    • Use Characters that are In-Genre. Don't Break the Setting. Help build the World!
    • You can RP in different rooms and locations at the same time! Just make logic out of it though and dont create paradoxes of where your character should, could, or would be.
    • There is a '3 Days Until You Are Skipped' practice in place. This means that if you are part of a group scene and go MIA, the rest of the scene members can continue posting and you are skipped until you return and rejoin the rotation.
    • Rules and Guidelines are Flexible and sometimes need to be adjusted. They can and will be added to or changed as/if needed.