1) Be Cool!
2) Be Inclusive!
3) Have Fun!
These purposefully mentioned rules are the 3 staples that apply before all else! We are here to write, hang out, and have fun! Which is something everyone equally has the right to do! Dont break peoples trust, dont hurt peoples feelings, and do your part in making the game fun for all! At the end of the day, we are all writers, here doing the same thing! So lets help each other make it as great as it can be!
Onto some other general outlines, what is to follow are basically principles which are worth mentioning so they always stay in the forefront of everyone's thoughts when RPing!
To begin, before we get onto this list however, there is 1 additional Principle which needs to be mentioned here and now, so you and everyone moving forward keep it in mind regarding joining the group.
~The STORY and ELEMENTS within, are meant to portray an actual plot and important guiding factors and details within the IC environment. By Joining The Group, You are Agreeing that Your Character Will Abide by any Elements and Themes which pertain to plot relevance and significance. You will not write-off or undermine any elements or themes, which are important to the story. You will play to lift these things instead, and bring levels of excitement, tension, and importance to these elements and themes instead!
TLDR: Respect The Villains and What They Are Doing! Otherwise you're ruining the fun!
Now, onto the bullet points!
~- The Group is 18+
- This is not just a content statement, but also a reminder for individuals to act their age. There is nothing that can't be resolved calmly if issues arise!
- IC =/= OOC : Dont let what happens IC trigger or upset you OOC! We are not our characters! (Most of us would be in jail if we were!) But if something is still troublesome to you, please regard the rule above! Calm resolutions and diplomacy before all else!
- Expect Content within the open and readable group forums which may contain Adult Content. This includes Drug Use, Alcohol Use, Harsh or Vulgar Language, Sexual Depictions and Smut, Violence, Bigotry and Racism, and Possibly Psychological and or Triggering Subjects. Please refer to the NSFW Guidelines below too.
- You have the right to walk away, and not to read something you dont like! So long as content and subject matter is not breaking of any IRL Law or RPR Rules, it is allowed to be here. You have a personal responsibility to take care of yourself if something is triggering or upsetting to you. Dont take things out on creative writers.
- Use Characters that are In-Genre. Don't Break the Setting. Help build the World!
- You can RP in different rooms and locations at the same time! Just make logic out of it though and dont create paradoxes of where your character should, could, or would be.
- There is a '3 Days Until You Are Skipped' practice in place. This means that if you are part of a group scene and go MIA, the rest of the scene members can continue posting and you are skipped until you return and rejoin the rotation.
- Inactive Players who are not participating or even chatting, will routinely be removed from the group to reduce member bloat. The same will apply for lurking members and off-theme characters. If you're here, please be here. Reading our stories is flattering, but adding to them is cooler!
- Rules and Guidelines are Flexible and sometimes need to be adjusted. They can and will be added to or changed as/if needed.
IC SCENES - Guidelines
As a steady growing and constantly expanding group, there are some guidelines outlined here which are being developed as we learn of their needs. Consider them best practices and a necessary thing to help us all ensure our Scenes In Chat are as organized as possible!
- Rooms may or may not have TAGS attached to them. If you see them, be familiar with what they mean.
- No Tag = Open Scene! Anyone can join!
- Limited = Not public. Certain players and their characters are using this scene for a personal story.
- NSFW = Explicit and or Erotic Content may be present in this scene, unfiltered.
- Closed = The scene has concluded and its thread is no longer being posted in.
- Public Scenes and Time Stamps - When you are RPing, keep in mind the current posts that have already taken place in public space. If a scene has not concluded, keep in mind what times of the day it might be in that space. As characters jump scene to scene it is easy to accidently wind up in a scene which may or may not be happening at the same time, before, or too close to where you just had your character last! Try your best not to create a paradox that makes reading and keeping up with the scene difficult.
- Create A New Room - Any public space can be duplicated! You van freely do this if you wish to RP in an occupied space! Just create a new thread with the same name, and place a number with it to represent that it is just a new room for that same setting. This way you can ignore any pre existing timestamps that might be enforced currently in other rooms!
- Mark Your Exit - If you rp in a public space, and you are finished with your character there, place a (this character exits) tag at the end of your post so people know the scene might be concluded, and that Public Space is up for use!
- Optional - If you've found your partner in a public space and wish to continue with just them, consider making a Limited Room to move that scene to, to open up the space!
- Rooms may or may not have TAGS attached to them. If you see them, be familiar with what they mean.
NSFW - Guidelines
We all know what it is. We all know its going to happen in some way or another. Being a +18 group, you are already consenting to being around such material by taking part in these RP's / being a member of this group.
That being said. Respect is top Priority! What you're into, might not be the same for another! So please keep these following guidelines in mind at all times.
- TASTEFUL CONTENT & STORY Comes First. Porn over Plot does not fly here. Its offputting to many who write erotic content with a focus towards their characters development and scene progressions. Not to say the occasional winddown and for-fun romp is not allowed. But dont make smut the focus of every scene you find yourself in.
- Certain Rooms that are clearly expected to contain NSFW Content do not need additional labels or warnings. Examples of this being: The Brothel, The Bath House, or any future rooms that suggest in their nature that such content can occur. You're super cool though if you still take the time to tag the room though!!! Especially if you make a new room that takes places in these sort of locations.
- If a spicy scene breaks out in another room which may not initially seem like such a thing was likely to occur, please edit the room to have "NSFW" within its title.
- If you can not edit the room to add a tag, please collect everyone in your scene and create a NEW ROOM, labeled with an NSFW tag, to carry out the scene. The room should mimic the name of the original location, but with the NSFW Tag added to it. Once the scene has concluded, ask MOD to move it to the CLOSED SCENES forum. It can be used at later dates here too if needed!
- NSFW is not limited to smut scenes. If you feel you are touching upon other heavy subjects that could very well be upsetting to others, please follow the same Tag Guidelines. Subjects may include things like: Rape, Suicide, Child Abuse / Death, Racism, ect
- SLAVERY - The short answer is... They Are Kinda Allowed... BUT...
Considered to be a dark topic, but one that can add layers of RP value to a scene and the whole setting. This kind of content is allowed in Bridge Town, following a certain approach to it. Tastefulness > Kink Satisfaction. If you are going to RP with Slavery content, especially regarding a Sexual Nature, be sure your content is catering towards a broad spectrum of story and world building elements. Not just some form of kink outlet. Slaves as a whole were not outright Sex Toys every which way you look, historically speaking. Sex Slave Characters ARE NOT ALLOWED in Bridge Town. If you wish to play as SLAVE of some sort, please have an extremely meaningful and sculpted out story that brings plot and story to your scenes and interactions with other. - EROTIC CHARACTERS - Characters that are designed for Erotic RP are allowed... But! ...this sort of content should be approached in a similar sort of way as the above mentioned PIP1 and Slave Characters. There is a level of Tastefulness and Scene Building that these characters 100% bring to an RP and environment! Please be sure your characters and content respect others comforts. As a primary ruling regarding this, -Character Age is NOT Up for Debate- If your character Looks too Young, it Does Not Matter what the Age Says. Too Young IS Too Young. Please make sure that any Sexually Driven Characters who have visual representation Look The Part. Keep it classy! Plot over Porn!