“The Government and Social
Structures of the Rash’ani”
“ plus the responsibilities of the position”
Structures of the Rash’ani”
“ plus the responsibilities of the position”
The Rash’ani Empire is a major part of Sha’Lazar, governed by an Ibn Tumart, who is advised by the Grand Vizier, and a Council of Ten, and the land is divided into ten major regions, managed by a Vizier, and within those regions lay 10 districts, with a Governor assigned to each district. And coincides greatly with the social structure and importance of social standing.
~ "The Light of the Rash'ani" … "The Son of Divine Guidance” - Abu Said Uthmann
The Amir of the Rash’ani serves as the sole regent and is considered to be the embodiment of its government, though he does not always exercise complete control, all control is from him.
~ the Amir of the city-states ~
- Arcadia and Ty’re in the North Provinces,
- Utica and Kyrenaice in the Southern Provinces,
- Ker’tume in the Solan, and
- al Manifa on the west coast.
~ one of the most important internal powers of the Rash’ani court ~
The Harem has its own internal organization and order for influencing policies. The women of the Harem, could, and would, indirectly become involved in state politics and through their subtle influence could sway decisions of the Ibn Tumart. The Imperial Harem also has pupils and novices who are younger women either waiting to be married off to someone or who had not yet graduated out of the Harem School. Amazing what could be accomplished thru pillow talk.
~ leader of the al-Jama'a al-'Ashara ~ an important official with considerable political importance.
The first of the Great Officers of State. Its holder is one of the most powerful men of the kingdom. Grand Vizier is an important official; the office is one of considerable political importance, and receives his appointment from the Ibn Tumart in person. He is the first dignitary of the Royal Court, a permanent officer, and resides in the palace. The Grand Vizier also supervises the security of the Ibn Tumart and the palace, performs duties as the Ibn Tumart's seal bearer. He also presides at the daily dinners of the Ibn Tumart. Under his influence and command are ten Viziers; one from each ten major regions.
al-JAMA'a al-'ASHARA
'Council of Ten' is headed by a Grand Vizier and comprises of ten lower viziers; one from each major region.
The position of Vizier is mainly to advise the Grand Vizier and the Ibn Tumart on matters of State in his region. The Vizier stands between sovereign and subjects, representing the former in all matters of the region and its inhabitants. The Vizier's paramount duty is to supervise the running of the region for which he is responsible, at times even the small details of it.
All other lesser supervisors and officials, such as guild masters and scribes, report to the Vizier. The judiciary is part of the civil administration and the Vizier also sits in the Ibn Tumart’s High Court. However at any time, the Ibn Tumart can exert his own control over any aspect of government, overriding the Vizier's decisions. The Vizier will also record trade in his region. The viziers are the core of the nobles, though they are really servants of the Ibn Tumart. In addition, the viziers have their own advisers called the kahya. Other noble families often visit the court during parties or ceremonies. The Mut’ferria is a sort of young nobleman's club, where the sons of notables get together. They often accompany the Ibn Tumart when he goes hunting. Regardless of stature, the Vizier has certain traits and behavior that are required to be a vizier…
Bear true faith and allegiance to the Ibn Tumart… Act by the law… Judge fairly… Do not act willfully or headstrong.
- 1 per region (100 each = 10 districts in 10 regions)
This individual leads the Armies of the Ibn Tumart (Amir) as designated by the Grand Vizier, and are mainly to advise the Ibn Tumart and the Grand Vizier, on land military matters of State.
This individual leads the Navies of the Ibn Tumart (Amir) as designated by the Grand Vizier, and are mainly to advise the Ibn Tumart and the Grand Vizier, on naval matters of State.
The high ranking officers are mainly to advise the Commander of the Armies and the Admiral of the Navies on strategic and tactical military matters in his assignment. They command the forces / ships as designated by the Commander of the Armies and the Admiral of the Navies, or authorized by the ibn Tumart, with advice from the Grand Vizier.
The post of Chief Treasurer is the next of the Great Officers of State. The holder of the post functions as the head of His Majesty's Treasury, responsible for the kingdom’s finances and advising on royal revenues. He is also responsible for developing a schedule of tax imposition and proposes to the Ibn Tumart to increase revenues.
There are ten regional Treasurers whose sole responsibility is for auditing state finances in each major region for which they are assigned; and responds directly to the Chief Treasurer and the regional vizier.
TAX COLLECTORS 2 x 10 regions
1 per region (100 each = 10 districts in 10 regions). The Collectors are to receive the "pecuniary burden laid upon individuals or property owners to support the government […] a payment exacted by demand of the government head." The tax;/b] is not a voluntary payment or donation, but an enforced contribution, exacted pursuant to “Empirical authority" and is "any contribution imposed by the government […] whether under the name of toll, tribute, tallage, gabel, impost, duty, custom, excise, subsidy, aid, supply, or other name." The Collector is to collect the Taxation established under the government of the Rash’ani Empire, though mostly in the way of goods and labor. Citizens are drafted into the military when necessary, or into forced labor to pay labor tax, depending on what needs to be done at the time. The Ibn Tumart controls all the resources and only gives them to those able to pay taxes and remain loyal to their leaders, despite being authoritarian.
The “ibn Tumart" … "The Son of the Earth" … "The Son of Happiness” Abdullah al Ahmad al-Araj… formally the Ibn Tumart of the Rash’ani, had summoned the al-Jama'a al-'Ashara ('Council of Ten') and held a large meeting, with all his Viziers, Treasurers, and Governors... and in very deep consultation with his council, about this land; how it was occupied, and by what sort of men.
Then sent he his men over all the Rash’ani Empire, into each quarter; commissioning them to find out “What land the Ibn Tumart himself had, and what stock upon the land; or, what dues he ought to have by the year from the quarter.” Also he commissioned them to record in writing… 'What, or how much, each man had, who was an occupier of land in the Rash’ani, either in land or in stock, and how much it were worth.' So very narrowly, indeed, did he commission them to trace it out, that there was not one single hide, nor a yard of land, nay, moreover, not even an ox, nor a cow, swine, camel, nor a horse was there left, that was not set down in his writ. And all the recorded particulars were afterwards brought to him.
- A tax may be defined as a "pecuniary burden laid upon individuals or property owners to support the government […] a payment exacted by demand of the government head." A tax "is not a voluntary payment or donation, but an enforced contribution, exacted pursuant to Empirical authority" and is "any contribution imposed by government […] whether under the name of toll, tribute, tallage, gabel, impost, duty, custom, excise, subsidy, aid, supply, or other name."
- Taxation exists under the government of the Rash’ani Empire, though mostly in the way of goods and labor. Citizens are drafted into the military when necessary, or into forced labor to pay labor tax, depending on what needs to be done at the time. The Ibn Tumart controls all the resources and only gives them to those able to pay taxes and remain loyal to their leaders, despite being authoritarian.

Nahla Mubarek - associated with Hassan el Sharir)
Aziz - associate to Prin ti Demsiri
Miranda - head slave girl to Lord Hassan il Sharir

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