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{{ Bailey- Dark Orchid}}

A simple yet devastatingly complicated disease can cause so much grief to a person. Often affecting one from young childhood, a disease like this can take over the brain, take over the life. Sometimes things help. Therapy, medicines, doctors, nurses. But they couldn’t help what was eating away at the brain, could they? When it rotted you from the inside out, until you could hear the blackness crawling through your veins, begging to escape, begging to bleed, begging to numb. It all encircled, captured, manipulated the brain into what wasn’t true. Things that weren’t true. When one is bipolar, though, everything and more is true.

The more in Bailey Paige’s case was beyond what a normal human brain could’ve handled. Bailey was a typical case, and left untreated for far too long. Her father tried to raise her by himself, but the man spiralled out of his own control over the devastating spilt of his marriage. Bailey’s mother took off someplace South, the woman sick herself, and left the little girl in the care of a man who ignored her. Her father terrified her, which did not help Bailey’s reactions, but she tried very hard to be a good girl. Unfortunately, Bailey didn’t know how to be a good enough girl for him not to become angry with her. She especially wasn’t a good enough girl to keep the man from beating her bloody when she screamed. Neither of them knew what was wrong with her, why she couldn’t stop crying, freaking out, withdrawing, talking nonsense, acting incredibly irrationally, only to be extremely happy, helpful, cheerful and wonderful the next moment. It was a cycle that continued to repeat, and one her father continually ignored.m, except to scream at her during her low points, which only drive her lower. Naturally, this only led to Bailey getting worse, and she started to stay in bed for days at a time. With no friends to notice or care, she almost died there.

Bailey’s teachers at school, however, did notice Bailey’s odd behaviour, the way she seemed to flip on a dime, or would miss school for days at a time. Naturally, this concerned them, along with the way she went from irritated to happy, the way she pushed people away, only to cry when she was all alone. The way her appetite would change so drastically, so suddenly. The way she would obsess over certain things, certain people only to throw them away, and then ache when they were gone. How she could laugh, then cry, then scream, only to laugh again. Bailey herself didn’t know what was wrong, only that something was, and turned to what she felt would help. Ending it. Armed with a small knife, Bailey sat in the school bathroom at 13 years old, and slit both of her wrists, almost gleefully. Joyfully, she pulled that blade across her flesh, feeling the tear of relief as it slid down her face, dropping to mix with the blood that was pouring from her wrist. All she remembers as she looked down to see it soaking through her clothes.....was to smile.

The next time she woke up, though she was incredibly, incredibly groggy. Someone had come into the bathroom, noticing all the blood that was pooling on the floor, and called for help. An ambulance had been called, and Bailey had been taken first to the E.R, and then transferred, for the first time, to the psych ward. Her father was called, and a proper diagnosis of bipolar was finally given. This, however, was only the start of the new cycle. Now branded as crazy and outcast, Bailey’s mental state only continued to decrease, while the bullying increased, especially when she began to refuse to even take her meds, as she hated the way they felt, ending her in the psych ward more than once for suicide attempts, and reckless behaviour, including a variety of fights.

Only a few short years later, in and out of mental hospitals, and having been arrested a time or four, and essentially abandoned school, Bailey discovered drugs and sex. Cocaine turned out to be a wonderful little powder that kept Bailey on a much longer high, and if she followed this with sex, the highs could last for days before the come-down. Her father cared less and less for his daughter’s well-being, casting her aside as he did so often. He was too busy, too tired, and she was simply too much for him to handle. This left the 16 year old free to do whatever she wanted. With nobody to watch her, Bailey went down a dark path.

Quickly, she became an addict, addicted to blow, sex, alcohol, anything to keep her out of the depressions that wasn’t the actual medication. She didn’t like the way it turned her into a zombie, but she didn’t realize how much worse off she was becoming without it. Days, she would spend partying, only to have a huge come-down crash, and spend the next days in bed, crying, angry or unmoving and wishing for death. More and more irrational she would become each time, which would always lead to the same result. The girl trying to die, and ending up back in the hospital. She would be stabilized, kept for the length of time they determined, sometimes only three days, sometimes longer, but it never took long for Bailey’s cycles to begin again once she was released.

It was on one of these releases, during one of these drug and sex fuelled highs when Bailey was 19 that she met the man who would change her life forever. Unknown to her, she had somehow charmed a vampire, and after she was done fucking him in the bathroom, he asked if she wanted to go somewhere with him. Assuming he was taking her for more sex or drugs, Bailey didn’t hesitate to follow him to the parking lot. Bailey was so high, so drunk and so far out of her own mind by that point that she honestly couldn’t tell you what happened next. The man had kissed her, and she had giggled, pulling him into the shadows, assuming he was going to be lifting her dress once more. She would quickly learn this was not the case, for when his kisses moved from her mouth to her neck, incredible pain soon followed, followed even more quickly by a darkness unlike any other. Had she finally met Death?

No, she couldn’t have, because when she woke up next, she was right back in the hospital, initially just as groggy as ever. More so, in some ways. Yet what she noticed for once in her life was an absence of pain. And a deep, raging hunger. This time, the grogginess cleared quickly upon waking, and it was soon replaced with such a deep rage that Bailey’s brain didn’t think as she was now able to break through the restraints that held her down. She found she wasn’t afraid like she normally was, but she was twice as angry. Twice as irrational. And twice as hungry. She attacked the doctors without thought when they stepped into her room, and was shocked by how strong she suddenly was. More so by how hungry she was. As she so often did, when they tried to pin her, she let instinct take over but this time, she was the one in control, and the one with the strength. The needles they tried to inject into her no longer penetrated the new vampire’s skin, but it enraged her to the point she found herself biting and eventually killing both doctors. With her teeth?!

She didn’t mean too, and upon realizing it, had to escape the hospital. Or risk prison for life. It wasn’t an easy task to escape a mental hospital, but when one was a frequent flier like Bailey, there was always a workaround. Plus, this incredible new strength served to help out in normally tricky spots. The problem with her newfound condition once she did escape was the sharpness of her ears was driving her even more up the wall. She could hear everything. Anything. Everyone. She couldn’t tell if the voices were in her head or not, and it became very overwhelming very quickly. Mixed with her previous condition, it dropped Bailey into a horrible and very deep spiral. Only this time, since she found the drugs didn’t work and the alcohol burned at first, the urges burned even harder, deeper and hotter, leading Bailey down a long path of obsession and accidental murder.

Shortly after she left the hospital, while trying to figure herself out, she met someone quite kind, and beautiful. Bailey attached herself to him, confused, needy, damn near desperate to understand and find an end to the cycle, meeting him every night, seducing him, fucking him, needing him everywhere she could as long as she could, as it seemed the sun was now the enemy. Of course, as one might expect, this did not go over well. She frightened this man with the way she flipped on him, one extreme to the other and back again, like a game she couldn’t escape. When he inevitably rejected her, Bailey lost her fucking mind. She fed off him to complete them, and she would end up killing him in the ugly process. When she realized it, the first depression as a vampire lasted for nearly a year.

While falling into this depression, Bailey finally fled her town. It was too dangerous, too much, too insane for her to be there. She didn’t care where she went, where she wound up. She ran as far and as long as she could before the sudden presence of the sun started to hurt her, eventually throwing herself into the first house she saw, somewhere near a college campus. As far as she could tell, it was abandoned, at least from the layers of dust she found, and trapped by the sun, that made it perfect for a spiralling vampire to unleash. By the end of the day, The house was half destroyed, and Bailey had found a bed to lay down in, where she would stay, hoping to die for the next several months. Luckily, in those months that Bailey was imitating a corpse in that bed, nobody ever came to the house, and it was a good thing, because Bailey’s mind in those months was a deep, and very very dark place. There was no telling how she might’ve reacted to someone’s presence, or if she would’ve even known they were there. Her body began to starve and crave blood, but the mania wouldn’t allow her to get up. All she could see was killing those doctors, the faces of the people who laughed at her, and no clear path to the future. One day, she closed her eyes, waiting for Death.

One day, those eyes opened again, in a different state of mind. Bailey finally got up, but she was frightening to look at when she finally did. The lack of blood had turned her into something between a zombie and a ghoul, and she was starving. She left the house in the dead of night, and caught a lone, young drunken man. Biting him gave her the discovery of the alcoholic blood, and it started to fuel the vampire all over again. She drained every drop from him, like a human juice box, and thus began the rampage all over again. This time, her victims were drunks, and drug addicts, always seeking out the one closest to the overdosing point for her to get what she needed. This led the young vampire to start to frequent bars and parties, and it is there that the true story begins.

While in this latest high, armed with this new information, a part of Bailey’s mania led her to cleaning up the house, putting it back to rights. She still didn’t know whose house this was, but she didn’t find any real evidence anybody actually lived in it. All the furniture was covered, the dishes set perfectly in their cabinets, thick layers of dust that she wound up removing. Still, she put it all back together, staying up for three days to complete the task she’d given herself. She also made it a little more hers, deciding that she would simply own it from here on out, and live in it for her own safety, and if someone had an issue with that, then it was going to be easy to convince them otherwise. After all, you can’t really argue when you don’t have a head. Thus a new pattern began, where Bailey would seek out bars, and young college boys.

She would choose her victim, usually some young, drunk, hot guy on the edge of severe intoxication or even overdose. Like a true addict, Bailey didn’t even care what was in his system, and quite honestly, the dirtier the blood, the better because it meant the higher she became. If he was still able, she would seduce him first, and a lot of these feedings would happen while Bailey had sex with him, giving herself a dual high. If he was able to make her cum, he would typically live through the process. If he wasn’t able to give her that dual high, then in a fit of need, she would drain him of his intoxicated blood, and spend the night looking for the one who could give her that high. Over and over, she would do this, until she inevitably crashed, and burned all over again. Like a true addict though, she couldn’t stop herself from seeking out that high, seeking out what would take her away from the lows.

A few months later, looking and foolishly thinking she was much better, Bailey stepped out of the shower, her red hair dark and heavy with the water. She wrapped it in a towel as she stepped into her room, where the clothes she’d slowly been acquiring were lined up perfectly in the drawers and closets. She’d just gotten it all reorganized after tearing it all apart the month before in yet another low. With music playing in the background, and a touch of the last addict still swirling in her blood, Bailey felt really, really good that evening. So good, she danced to the music while she dressed in an outfit designed to seduce. A short, but very sexy dress, fishnet stockings, and underwear so thin, it could barely be called such. Black heels completed the outfit, making her already toned and long legs that much more appealing to the eye. Her makeup was done perfectly and seductively, making her blue eyes pop even in the darkest of spaces, and gave her pretty pink lips the appearance of equal softness. Her long red hair was dried, and curled lightly, giving it a soft, light bounce that just begged to be gripped. With a light toss and giggle, Bailey grabbed her bag and off she went to find the cure to this raging horniness.

She decided to try a new bar tonight, as she was tiring of the boys who could barely keep it up. Near-overdosing addicts were fun, and great for the high, but not so much for the sex, and Bailey was craving it. Still, on the journey of discovery, she happened across an unfortunate young man alone in an alley. Knowing she wouldn’t get the sex she wanted, she instead went straight for the kill. Whatever he was on shot through Bailey like a strong hit, and it left the vampire’s world swirling. Feeling even better, but now twice as needy, Bailey let the high sink fully in, leaving her in a state where she felt like she was floating on the clouds, or dancing in spiderwebs, or some other fairytale bullshit, she heard music she liked, and went naturally towards it. Everything felt like it wasn’t real, the lights and colours mixed and danced as she did. She was aware of the other people around her, against her, grinding against her. She wound up in between a couple of guys, and the friction further fuelled that need, yet neither of them called to the vampire’s attention. But something else sure did.

In the middle of one of the songs, one of the lights cleared from her eyes and she saw him. An absolutely sexy dirty blonde. If she wasn’t mistaken, something about him was different, but she didn’t quite identify it at first. Immediately, though she was attracted, instantly, she wanted him and in a moment, her brain forgot everything else in the bar. She detangled herself from the guys around her, forgetting they even existed as she wound her way towards the blonde, the smell getting stronger, and making her want him even more. Even in the state she was in, she felt a powerful pull towards him. Her smile was bright, nearing innocence, and beautiful, and her voice light and sweet when she approached him, and spoke. “Hi. I’m Bailey.” Closer to him, that scent of him was even more gripping, and she was almost sure she knew what it was. Noting the still empty pitcher in his hand, she looked curiously up at him, her eyes an almost unnatural blue. “I hope you don’t think me too bold, or perhaps just bold enough, but I was kind of hoping you might let me buy you that drink?”

Moderators: Eros_Calls TheCaffeineQueen