According to ancient traditions, the Djinn stood behind the learned humans in the Amir's court, who in turn, sat behind the prophets. The djinn remained in the service of the Amir, who had placed them in bondage, and had ordered them to perform a number of tasks. But how is it, that Amir are able to secure supernatural creatures that occupy a parallel world to that of mankind?

Djinn are a race of supernaturally empowered beings who have the ability to intervene in the affairs of people. They are self-propagating and can be either good or evil. They can be conjured in magical rites to perform various tasks and services.
Often equated with demons, but they are not the same. They are often portrayed as having a demonic-like appearance, but they can also appear in beautiful, seductive forms. The djinn are masterful shape-shifters, and their favored forms are snakes and black dogs. They also can masquerade as anything: humans, animals, ghosts, extraterrestrials, demons, shadow people, fairies, angels and more.
The djinn - whether they like it or not - are the guardians of luck, so they derive their power from "luck" or "fate". The djinn exist in their own realm, probably a parallel dimension, and they have the ability – and the desire – to enter our world and interact with us. And as the myths rumor, they grant wishes to those that are linked to them by one fashion or another.
They have long been regarded as malicious and dangerous, capable of bringing bad luck, illness, disaster and death. Even when granting favors, they have a trickster nature and can twist events for the worse.
Though the djinn can be conjured in magical rites, they are difficult to control. And must be controlled by a magical object, such as a ring, lamp, or rod, that enables the holder of such object to subdue djinn, and which protects the owner from their powers. Most often the object is made of iron, as the heavy metal weakens supernatural entities.
People who have had encounters with the djinn, warned others to cover their utensils, close their doors, and keep their children close to them at night, as the djinn spread out at night and take things. They also warned people to put out their lights, as the djinn drag away the wicks and start fires. However, they will not open a locked door, untie a tied knot, or uncover a vessel.
Some djinn become attached to human beings and function like companion spirits.
The djinn like to roam the deserts and wilderness and inhabit caves. They are usually invisible, but have the power to shape-shift to any form, be it insect, animal, human, or entity. Although Djinn can live anywhere, they prefer remote and lonely places, such as deserts, ruins, caves, and tunnels. They also inhabit places of impurity such as graveyards, garbage dumps, bathrooms, and camel pastures. They can live in houses occupied by people. They like to sit in the places between the shade and the sunlight, and move around when the dark first comes. They also like marketplaces, so lore holds that it is not a good idea to be the first to enter a market or the last to leave it.
The exact limits of djinn power vary with age and experience, but what all djinn have in common is that when they use their power they must picture and think about what exactly they will use their power for; be it from granting a wish to making an object appear and disappear.
Time has little effect on djinn… They age magnificently slower than humans, and if bottled up, they are in suspended animation and time cannot ravage a djinn unless outside the spirited container. The power they possess is directly linked to their own lifelines; so every wish that is granted costs the djinn a portion of their life-force and shortens their lifespan. The energy of granting the wish, is lost and cannot be regained. The older a djinn is, the more force is drained from them. Djinn shake hands by folding their middle finger (their "life line" finger) into their palm to predicate unwanted use their powers.
Heat is used to facilitate djinn power; so it makes sense that Djinn are immune to fire and cannot be burnt or killed by it. Matter-of-factly, the younger a djinn, the more heat required to use djinn power. Tis reason the djinn prefer the desert, especially during daylight hours. Oh yes, it has also been shown that if a human injects djinn blood into their system they will suffer spontaneous combustion and be reduced to ash.
When djinn power is released there is a surge of energy that affects the djinns surroundings, therefore the djinn, and its master should consider the outcome surrounding the surge of energy. So strong are they, that an adult djinn must be frozen in ice to prevent use of djinn power.
Djinn power allows them to have an astral body, that allows them to enter other people's dreams and gives them access to possess people.
Djinn are capable of possessing human beings. They are said to enter the blood stream and circulate rapidly through the body. They cause mental and physical problems, and also disrupt marriages and relationships. When a djinn possesses someone, the host maintains his or her original appearance and voice. While under possession, the host has no memory of whatever occurred while they were being possessed. The way to tell is someone is being possessed by a djinn is if there is a smell of sulfur in the air and if the lymph nodes in the throat is swollen.
If a djinn is present, a djinn's spirit can be exorcised by the burning smell of cat.
Asking a djinni to leave, or bargaining with it, may not be enough to get it to go, and someone who is trained may be needed to perform an exorcism to get it out of the body.
Plus, if their physical body gets destroyed, their astral form can enter into any human spirit and in turn, the host becomes the djinn's new body still retaining all the djinn's knowledge and personality. The dangers involved in using the astral form is that the ghostly form cannot stay out of a body too long, it must change hosts immediately, or face floating into space becoming a lost spirit. Remember, outside the bottle, the djinn continues to age.
Djinn have the power of shape-shifting and can change into any animal or object they choose. While in animal or object form, the djinn still retain their thoughts and 5 senses granting them a form of telepathy to communicate to other djinn while in an animal or object guise. The downside to shape-shifting into an animal is that the djinn retain some animal-like qualities such as the animal's scent, when they change back into their human forms; plus they can only stay in animal form for a limited time.
When djinn are disguised as objects such as walls or statues they must act like objects that is to be seen and not heard.
Djinn power does have its limits.
1) A djinn cannot bring back the dead, be it animal, human, or plant.
2) Djinn power cannot affect the flow of time
3) They cannot create copies of themselves.
4) Also, djinn cannot undo the spells of another djinn.
5) Djinn power cannot create gems of any kind. (Gems act like absorbers and take in djinn power).
If a djinni is harmed or killed, even inadvertently, djinn will take revenge, bringing misfortune, illness and even death to the offenders. Be leery, that if people find a snake in their house, they should call out to it for three days before killing it. If the snake is a shape-shifted djinn, it will leave. If it remains after three days, it is an ordinary snake and can be killed.

Moderators: Playerfiles Katia