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Forums » Courage (Brandt&Sparrow) » Courage of The Heart

{ Sparrow-Magenta}
{ Brandt-Green}

After a late night of unpacking her new little house, everything in Sparrow’s morning started off wrong. First, her phone died in the middle of the night, which meant she had no alarm. Luckily, years of being raised with farm animals meant she was awake before sun rise anyways. She turned on some music as was custom for her, had one good cup of hot chocolate while she showered, the combination of hot and cool waking up and wiring her system. Of course, then she almost stumbled when she got out, which resulted in the cup flying back into the bathtub, which did shatter it, but luckily, all the pieces landed in the tub. Sparrow merely laughed as she regained her balance, and went to dress and dance as she got ready.

Then, naturally, just as she got her hair perfect and curly, dancing around to the little radio while she used her curler, she heard a huge clap of thunder outside. Sparrow loved the rain, so instead of grimacing as one might, she only got excited. She finished her makeup as the drops started hitting the little window, her voice joining the song as she happily moved around the space. She danced back when she realized she forgot to turn her curling iron off, then away again.

Sparrow was a tall but willowy woman, with long and beautiful brown hair that looked soft to the touch. Her eyes were deep, and nearly the colour of dark honey. They were light, lovely, bright and captivating. People everywhere who met her described her as a ball of sunshine, as even the sudden appearance of a storm didn’t dampen her. She still put on her black skirt and heels, and paired it with a lovely white button-up. It had an accompanying jacket, but she liked the look without it. Personable, but professional. As an addiction counsellor, Sparrow tried very hard to look approachable at all times. Especially now her first day at a new job.

After cleaning up the bathroom, she grabbed her purse, keys, jacket and an umbrella. She made it to her car, an older car that definitely needed a little work, without getting soaked, somehow, but her trip for her coffee of the day was longer than expected. Not that Sparrow minded. She happily sung along with the morning radio, gaining a look or two as she danced in her car, likely way too chipper for this early in the morning. She pulled into the drive through, and ordered a little breakfast sandwich and a small coffee. She nibbled on the sandwich while she drove, but as she looked for the college parking lot, two things happened at once.

The first was that due to the rain, and Sparrow not quite knowing exactly where the entrance to the parking lot was, she took it a little too hard and fast, and hit the corner of the curb, which made the cup in her hand to be shaken loose, and empty most of it into her lap.

While she was dealing with the immediate sudden pain, she suddenly heard her tire pop. She was startled enough by the noise to drop the rest of her cup onto her lap. “Oh. Okay. Well. This is a thing.” She laughed to herself as she set the now empty cup aside. A bit of it had gotten on her white shirt, but she still wasn’t upset. Sparrow very rarely got truly upset by anything, and luckily, she had enough time to try and fix it or get it moved if she couldn’t. She wasn’t totally sure what to do about her clothes, but one problem at a time.

As rain, thunder and some pretty lightening filled the sky, Sparrow’s tire was flat in the middle of the isle of the parking lot. Luckily, it was still early enough that barely anyone was here, so Sparrow at least had a little time to figure it out. Humming to herself, she grabbed her umbrella once more, but as she stood up out of her car, and went to extend it up, a blast of wind took it, and whipped it out of her hand, startling her slightly. A playful Yelp left her as the rain poured down on her. Instead of getting angry or upset, this ball of sunshine merely looked up at the sky and smiled. She held her hands up to feel the rain, and spun once to dance in it as she moved to her tire to check it out. She wasn’t that strong in mechanics, not as her father and brothers were, but if the problem was small, she could usually take care of it, and as long as the bolt would come off, she could do it. She just hoped the bolt would come off. She also had half a thought of calling someone, but...she’d only moved here maybe three days ago, so she...didn’t really know anyone yet.

She was getting more soaked by the second, but one might think it was as if it was bright and sunny the way Sparrow sang lightly and simply popped open the trunk to start trying to get the spare tire out.
It had taken Brandt a few weeks to recover from the whirlwind his life had become for a brief moment. Whisked up into the world of vampires and other supernaturals, a runaway love affair, love lost, lust found. A whole lot had happened really short amount of time. It was a lot for a young human to wrap his head around. He recovered nicely though as he climbed off the airplane from France and headed home. After a really good sleep Brandt was back at work on his farm. Things made sense here for him and, he realized, he was happier here.

The weeks passed and school was about to start back up. He had gone online, picked out his classes, paid his tuition, and had even paid the campus a visit to buy his books. Normal as normal could be. It every bit of the month before classes started for Brandt to get fully caught up with all the chores around the farm, but he had done it. All the while singing and dancing as was his nature.

His alarm went off nice and early and he rolled out of bed and into the bathroom to pee and brush his teeth. He pulled on shorts, a tank top, and some boots and shuffled downstairs. He headed to the stables to feed and water the horses. They weren't going to pasture today as it was supposed to rain. He'd run them later when he could stay with them. But, since they were staying in, he mucked out their stalls and gave them fresh hay. He tinkered in the barn for a bit before he heard thunder.

He locked up the barn and made his way into the main house where he put on the coffee and made himself some toast. Coffee and toast in hand, he shuffled off to his garage apartment and started to get ready for the first day of school. He grabbed his duffle bag and shoved his workout clothes in as he planned on hitting the gym after class.

He stepped out of his boots and shorts and pulled on a pair of comfy jeans. Socks and then his boots went next before he went into the bathroom. He gave himself a quick shave, touched up his deodorant, and ran his fingers through his spikey hair, deciding it could look messy today. He exchanged his tank top for a gray t-shirt and, with his wallet, keys, phone and bag in hand, he was gone.

He hopped in his old blue truck just as the rain started to fall. He munched on his toast and drank his coffee as he made the half hour drive in. He whistled and sang with radio, and he watched the lightening streak across the sky. He had gotten to campus earlier than he needed to, which he liked doing. Brandt wasn't a rush here, rush there, kind of a guy. He took his time when he could.

As he pulled into the parking lot he had to hit his breaks hard, damn near hydroplaning his truck into a car just sitting in the middle of the aisle. The car's driver was standing at the back of the car with the trunk open so something must have happened. He checked but had no umbrella in the truck, Fuck, he thought but turned on his hazard lights and jumped out of the truck.

"Excuse me," he said, the strong Irish coloring his voice with his accent. "Ya needin' some help, Miss?" Brandt stood at a solid six feet, two inches tall. He had soft pale blue eyes and a gentle smile. His gray t-shirt was turning nearly black in the falling rain.
Although this would be a terrible morning to anyone else, it didn’t seem to affect the brunette. She tapped her foot to the beat in her head, her white shirt soaked through to the black tank top she wore underneath it. At least the rain was somewhat getting the coffee out, she thought as she grabbed her keys to pop open the trunk, lifting it to see the damage she’d have to dig through. She hadn’t had a chance yet to clean out her car from moving, but it wasn’t overly bad. Mostly blankets and a box, some smaller scattered objects, and of course, the tire and the tools and cables her father had insisted she always carry.

As was going along with Sparrow’s morning, the tire was a little bit tangled in her trunk. No matter, she thought as she moved the objects still in here around and away to make the tire easier to get at. She had managed to get it about halfway out, mostly unable to grip it properly with the angle and her wet hands, when she heard something behind her. Where the parking lot had been empty seconds before, she turned to see headlights, and a moment of panic did happen then as she watched the truck came to an fairly sudden stop infront of her.

The added rush of excitement only made her smile as the lights started flashing in their hazards. She was glad the truck had stopped, as Sparrow was standing there with the tire half in her hand and half in her trunk still. Her bright honey eyes watched the truck door open, and a tall, very handsome stranger step out. She looked up at him, her smile as bright as the sun. His pale blue eyes looked down at her, and for a moment, she was struck. He asked her a question then in a tone rich of Ireland, and she looked down at the tire in her hand. She laughed lightly, and looked up at him again. “I do seem to find myself in need of help this morning. I would offer an umbrella for rain protection, but it’s,...” Sparrow moved her now soaked hair out of her face as she looked in the direction the wind had taken it. “You know, I’m not really sure where it went.” She laughed again, shrugging as if it didn’t matter. “I guess the wind needed it more than I did today.”

What she did do though, since he was offering to stand here and be soaked with her, was help him as much as he needed. Hand him a tool, hold one tire for the other, whatever extra hand he needed. Or if he would insist, she would just wait as he fixed it for her, and found one of the dry sweaters that was in her trunk to something dry for the three seconds it would stay that way. Whatever the choice he made, her smile would stay bright and genuine as she spoke; “I’m Sparrow. And this beast is Vixen.” Her brother actually named it when it was his, and a family joke for years, but she’d kept the name. “Both of us thank you so much for your help. Does it always rain like this here?” She didn’t sound sad or annoyed as she asked the question, more excited than anything as her hand once more was held up to catch the drops.
Eyes the color of dark honey looked up at him as a misplaced smile accompanied it. Most people wouldn't seem so chipper about being caught in a thunderstorm and getting soaking wet, but it didn't seem to bother her. He took a step towards her, pointing at the tire as he reached to take over control of it. He lifted the tire out of the truck, the muscles of his arms bulging with the weight. He laughed lightly at the mention of the runaway umbrella. "The wind does seem to be a bit of a collecta of umbrellers, aye?"

He held the tire with one hand and gathered the tools with the other. He leaned the tire against the side of the car and started loosening the lug nuts. He lay down on the wet ground, puddles pooling everywhere, so he could line the jack up on the frame. “Aye. Got ya there.” He got back on his feet, though now in a squatting position and started cranking the car up so he could work on the flat tire. When she introduced herself, he looked up at her, rain falling into his pale blue eyes. "Sparrow? Your folks into birds?"

Once the car was at the right height he removed the nuts the rest of the way and pulled the tire off. Instead of putting the flat tire in her trunk he tossed it in the back of his truck and then returned to her side to put her new tire on. He made quick work of the whole process and stood up with the jack in his hand. He placed the jack and crowbar back in her trunk and closed it.

His t-shirt was soaked through and clung to his heavily muscled body, leaving nothing to the imagination, except what color his nipples might be. He placed a large, strong hand on the trunk of her car. "Vixen is all set for ya, Sparrow." He was about to turn away when he remembered his manners and extended a hand to her, "Brandt," he said softly. If she took his hand, she would feel a lifetime of manual labor in them. But they were warm and, though rough, comforting in a way.

When it came to the weather he nodded, "T'is is quite common year-round. I'm settin' a bad example here, ba a raincoat is definitely wise." He would wait until she went to get in her car before he would climb into his. He finished his coffee as he waited for her to get her car moving. Once she parked, he pulled into the spot next to her. Duffel bag in hand he met her at the front of the car. "Do ya know w'ere the Athletics building is? Ya might be able to dry off a bit in t'ere. T'at's w'ere I'm headed if ya want ta come along."
As he stepped towards her to take the tire, she stepped back to let him take the weight of it, honestly grateful. She also got the absolutely delightful show of watching the rain move over his muscles, and soak his shirt until there was nothing left to the imagination. Watching him work was just as delightful, and gave her the chance to study him. His joke about the wind made that bright smile even brighter. “At least once every few months, it takes one.”She told him, half a joke, half totally honestly.

He hadn’t been looking at her when she said her name, but she waited for the same surprise that her name usually brought. His question made her chuckle once again. “I think it would be more fair to say my folks are into nature. My brothers follow the same theme. Although we do have several animals, birds included.” She did shiver a little bit when he moved the old tire into his own truck, the muscles in his back enhanced by the wet t-shirt. What an even more delightful morning this was turning into. When he came back to her side to put the new tire on, she was surprised when she felt heat coming off of him despite the rain, but it only lingered for a moment as he continued the process.

He proved very quick, and soon, he was standing up again. He informed her that the car was all set, and upon realizing something, extended a hand. Her fingers were small and cool, but still warm as she took his hand. “Brandt. It’s lovely to meet you.” She genuinely meant this, and her smile reflected it. She held his hand probably a few seconds longer than what was customary for a handshake, but then she noticed that...he wasn’t that quick to pull away either.

She dropped his hand when his voice broke through her thought, and her face turned up to the sky again. “Rain coat. Got it.” When she looked back, she realized where they were standing, and nodded to herself. ”Let me move this out of the isle.” She laughed before she made a little spin and stepped back to her car. She looked back at him for a second before she slid into her car. She was grateful it was warm, and she shivered as it hit her. She parked her car, and sat for a moment in the warmth as she organized herself, grabbing her bag, phone, making sure her files were protected against the rain and from the backseat, an old but clearly loved guitar case.

With all this in hand, she stepped out again, and swung both over her shoulder. She grinned at Brandt when he met her at the front of the car. “I do not, but I would definitely be grateful.” She followed him inside, and down the hall, the two of them a dripping mess, but neither seemed to be bothered by it. “I’m also grateful I’m not the only one who decides to get everywhere far earlier than they should.” She grinned that beautiful grin up at him as she spoke, then the counsellor in her couldn’t help but ask, “Is this a common habit of yours or am I just lucky today?”
The Athletics building was next to the library, only about three hundred yards away. He walked with her and even opened the door for her, allowing her to enter first. In an attempt to be funny, he said, "Did ya know t'at me openin' the door fer yew should technically not be a condemned act?" Brandt offered her a playful grin as they walked down the hallway together towards the locker rooms.

Shoes squeaking on the clean floors he continued, "In Medieval times, men allowed women to enter rooms first so if t'ere was anyone in t'ere waitin' tae kill the man, the woman would get it and not 'em. Barbaric, aye?" They arrived at the ladies locker room. He paused, offering her a grin. "Good luck dryin' off. My locker room is a little further down." He bit his lower lip. He was always awkward at goodbyes.

But her question gave a reason to stay a bit longer with her, "I'm an early bird by nature. Me parents own a farm an' I've been gettin' with the birds since I was a wee lad. I greet the sun each mornin', unless I was steamed the night before, then the morn might sneak up and catch me sleepin'." He adjusted his duffle on his shoulder. Still not knowing how to walk away.
He was so handsome, Sparrow thought as they walked together down the hallway. At his attempt, and then his explanation, she playfully looked around the corner suspiciously. “And here I thought you were just being a gentleman.” She teased lightly before she laughed and stepped through the door. “But I suppose it is similar logic as women making men go downstairs when there’s a noise in the middle of the night.” She pondered as she looked up at him again.

When they arrived at the locker room, they both paused. Sparrow never lost that bright smile as she looked up at him, just looking at how beautiful his eyes were. The answer to his question made her, somehow, brighten more. “Really? Mine do too. Even living in the city, I’m wide awake at chore time.” She chuckled at his last comment, and made a movement of agreement. “Yeah, I feel you there. It’s not often, but I never mind when it happens. Sometimes a good steam is needed.”

She stood there for a couple more seconds, waiting for his reply before she realized one of them should probably move. “Well I should probably...” She pointed to the locker room. She beamed at him before she went to move into the locker room. She looked at him for one more second, unable to stop the nervous biting of her lip before she disappeared inside.

Once inside, she sighed deeply, biting her lip in pure feminine delight. She went the counter to put her stuff down, found a clean towel, and started one handed drying off her hair while the other carefully pulled off the soaked white shirt, laying it on the counter. She wrapped her hair up so she could use her hands, and rung out the shirt as much as possible, as carefully as possible. Then quickly, stripped and did the same with the tank top. She put the tank top back on, and taking the towel, did her best to dry as much of the skirt as possible. She did the same with her heels, dumping out the small collection of water as she laughed lightly.

The good thing was the rain did in fact get the coffee out of her clothes, except the small dark stain on her shirt. It wasn’t exactly the look she was going for, but she found a dry black sweater in her bag, and tossed that over her shoulders. She’d have to hang her shirt in her office. She might be able to wear it that afternoon, but for now. She dug out a travel brush, and managed to at least tame her hair so it hung down and straight. Her makeup was mostly water proof, but she made sure it wasn’t running down her face just the same.

Feeling a little better, she gathered up her shirt, guitar case and bag. It took her a little bit but eventually, she found the right part of the school that held her office. She sighed lightly as she saw the sign on the door. Doctor S. Baxley, Addiction and Psychological Services. She didn’t like being referred to as a doctor, despite having the PhD, but all the same. She pushed into the small space, clean, with a little desk. Hers, she thought happily as she hung her shirt on the back of the door to dry.

Sparrow spent a few minutes organizing her desk, and setting up her laptop, which thankfully hadn’t gotten wet. She logged into the school access, as she had been given the staff passwords, before she started working on her booth for the fair that afternoon. Since Sparrow didn’t have clients just yet, as she was to start introductions later, she was able to spend most of her morning setting up a pretty good, colourful and eye catching signs with lots of helpful info, and where her office was located. As she was finishing setting up, she looked to who was next to her and saw a tall,pretty, gothic woman in a short black skirt and a white lab coat. “Hi. I’m Sparrow, the new counsellor.”

Lydia, recently hired for lectures on the advancement of medicine, turned towards the brunette, looking over at her. “Lydia. Normally, the surgeon, today, the teacher. Bad day in the rain, darling?”

Sparrow laughed lightly, and shook her head, her long hair almost dry. “Oh, not at all. I love the rain. Even had a handsome stranger help fix my tire this morning. Kind of hoping he’ll show up just so I can look at him again.” She laughed with that careful hope of a girl as she turned to continue setting up before the students were allowed entry.
A brightness came into his eyes when she mentioned she grew up on a farm. He felt a kinship to her and wanted to expound on the subject as an excuse to keep her talking longer. He realized making her stand around longer in soaking wet clothes might be a little too selfish on his part. When she pointed to the locker room, he nodded, "Course. Good luck wit' tae rest of ya day." He watched her disappear as the door closed.

What an unexpected start of the semester, he thought as he wandered a bit further down the hallway to the men's locker room. He found an available locker and claimed it with the lock from his gym bag. He then stripped and pulled on his workout shorts for later. He then took his clothes over to a tiny laundry room way in the back and threw his stuff in the dryer. He grabbed a book out of his gym bag and thumbed through it for his first class.

Half an hour later he was dressed, his gym bag was in his locker, and he was off to his first class of the day. The rain had stopped, leaving the day humid and heavy, but no more threat of rain. All the classes were similar today. The professors lectured on their expectations of their students, the class syllabus was handed put, then they were dismissed; they never lectured day one. Which gave Brandt the opportunity to run back to his truck and grab the damaged tire.

He took it to the teaching garages, where he has most of his classes as he was majoring in diesel mechanics. Within an hour he had the tire all patched and good as new. He took it back out to his truck and, not knowing how to find Sparrow again, left her a note on her windshield. The note read: I was able to fix your tire and wanted to return it to you. You can reach me at 555-7890. Text or call. I'm on campus Mon - Fri.

He also wanted to include a request to meet for coffee option, but he didn't want to seem creepy or make the note too long. He could ask once she called, right? She'd want her tire back after all, wouldn't she? He tucked the note under her windshield wiper and headed back onto campus. It was lunchtime and Brandt wasn't one to miss meals. He went to the student complex and grabbed a burger and some fries. He plopped down at a table with some other students and joined in on watching a re-run of the baseball game that aired the night before on the large tv that was hung on the wall. When he was done, not bothering to make any friends, he checked his phone, which reminded him, Lydia was supposed to be on campus today and he thought he would go find her.

He headed to the administration building and asked what building and office Dr. Lydia Galvont was being housed in. He received a slight kick in the gut when the office assistant corrected him that Dr. Lydia de Bonvouloir was in the Student Services building, suite 210. He nodded and wandered that way. It took him a few minutes to wrap his mind around the name change, so fast. Alot must have happened in the few weeks since he had been absence from New Orleans. Ultimately, it just reinforced that he had done the right thing, and that Lydia and Julien were happy.

He arrived at her office but it was dark inside and locked. He glanced at the offices next to Lydia's but they were all dark as well. A receptionist saw him and offered him assistance. He was directed back to the student complex where the Student Services department was set up for meet and greets. He politely thanked the woman and headed back to the complex. As he approached, he saw booths set up with signs and banners advertising the different services. Standing by a large bright red banner with thick black lettering reading: GUEST LECTURE SERIES, was his ex-girlfriend.

He headed her way and stopped at her table. He hadn't noticed Sparrow yet, even though she was in the neighboring booth. She must have been talking with students or had her back turned or something, he probably would have recognized her otherwise. Brandt, charming as ever, tossed an apple at Lydia the moment she noticed him standing there. "For luck," he said before coming around the table to hug her. He still adored her as a friend.
“A handsome stranger?”Lydia, purred in that pretty accent, immediately charmed by the brunette. “Well, That’s exciting. I’m afraid I can be rather miserable when in a downpour.”

Sparrow looked over to Lydia, who as she usually did, looked as if she’d stepped off the cover of a gothic magazine, or out of an expensive club, save for the white coat. “I think I would’ve been a little more upset if there was hail. And no handsome stranger.”She shrugged as Lydia laughed beside her, before both got busy with their separate booths.

Just before the students were allowed in, Sparrow was approached by the administrative assistant, and handed a large, folded file. She should’ve gotten this earlier, but she knew what it was. The list of the ‘problem’ students. She tucked it into her bag just as the doors opened, and then both women were busy. People seemed to be drawn to Sparrow, something the blonde took note of, and her excitement and the way she genuinely cared about the information she was telling students made quite a few of them take a pamphlet. Just before Brandt showed up, she was approached again by a tall, quiet and, judging by the looks from some of the students, either feared or mocked, student. She took him a little bit to the side to start the process of trust, starting lightly by simply talking and giving him her full attention to attempt to find out which.

It was during this time that Lydia was finishing a playful debate with another student, and opening their mind enough to want to challenge her, which was the whole point. She even did it without compulsion, she thought proudly, those blue eyes looking up and over, and lightening with happiness when she saw Brandt. An apple came her way, and she smiled as she caught it. She liked apples, and the teaching trope of apples. “How considerate. Thank you.” She said in genuine happiness as he rounded the corner to hug her.

They may not have been dating anymore, but she still adored him, and he was still her very best friend. ”Hey, handsome. I missed you.” She greeted him as she just held onto him for a second before she pulled back, and stepped back to look at him. ”Did you get bigger? I swear you’re taller.”Either way she hugged him one more time before she let him go. “How are you, tell me everything.”

The student standing with Sparrow actually revealed more to the counsellor than he may have thought, but Sparrow knew better than to push just yet. All she made sure to do was make sure he had the pamphlet, her card and the knowledge that if he wanted to talk, she was always be available and happy to listen. She was pleased to say she thought she saw the ghost of a smile before he stalked off. As she turned back around, her dark eyes caught Lydia and Brandt hugging, and looking rather comfortable doing so. For one moment, it was disappointing, but then again, what could she expect. He was gorgeous, seemingly genuine and so nice, could she really expect a man like that to be single.

Still, That was no reason she couldn’t be friends. As bright as she’d been that morning, she moved back to her booth, and after dealing with another couple students, waited for a natural break in their conversation to look over at Brandt. “Well, hey there.” She smiled at him, just as brightly as the sun, but since she now thought he had a girlfriend, it wasn’t as flirty as it was that morning. Her eyes went to Lydia, who watched her with interest, but curiously, not jealousy. ”My saviour of the morning.” She offered in a way of explanation, which only made Lydia smile that mischievous smile Brant would know so well, before the blonde got busy with another student.

Sparrow wasn’t really sure what to say now, as she was actually gonna ask him to coffee to thank him, so instead she just kind of fell on manners as she looked up at him, “Thank you again, for all your help. That was beyond awesome of you.”

Moderators: Eros_Calls TheCaffeineQueen