Malli’ayad Empire
In the southern third of Sha’Lazar, some three thousand years ago, every Hanasim hill-lord called himself a "King", but over the millennia, the stronger Kingdoms absorbed the weaker, gradually aggregating into larger Kingdoms. The land became divided between seven Kingdoms. And then came the Rash’ani expansion from the Acacus into the Canas, and into the Hanasim, and it was the seven Kingdom alliance of the Hanasim that banded together to prevent the Rash’ani from moving farther south and east.
And once the Rash’ani threat subsided, so did the Alliance, with the Hamadans returning to their island of Red Hamada and declaring their own Kingdom. So the six other Kingdoms entered generations of strife, wars, and political arrangements. Those six Kingdoms absolved and entered into a single entity, the Malli’ayad Empire, the powerhouse in Hanasim; and yet its external influence resides today in the Tamazgha, in the walled city-state of al Manifa. -
The Malli'ayad Social Pyramid
“Being a lord is like being a father,
except you have thousands of children,
and you worry about them all the time."
The King’s feudal system has rigid structure of social classes. The social and political structure in Malli’ayad is based on a system of lordship, in which political power is dominated by noble Houses.
The feudal society of Malli’ayad is an inflexible social structure apportioning the population into hereditary nobility above commoners; consisting of house lords who command the allegiance of lesser lords who serve as their vassals. This structure is based on personal blood-oaths of allegiance.
This rigid social structure of Malli’ayad Empire is as below:
❖ -- The King is the apex of the hierarchy; all House Lords, or Ladies, are sworn to the King under the Malli’ayad Blood-Oath.- The Queen has no official status except what is proclaimed by the King.
❖ -- Sovereigns Council, the inner cabinet of the realm, usually consists of seven non-hereditary positions.- Principia of Mandates ensures due process.
- Principia of Coin is the chief treasurer and bookkeeper;
- High Seaton of the Boveqir is the chief religious advisor;
- Principia of Whisperers is the chief intelligence advisor and spymaster,
- Principia of Laws is the Sovereigns’ Consigliore, and supervising the Royal Justice.
- King's Justice - royal executioner.
- Lord Commander of Ships is the admiral of the Royal Fleet, and oversees and coordinates naval operations, maritime defenses, and shipbuilding.
- Lord Commander of the Protherians is the realm's chief military advisor,
- The Commander of the City Watch - reports on conditions in the capital city-state.
❖ -- The Order of the Boveqir is the dominant religion in the entire Kingdom, with devout believers in the ancient gods of the five elements in Malli’ayad. (see the religious section)
Nobility is hereditary. In Malli’ayad, there are only lords or ladies, some bigger and some smaller, some sworn to others, but still all with the same title.
❖ -- Great House Lord or Lady – Dukes / Duchess: A step below the royal family; controls a manorial estate and all communities therein, regardless of size. Each Lord or Lady shall provide an army to support the King when summoned. All Retainers in his or her service are also in his or her army.
❖ -- Lesser House Lord or Lady - Barons/Baroness: Usually controls a large city within a manorial estate; in lieu of a large city they may control several smaller estates or villages. Reports to the House Lord or Lady with reports of revenue and expenditures. With the lord or lady of the great houses at the top, holding dominion over their regions of Malli’ayad, and second only to the King, the Barons/Baronesses are at the bottom. It is the Lord's responsibility to manage the affairs of his lands, keep the King's peace, magistrate on local matters, and ensure the King’s taxes are collected in a timely manner.- Steward, the man responsible for running the day-to-day affairs of the castle and acting on the lord's behalf. He may be entrusted with the castle in the lord's absence.
- Liege, the primary lord of a vassal who holds by military tenure. The liege lord and vassal each have responsibilities to one another; the vassal must remain loyal to the liege lord thru a Blood Oath, while the liege is the vassal's principal protector.
- Vassal, a person granted the use of land, in return for rendering homage, fealty, and usually military service or its equivalent to a lord (usually landowner). They are frequently referred to as "bannermen".
❖ -- Royal Guard: Usually referred to as Protherians. They oversee the protection of the King and Queen, accompanying them on progress, on trips and excursions at all times. They are quartered in spaces near the Royal chambers allowing no one to pass or egress without specific approval from the Royals themselves. They are the elite of the elite in military training and prowess. None are above them in this arena.
❖ -- Knights: They are chosen and dubbed by the King as Knights of the Kingdom. They may be assigned to either a Greater House (Duke) or a Lessor House (Baron), but usually sworn to a liege lord. Knights are sworn by Blood-Oath to their Duke, Baron, or liege lord. This class may be male or female, and is usually made of landed knights are sworn to fight for the lord who holds dominion over their land. Landed knights do not have the authority to deliver high justice in their land, rather, they must appeal to their liege lord.
❖ -- Rangers – Skilled in stealth, wilderness survival, beast-mastery, herbalism, and tracking … commanded by a Ranger Elite and have specific areas that they protect and monitor. They report to the King.
❖ -- Masters are the foremost experts in a specific field.- Master of Healing
- Master of Economics
- Master of Alchemy
- Master of Smithing
- Master of Astronomy
- Master of Scribes
❖ -- Commoners are the bottom of the social structure. They do not own lands nor have titles; they work the land of their lords, and do not have a say in their own governing. While this may seem similar to slavery, the difference is that commoners own themselves, and can make appeal to their local lord regarding violations of the law or general disagreements between parties; they are recognized as having a right to fair and just treatment by the nobility and society in general. Most Houses have laws protecting the local population from abuse or mistreatment, even by members of the nobility. However those laws differ and are enforced in varying degrees, mostly depending on the disposition of the local lord.
Those who are born commoners can expect to die as commoners. There are no provisions for the advancement of individuals from a lower class into the higher classes. This is not to say that it is impossible, only that it is very difficult, usually bestowed by lords to those who have done a great service to them, or knights bestow the rank and title of Knighthood on any individual who has proven himself worthy. However, it does happen, and there several examples of people who have managed it.
❖ -- The official military is considered a separate branch of the Hierarchy of Malli’ayad. -
The Order of the Boveqir
❖ -- Five Gods:Aeyrt (f), Des (m), Vartar (f), Tuatha (m), Aessence (f)[/b]
❖ -- Five Elements:earth (f), air (m), water (f), fire (m), and spirit (f)
❖ -- The Order of the Boveqir is a very peaceful, harmonious and balanced way of life which promotes oneness with the divine and all which exists. Boveqir is a deep appreciation and awe in watching the sunrise or sunset, the forest in the light of a glowing moon, a meadow enchanted by the first light of day. It is the morning dew on the petals of a beautiful flower, the gentle caress of a warm summer breeze upon your skin, or the warmth of the summer sun on your face. Boveqir is the fall of colorful autumn leaves, and the softness of winter snow. It is light, and shadow and all that lies in between. It is the song of the birds and other creatures of the wild. It is being in the presence of Ayrt’s nature and being humbled in reverence. When we are in the temple of the Lady, we are not prone to the arrogance of human technology as they touch our souls. To be a Boveqir is to be a healer, a teacher, a seeker, a giver, and a protector of all things. If this path is yours, may you walk it with honor, light and integrity.
❖ -- High Seaton is the title held by the head of The Boveqir, the dominant religion of Malli’ayad. It is a position of supreme authority within the Temple, but has little or no official power outside of the religion. Unofficially, the position does carry a high degree of social influence.
When the current High Seaton dies, a new one will be elected by the Most Devout, the ruling council of the Boveqir, who rank just below the High Seaton in the religion's hierarchy. As the Most Devout are typically the most senior and prominent officials within the Faith, they usually elect a new High Seaton from among their own members.
An individual who becomes High Seaton is supposed to leave behind their original name when taking such a holy office, and it is officially forbidden to refer to them, living or dead, as anything other than simply "the High Seaton". This can become confusing when referring to the actions or policies of different High Seatons.
The skill of potions, chemical arts, and drafts is called the “Craft of the Wise" and it is taught to those who followed the path and are in tune with the forces of nature, have a knowledge of Herbs and medicines, give council and are valuable parts of the village and community as healers and leaders. They understood that mankind is not superior to nature, the earth and its creatures; but instead we are simply one of the many parts, both seen and unseen, that combine to make the whole. We do not own the earth, we are part of it. We understood what we take or use, we must return in kind to maintain balance and equilibrium.
❖ -- The Children of the Forest are a subset to the Boveqir, and worship nature gods, the countless and nameless spirits of every tree, every rock, and every stream. Their religion has no complex temples, but according to legend it was the Children that carved faces into the sacred Weirwood trees.- Weirwood is a species of deciduous tree found deep in the center of the Ras’ouda Forest; it has white bark with five-pointed, blood-red leaves and sap. The heart trees are weirwood trees with faces carved on their barks. The Children of the Forest are thought to have carved the faces that decorated the heart trees. These carved heart trees were the closest thing to a shrine in their religion.
The Children of the Forest weren't very technologically advanced, though they were very woodcrafty and had a great knowledge of the plants and animals of the forest. They hunted using bows made of weirwood and used blades made of Obsidian from the Wicked Wood.- Greenseer is the title given to people who possess the magical ability to perceive future, past or distant events in dreams known as Green Dreams. According to legend, Greenseers are much respected by the Boveqir and the Children of the Forest.
While not exclusive to every single tradition, the following are some of the core tenets found in the Boveqir system:- The Divine has singularity -- either masculine (m) and feminine (f). In most paths of Boveqir, either a god and goddess are honored:
Aeyrt (f), Des (m), Vartar (f), Tuatha (m), Aessence (f)
- The Divine is present in nature, and so nature should be honored and respected. Everything from animals and plants to trees and rocks are elements of the sacred. You'll find that many practicing Boveqir are passionate about the environment.
- The idea of karma and an afterlife is a valid one. What we do in this lifetime will be revisited upon us in the next. Part of this idea of a celestial payback system is echoed in the Law of Threefold Return. (This essentially says that whatever you do will come back to you with three times the power. Do good, and it will be revisited upon you with good things, but do evil, and you will suffer there times worse.)
- Our ancestors should be spoken of with honor. Because it's not considered out of the ordinary to commune with the spirit world, many Boveqir feel that their ancestors are watching over them at all times.
- The Divine is present in all of us. We are all sacred beings, and interaction with the gods is not limited just to the calling or a select group of individuals.
- Holidays are based on the turning of the earth and the cycle of the seasons. In Boveqir, eight major Sabbats are celebrated.
- Everyone is responsible for their own actions. Personal responsibility is the key. Whether magical or mundane, one must be willing to accept the consequences -- either good or bad -- of their behavior.
- Harm none. Or something like it. While there are a few different interpretation of what actually constitutes harm, most Boveqir follow the concept that no harm should intentionally be done to another individual.
- Respect the beliefs of others. Boveqir are not out to preach at you, convert you, or persuade you. Boveqir groups recognize that each individual must find their spiritual path on their own, without coercion. While a Boveqir may honor different gods than you do, they will always respect your right to believe differently.
Sovereigns Council
Members of the Sovereigns Council are appointed and dismissed as the King wills. In practice, of course, appointments or dismissals may have undesired political consequences which the King must consider. The Council may on occasion, with Sovereign approval, extend invitations to other lords to occupy a seat on the council, should the need arise.
The Sovereigns Council, the inner cabinet of the realm, usually consists of seven non-hereditary positions.
- Principia of Mandates ensures due process of the Council and ensures each meeting is documented; chairs the Council as the Sovereign's proxy during their absences during meetings.
- Principia of Coin is the chief treasurer and bookkeeper; and is in charge of the royal treasury, advises the monarchs on financial matters, and is responsible for raising money to meet the Crown's needs.
- Principia of Whisperers is the chief intelligence advisor and spymaster, supervising covert activities and information gathering, both at home and abroad; advising the Royals on matters of espionage and state intelligence.
- Principia of Laws is the Sovereigns’ Consigliore, responsible for advising the Sovereigns on legal matters, managing the dungeons, and supervising the Royal Justice.
❖❖❖ -- Under the supervision of the Principia of Laws, the King's Justice is the title held by the royal executioner. His duty is to execute anyone condemned by the King, usually by public beheading.
- Lord Commander of Ships is the admiral of the Royal Fleet, and oversees and coordinates naval operations, maritime defenses, and shipbuilding.
- Lord Commander of the Protherians is the realm's chief military advisor, particularly in regards to land-based warfare. While the King personally appoints knights to the Protherians at his whim, once chosen they are lifetime appointments, which cannot legally be removed. In theory, however, the King may demote the Lord Commander back to being a regular member, and elevate one of the other six Protherians to Lord Commander (though it is unknown if this has ever happened).
❖❖❖ -- Protherians: They oversee the protection of the King and Queen, accompanying them on progress, on trips and excursions at all times. They are quartered in spaces near the Royal chambers allowing no one to pass or egress without specific approval from the Royals themselves. They are the elite of the elite in military training and prowess. None are above them in this arena.
- The Commander of the City Watch is not, a position on the Sovereigns Council, however the Commander frequently attends meetings to report on conditions in the capital city.
❖❖❖ -- The City Watch is a law-enforcement institution charged with acting as the policemen of the capital of Malli’ayad. They are informally known as "Gold Cloaks" due to the gold-colored cloaks their members wear as part of their uniform. Though officially, the City Watch are only in the Capital, other larger cities have similar institutions.
- Principia of Mandates ensures due process of the Council and ensures each meeting is documented; chairs the Council as the Sovereign's proxy during their absences during meetings.
The Masters of Malli'ayad
"Service as a Master is a noble calling, one of vital importance to a prosperous realm.
It is little wonder there are some who refer to the Order as the Knights of the Mind."
Order of Masters is an order of scholars, healers, and learned men and women in Malli’ayad. Due to their scientific and intellectual pursuits, they are sometimes referred to as "the knights of the mind", focusing on scientific knowledge and disdaining belief in magic. It is a secular organization, not a religious order, though they do swear sacred oaths to follow the duties and restrictions of their office.
A Master is the foremost expert in a specific field, such as the master of healing or the master of economics, etc. This is in contrast with the ruling council of The Boveqir, the Most Devout, whose members have no official distinction between themselves.
Masters serve as advisors to lords in the realm on particular interests. Almost every castle and noble family in Malli’ayad, no matter how small, have masters on hand to teach the lord's children, give him counsel, and attend to medical and educational needs.
The lords of Malli’ayad are also reliant on their ability to send long distance communiques using trained messenger falcons, which they are responsible for tending in a castle's rookery. The Master of Healing serves as the resident medical expert at a castle, responsible for everything from setting broken bones, assisting childbirth, and knowledge of medicinal herbs and potions to aid fevers and internal illnesses. In addition, the Master of Astronomy also observes changes in the weather to watch for shifting of the seasons.
The headquarters of the Order of Masters is the Vastalion, a complex devoted to higher learning, which is located in the capital city of Malli’ayad. Apprentices and Journeymen are trained at the Vastalion, and upon finishing their studies, gain the title of "master" and upon the request of a lord or lady, are assigned to serve at a castle or town in Empire, or even elsewhere, if Empirical-politco is involved.
While each Master is thus not interchangeable, in theory each master is equal, each casting one vote when the assembled Conclave elects a new Grand Master.
Grand Master is considered the most senior member of the Order of Masters, and is its personal representative to the King. He is a learned man wise in history, science and medicine who also provides counsel. The Grand Master sits on the Sovereigns Council.
Like all master assignments, the Grand Master is appointed by the Conclave, the highest ranking amongst the masters at the Citadel, not the King, but resides in Griffin Castle, to personally advise the Royals and serve on the Sovereigns Council. . While controversial, the King has the authority to exclude the Grand Master from the Sovereigns Council, and even imprison him, but cannot replace him as Grand Master. This makes the Grand Master unique as the only member of the council not specifically chosen by the King.
In practice, of course, masters of certain areas of study are considered more prestigious than others. For example, the masters of healing or economics are held in high esteem, while masters of obscure topics such as magic tend to be ostracized.
Masters possess a signet ring that represents their field of mastery. There are hundreds of recognized fields each with a different symbolic signet. Masters are expected to wear their rings at all times.
For example, the:
- Master of Healing has a silver signet ring with the Caduceus upon it. Caduceus is a short staff entwined by two serpents surmounted by wings. Aessence is the patron goddess; the guide of the healing and the dead.
- Master of Economics has a gold signet ring with Bovinea upon it. Bovinea is the bull’s head symbol of the economics; Aeryt is the patron goddess; the protector of merchants, shepherds, gamblers, liars, and thieves.
- Master of Alchemy has a brass signet ring with Farthic upon it. Farthic is a runic pentacle enclosed within a circle; which acts as a symbolic meaning as being the tool of philosophy and chemistry whose aims were the transmutation of base metals into gold (philosophers' stone), the discovery of a cure for all diseases, and the preparation of potions that gives eternal youth. Aeyrt and Aessence are the patron goddesses.
- Master of Smithing has a pewter signet ring with a hammer upon it. Smithing is fashioning tools or works of art out of various metals. Thus, the god of fire,Tuatha, is the patron deity of metalists, warriors, and knights.
- Master of Astronomy has an electrum signet ring with three stars upon it. Astronomy is a science that studies celestial bodies and its affect upon the land. Astronomers base their studies on research and observation. Thus, the goddess of air, Des, is the patron deity. Electrum is an elite mixture of gold and silver.
- Master of Scribes has a copper signet ring with Quill and Papyrus upon it. Vartar is the patron goddess; the protector of historians, writers, and poets.
- Master of Healing has a silver signet ring with the Caduceus upon it. Caduceus is a short staff entwined by two serpents surmounted by wings. Aessence is the patron goddess; the guide of the healing and the dead.
Lord’s Household
❖ -- Castellan is a position granted by a lord to a member of his household. It confers responsibility for the defense and governance of a castle or territory in the absence of the lord or if the lord is too young. A castellan is the governor or captain of a castellany and castle. Also known as a constable, governor of the castle district or captain.- Captain of the Guards is a title granted by a lord to a member of his household. The position confers the responsibility for commanding and organizing the guardsmen of a garrison charged with the vigilance and defense of the lord's castle or town or the protection of his family and/or retainers.
- Master-at-Arms is a title held by the man, usually a knight, responsible for the training of soldiers in a castle in peace time. In war time he is actively involved in leading the defense of the castle along with the Captain of the Guards and the Lord.
❖ -- The Steward, or Seneschal, is a member of his household. Unlike the Castellan, the Master-at-Arms, or the Captain of the Guards, stewardship is not a military position. The Steward is charged with organizing servants and managing the day-to-day activities of a lord's estate. In the case of Kings or high lords, stewards are nobles hailing from vassal houses.
❖ -- Cupbearer is a position in a noble's household. A cupbearer acts as a personal servant, assisting a lord or a lady. Cupbearers may be both either lowborn or highborn, male or female. It is not unusual for noble children during their time as squires to serve as cupbearers, even noble girls can get this position as part of their education.
❖ -- The domestic staff is made up the largest portion of castle occupants. It included the kitchen, the buttery, the pantry, the stables, and other offices, employing Cooks, butlers, reeves, pantlers, yeomen, grooms, garcons, and pages. -
The Commoner
"The common people pray for rain, health, and a summer that never ends.
They don't care what games the high lords play."
The term Commoner refers to the peasantry and common folk of Malli’ayad, effectively anyone who is not part of a noble house - though Commoner make up much of a noble household - or a knight - even though privet knights are generally considered to be only one tiny step above Commoner.
Most of the common population of Malli’ayad are peasants who lead an agrarian lifestyle. Most are uneducated and illiterate. Unlike members of noble Houses, the Commoner do not typically use surnames.
"The only way to keep the Commoner loyal is
to make certain they fear you more than they do the enemy"
The Commoner make up the collective working and middle classes of Malli’ayad, serving as farmers, laborers, builders, shopkeepers, servants and soldiers. They are ruled over by their lords.
Because of their lack of authority and power, Commoners tend to be neglected by their lords, seen only as a suppliers of food or soldiers. Commoner tend to look up to knights and religious folk who stand up for their interests.
Slaves are not considered commoners, as even if low-born and in servitude, they are free once their indebtedness is paid. Slaves are not and are usually bought or captured in battle. Slaves are a commodity. -
Miscellaneous Information
Inheritance LawsThe feudal society of Malli’ayad follows inheritance law based on absolute, equal, or lineal primogeniture. This is inheritance by the oldest surviving child without regard to gender is the designated heir inherits all of their parents' lands and possessions, to the exclusion of younger siblings. The designated heir in line of succession is decided by birth order, male or female, in which an elder brother or sister would inherit ahead of a younger brother or sister. Many heirs will still try to provide for their younger siblings, giving them funds to live on or minor holdfasts to rule over in the family name.
The Blood OathBlood is a powerful gesture of symbolism, and sometimes even has mystical powers. The Blood Oath makes use of this to make a commitment that cannot be broken on fear of violent dead and torture. It does not involve honor, or trust, and can be used in a plethora of situations.
The hands of all parties to the agreement are sliced open, and simply lets the blood drip to the ground in a circle. This is then highlighted by the phrasing of the oath: "If I break my word may the Gods drink my blood!" Then giving the *Gods* (regardless of which god) a 'taste' of your blood so that it knows what to look for if you fail to keep your oath. This agreement is not taken lightly and may be used to swear an oath of vengeance - and making it clear that you mean business.
Malli'ayad Seasonal EventsSamhain: The New Year… The fields are bare, the leaves have fallen from the trees, and the skies are going gray and cold. It is the time of year when the earth has died and gone dormant. It presents the opportunity to once more celebrate the cycle of death and rebirth; a time to reconnect with ancestors, and honor those who have died. This is the time when the veil between the world and the spirit realm is thin, so it is the perfect time of year to contact the dead.
❖ -- Yule: The Longest Night of the Year… The time of the winter solstice is a time when people gather with family and loved ones for the variety of ways to enjoy this season.
❖ -- Imbolc: Imbolc reminds the people that spring is coming soon, and that only have a few more weeks of winter remain. The sun gets a little brighter, the earth gets a little warmer, and life is quickening within the soil.
❖ -- Ostara: The Spring Equinox... The waning days of Imbolc have roared like a lion, and shall roll out like a lamb. Meanwhile, the people celebrate Ostara; the time of the vernal equinox, and a true marker that Spring has come.
❖ -- Beltane: Spring showers give way to rich and fertile earth, and as the land greens, there are few celebrations as representative of fertility as Beltane with festivities welcoming the abundance of the fertile earth, and a day that has a long (and sometimes scandalous) history. Also highlights the bonfires: the Beltane fire.
❖ -- Litha: The Summer Solstice… the longest day of the year… gardens are blooming, and summer is in full swing with plentiful honors in celebrations to be found.
❖ -- Lammas: It's the dog days of summer, the gardens are full of goodies, the fields are full of grain, and the harvest is approaching. Take a moment to relax, and reflect on the upcoming abundance of the fall months. At Lammas, it's time to begin reaping what was sown throughout the past few months, and recognize that the bright summer days will soon come to an end.
❖ -- Mabon: The Autumn Equinox… It is the time of the autumn equinox, and the harvest is winding down. The fields are nearly empty; crops plucked and stored for the coming winter. Mabon is the mid-harvest festival, and honors the changing seasons, and celebrating the second harvest; tis a time of giving thanks, whether it is abundant crops or other blessings.