Though we attempt to classify every human by land area, it is further divided by the cultures of city-state and towns. Difficult to classify cultures into land mass, when every human classifies themselves by loyalty to state.

❖ Acacusian ❖
These are the people of the great desert and the dry grasslands of the Solan… those that live there eat, breathe, live, and populate the very land where they settle; where water governs the locale. Unless the people live in the city-states, they tend to be a nomadic people, transition where the sands take them.

❖ Canasian ❖

These are the people of Canas, the land area that consists of rigid mountains of Fira Jabal, with huge lone-standing rock formations, fertile plateaus, and gravel-ridden plains, to the Sudvanna, fertile plains is characterized by the coexistence of grasses, sparsed by trees. In the middle is the Itharit… the huge interior of the Canas… land much unknown and unexplored… Magical and mystical… with dense jungles abounding with gorgeous orchids, thick undergrowth, and twisting animal trails below a majestic canopy…. strange lost civilizations and vegetation covered cities, lost lands filled with prehistoric creatures…. natives who are mostly superstitious and cannibalistic, but occasionally a proud race of noble native warriors could be found within the jungle.

❖ Hanasimian ❖

These are the people of Hanasim, the land area that consists from black sand deserts to ferocious and dangerous mountain ranges. You have the people that live near the Numareef Volcano, extracting spirits and minerals from the cone, to those along the coasts of the Black Suhaidah, where fishing just off shores are so unexpected good. Tis reason why their navy patrols the area. Then there are the people that live in the Ras’ouda Forest; that tropical rainforest and jungle that is so vibrant with life.

❖ Red Hamadans ❖

The Hamadans have the characteristics familiar with people of red hair. They were, and rumored to remain, an ancient violent people, usually as part of warring clans, with even more ancient and violent gods. They are rumored to be bad-tempered, hot-headed, quick to act, bold, and brash; plus they have a higher resistance to pain.

❖ Mis'aruans ❖


Dandan is largest fish in the sea capable of swallowing a ship and all its crew in a single gulp; and is the enemy of the mermen. Modern day people would call it a blue whale.
Mermaid is an aquatic creature with the upper body of a female human and the tail of a fish. Mermaids are sometimes depicted as perilous creatures associated with floods, storms, shipwrecks, and drowning. But, as well, they can be benevolent, bestowing benefits or falling in love with humans. Mermaids are associated with the Sirens. Historical sightings by sailors may have been the result of misunderstood encounters with other mammals of the sea.
Sea-People, unlike depictions of mermaids, are anatomically identical to land-bound humans, differing only in their ability to breathe and live underwater. They can (and do) interbreed with land humans, and the children of such unions have the ability to live underwater.
Sirens are dangerous and beautiful creatures, femmes fatales, who lure nearby sailors with their enchanting music and voices to shipwreck on the rocky coast of their island; all such locations are surrounded by cliffs and rocks. Usually found in groups, seldom are they alone. Although they lure mariners, the Sirens are not sea deities, but daughters of the Sea. The Sirens are called the Muses of the Lower World, their song, though irresistibly sweet, are no less sad than sweet, and lapped both body and soul in a fatal lethargy, the forerunner of death and corruption. The term "siren song" refers to an appeal that is hard to resist but that, if heeded, will lead to a bad conclusion.

Animals in the Oceans of Sha’Lazar

Animals on the lands of Sha’Lazar

Land Bound Creatures

Land Bound Creatures
Besides the normal fauna of the lands, the following odd, fantastical creatures may have been inhabiting and roaming Sha’Lazar.
Baerin is a race of beings that roam Sha’Lazar. Though they are intelligent, they do not have the ability to write, though they can read very well. They have a fierce appearance and cause terror when seen. Accused of much, guilt of very little, they tend to remain in solitude.
Centaur is a half-human and half-horse composition, caught between the two natures, embodied in contrasted myth, both as the embodiment of untamed nature.
Cyclops is a giant one-eyed monster with the legs of a goat, lips of a camel, and jagged teeth of a boar and the talons of a hawk.
Dragon is the largest known flying creature. Most dragon kinds fly, gracefully soaring through the sky in acrobatic moves. Dragons have very, very powerful muscles... Grounded, a dragon's muscles can slice through almost any material. The dragon also had very powerful jaw muscles that could bite through steel. The eyes of a dragon are always noticeable. In the eyes there is always hatred of some kind. The pupils can be round, vertical slits, or crystalline in appearance with no pupil at all. Now in the air, they are not as powerful. Most of their strength goes into flying, so they don't have the same power for their arms and jaws. However, even though this is the case, they are still very formidable opponents. Since most of their muscle power goes into flying that means that a dragon is extremely fast in the air. Dragons were built for flying, not for running. A dragon's legs aren't built for running they are too short and stubby. A dragon is a reptilian creature, and therefore their bodies were covered with scales. The scales are pentagonal and tear shaped, and are usually very shiny, as it was extremely uncommon to find a dull-scale dragon. The wings on a dragon resembled very closely a human arm concept, with four extended fore fingers, and a skinny and long thumb. They probably would look like a human arm except for the fact that they are long, scaly, and have wings. The wings were attached just behind the shoulder and down near the small of the back. This allows for the dragon to easily fly through the sky. Dragons could be any color, but mostly they were notorious shades of reds, greens, blues, and of course the color most often associated with evil ~ black. Some of the dragon species are noted and named for their color. For example, The King Black Dragon is the meanest of the dragon species, and also the most greedy when it came to treasure. Dragons hoard treasure... jewels, gold, and whatever else they could get. But they are hunted… and can be killed, so they stay secluded in the high mountains, shunning man should he come near. But there is but one exception… and that are the dragon-riders.
Karkadann is an animal which has "the build of a buffalo...a black, scaly skin; a dewlap hanging down under the skin. It has three yellow hooves on each foot...The tail is not long. The eyes lie low, farther down the cheek than is the case with all other animals. On the top of the nose there is a single horn which is conical, bent back towards the head, and longer than a span... the animal's ears protrude on both sides like those of a donkey, and... its upper lip forms into a finger-shape, like the protrusion on the end of an elephant's trunk. (( The Indian Rhinoceros is the basis for the animal; but the confusion between the rhinoceros and the unicorn was already in the making since the Persian language uses the same word, karkadann, for the mythological animal as it does for the rhinoceros.))
Minotaur is a savage race, distinguished by their bull-like heads atop burly human bodies. They are a tribal people, the sundered remains of an ancient civilization, with various clans scattered across the Realm.
Palis is a vampiric foot-licker that lives in the desert. It has low intelligence and can be easily outwitted. It attacks sleeping people and drains their blood by licking the soles of their feet. It can be fooled by two people sleeping end-to-end with their soles of their feet together or under each other’s head.
Sphinx is a creature with the body of a lion and a human head. In some areas, it has the haunches of a lion, the wings of a great bird, and the face of a woman. She is treacherous and merciless. Those who cannot answer her riddle suffer a fate as they are killed and eaten by this ravenous monster. Other places, some sphinx are men who are viewed as benevolent in contrast to the malevolent female version and was thought of as a guardian often flanking the entrances to temples.
Werehyena is a hybrid creature; one who is often a magically powerful healer, blacksmith, or woodcutter in its human form and transformed nightly into a cannibalistic monster that terrorizes people, especially lovers, recognizable through signs like a hairy body, red and gleaming eyes and a nasal voice.
Wolfman is a man, but not a mere man… he was a bold knight that was deeply loyal to his King, and in love with the King’s daughter. But the mage of the King’s court loved her as well… and to keep them apart, he would become a wolf by night, and she a hawk by day.
Bouda is a hawk; but not any ordinary hawk. Tis rumored she was the beloved daughter of a King. And she was deeply in love with a bold knight that was ever loyal to his King, and in love with the King’s daughter was a jealous mage… and hurt by her shunning his love, he did not kill them but cast a spell upon them to keep them apart, forever, the knight would become a wolf by night, and she a hawk by day… only seeing one another at that brief point between night and day.

Moderators: Playerfiles Katia