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    If you continue on with reading this group, there will be triggers.

    The following are just a few of the topics contained within:
    Forced breeding
    Torture (caging, whipping, scarring, psychological torture)
    Gladiator style fighting
    Wolf Attacks
    Suicide Mentions

    If you can’t legally buy beer in the United States of America, get the fuck off this page!
  • Rules! Please Read!

    1. This group is not intended for children or young adults. If you can’t legally buy beer in the United States of America, get the fuck off this page! We require the reader please be at least 21 years of age, as all characters and themes are very adult.

    2. This group is intended for reading ONLY. This is not intended for joining. That said, we hope you enjoy reading it as much as we enjoy writing it. Most stories are still being written, so please be patient.

    3. YOU SHOULD EXPECT TO READ SEX IN THIS GROUP. Any subset of sexual activity should be expected, including dreams, fantasy, masturbation, and of course, sex itself. (To clarify, this would be willing between characters, not abusive.)

    4. In this group, there are werewolves, vampires, demons, angels, humans, and a variety of other species, twists and turns and heartbreaking adventure. Hopefully, we have something that will interest you!

    5. We welcome comments and commentary. We have a page set-up for comments, and we very much wish to hear your thoughts.

    Relax, enjoy, and welcome!! We hope you like the stories!
  • Disclaimer!

    All scenes and plots are agreed upon and discussed by the writers before they are ever laid to paper. We are best friends in real life. We know and understand each others limits! We are not, and have never hurt one another.

    We’re just twisted and like to torture our characters a little. We hope you enjoy!