The Wabish Nomads were once a small nomadic tribe living in the desert-lands in and around the city of Marsala in the Acacus. They raised livestock consisting mainly of goats and horses and used both to sell and bargain for products they needed.
Centuries before they had a great warrior named Jihij Soyal who protected the Wabish against other warring tribes that also lived in and around the Acacus. When Jihij was killed in battle it was said that he was taken up into the sky and remains there among the stars guiding the tribe and speaks to the Shaman.
Several years ago the Acacus was troubled by a series of huge, unpredictable sandstorms that seemed to come out of nowhere. There were so severe and harsh that many tribes were wiped out leaving only a few tribes in the area. But even the ones that were left soon found it extremely difficult to dealt with the sandstorms and soon made their way south and west. The Wabish were no different.
For decades the Wabish, who had moved to the canyons above Ker'tume, grew wealthy from the tributes paid them to enter the canyon safely. They also grew to be the largest tribe in the area.
In time the tribe moved further south to Renath that was set close to a huge lake and that is where the Wabish tribe is located now in an area close to the Canas where the desert and the grasslands intertwine. For entertainment, they often hold and bet on the fighting pits where their young warriors test their strength in hand-to-hand fighting against other tribe's warriors.
What adventures or misadventures the Wabish Nomads have to experience is yet to be written in the stars. They are recruiting.

The Wabish Nomads
(Nomads of the Northern Deserts)
(Nomads of the Northern Deserts)
The Wabish Nomads (eShayer Vabish)’s leadership is structured in a way that balances respect for tradition, practical governance, and the tribe’s warrior heritage. Their leadership includes a blend of spiritual authority, military command, and community decision-making, ensuring stability and unity among the tribe’s large and mobile population.
1. Chief of the Wabish (Ar’Khalif)
The Ar’Khalif, or "Chief of the Wabish," is the primary leader and head of the tribe, holding his position for life, or until he voluntarily steps down, often passing leadership to a chosen successor, usually within his family but ratified by the council and the Shaman. Chosen from among the tribe’s most respected families, he is responsible for overseeing the tribe's welfare, managing relations with other tribes, and making key decisions regarding their movements, alliances, and territory.
Duties: Diplomacy, major decision-making, alliances, settling disputes within and outside the tribe.
2. Council of Elders (Majlis al Huk ama')
The Council of Elders is a group of seasoned and wise tribe members, usually from influential families, who advise the Chief on all significant matters. They represent the tribe's collective memory and provide insights into traditional customs, lore, and strategic alliances.
Duties: Advising on tradition, law, and tribe history, supporting the Chief in diplomacy, and handling internal disputes. The council also has the power to elect a new Chief if the sitting Chief passes without an heir or suitable successor.
3. High Shaman (Shman Bala)
The Shman Bala is the spiritual leader of the Wabish and serves as an intermediary between the tribe and their ancestral spirits, including Jihij Soyal. The Shaman plays a crucial role in guiding the tribe through rituals, interpreting omens (especially sandstorms or natural phenomena), and making recommendations based on spiritual signs.
Duties: Spiritual guidance, conducting ceremonies, interpreting visions, advising on matters that require divine intervention. The Shman Bala is considered to be in direct communion with Jihij Soyal, giving spiritual authority over major decisions and conflicts, especially in times of great crisis or uncertainty.
4. War Chief (Ruj’Khal)
The War Chief is a prominent leader responsible for the tribe’s defense and military strategies. This role is usually granted to the most capable and proven warrior among the tribe and requires the approval of both the Chief and the Council of Elders. The War Chief leads the tribe’s warriors in times of conflict and oversees the training of young fighters, particularly those participating in the fighting pits.
Duties: Defense and security, military strategy, training of young warriors, and coordination of fighting pits. In times of peace, the War Chief also helps mediate disputes over land, trade routes, and resources with neighboring tribes.
5. Clan Leaders (Ray’bran Thabile)
The Wabish tribe is divided into several clans (ray’bran), each with its own Clan Leader (Ray’bran Thabile) who acts as a local authority for their respective groups. Clan Leaders are typically older and experienced members within their family lines. They represent their clan in the Council of Elders and serve as a bridge between the Chief and their clans.
Duties: Representing clan interests in the council, organizing clan-specific events, managing clan resources, and overseeing clan responsibilities. They are also responsible for ensuring that the clan members are following the tribe's laws and traditions, and they assist in mobilizing their people when the tribe relocates.
6. Keeper of the Canyons (Haris al’ Widan)
This role is unique to the Wabish because of their history in the canyons near Ker’tume; a role focused on managing the trade routes, negotiating tolls with travelers, and maintaining the canyon’s defenses.
Duties: Overseeing passage and toll collection, canyon security, tracking travel and trade activity, and ensuring the safety of travelers under Wabish protection. The Keeper is a respected member of the tribe, selected for their diplomatic skills and knowledge of the region’s terrain, providing an essential link between the Wabish and other tribes or merchants passing through.
7. Healers (Shafa C’peha)
Although not in a leadership role, the healers hold significant respect within the tribe. They work closely with the High Shaman and are crucial to the tribe’s survival in the harsh desert conditions, providing medical care, herbal needs, and spiritual remedies.
Duties: Healing, knowledge of medicinal plants, spiritual care, assisting the Shaman during rituals, and passing down knowledge to apprentices. They are often consulted for advice on health and protection from desert ailments, making them key figures in both daily life and spiritual affairs.
8. Tribal Assembly (Mojals Ghabileh)
Major decisions that affect the entire tribe, like relocation, significant conflicts, or new alliances, may be discussed in the Tribal Assembly. This gathering includes all members of the Wabish tribe, where the Chief, War Chief, and Shaman present their counsel, and the tribe’s voice is heard.
Duties: Providing input on critical decisions, fostering unity, and allowing the tribe’s members to voice their concerns or support. The assembly is a way to ensure that even common tribe members have a voice, maintaining a strong sense of community and belonging.
This structured leadership ensures that the Wabish Nomads remain strong, unified, and respected within Sha'Lazar. With both spiritual and military aspects tightly woven into their leadership, the Wabish maintain a balanced society that honors its warrior heritage, respects tradition, and adapts to the ever-changing conditions of the desert.
Moderators: Playerfiles Katia