“Rules for Magic, Sorcery, and Spells”
Magic, like everything else in this world takes a lot of skill, a lot of raw talent, a lot of training and can only do so much. Magic is practiced every day in many ways, and is not confined to specialists or any one group of people. Instead, magic was used by all people in many different walks of life.
❖ -- Spell Strength is limited by the strength and talent of the Caster.
❖ -- Sorcery does not create things. It rearranges what is already in the world.
❖ -- Spells deal with Body Harmonics, as minor spells are easily performed.
❖ -- Viewing the future (far-seeing), a caster runs the risk of heat and flames, depending upon intensity of far-seeing. It is best to use water as it will not burn but runs the risk of incorrectness.
The beliefs of the time defined two types of magic;
demonic and natural.
Natural magic draw upon the hidden power of natural objects and phenomena, almost as a special branch of science. These daily magics included such practices as herbalism and healings, divination by thunder, prayer and incantations, ritual and the use of charms and plants for protection. As protection against such ailments as disease and possession, amulets have widespread use. Small pouches filled with sweet smelling petals or herbs were believed to protect against infection.
The clerical underworld practiced the art of Demonic Magic. Necromancers summoned spirits, devils and demons, and led hidden lives of black magic. Necromantic magics included baptizing images, summoning spirits, invoking unfamiliar names, mixing names of angels and demons, fumigating the head of a dead person, casting salts on fire and burning bodies of animals and birds.
Manuscripts with instructions of the art have survived, margin notes often indicating a particular practitioner's preferences. The Scrolls of Demonic Magic is a complex and detailed guide to necromancy. This handbook gives instructions on almost every page for conjuring demons with magic circles and other means, commanding them once they have appeared, and dismissing them when their work is done. Spells include how to become invisible, how to obtain the love of a woman, and how to arouse hatred between two friends.
Necromancy has its roots in many sources, Using rituals of exorcism, the necromancer would command devils and demons by the power of the names of holy persons. The necromancer used the divine power of a God to aid in his control of demons, and to increase his own demonic powers.

“Magical Items”
Ans Bha: A magical shield made of Rash’ani metal that can be used as an ordinary fighting weapon, but is razor edged or can be summoned as a reflective shield. The choice to use Ans Bha shortens the lifespan of the user by the amount of time it’s used in its magical state.
Ans Rha: A magical sword of Rash’ani metal that can be used as an ordinary fighting weapon or summoned as a blue flamed sword and can easily slice thru other metals. Has downed many a dragon with a well-placed stab. The choice to use Ans Rha shortens the lifespan of the user by the amount of time its used in its magical state.
Dark Redeemer: This sword is made out of charred bone and has a deadly cold feeling to it. The sword has a keen hatred for magic-users and can be used to destroy all magic-users.
Death Hammer: This hammer has the scent of death and decay. The hammer is able to destroy living life on touch. When it touches something living it draws all life from it and transports it to the negative material plane. The hammer has a keen hatred for magic-users and can be used to destroy all magic-users.
Divine Mace: This has diamond spikes on the ball. This weapon is unbreakable and cannot be destroyed by anything except the Sword of Power.
Dragon Sword: This is a sword that has a red jewel in the middle of the blade. When confronted with a dragon or kin, use this sword. In close proximity to a dragon, the jewel will become fiery and hot giving the wielder the power to kill a dragon with one blow.
Gemini Sword: This sword appears as an ordinary sword. A little rusted. The secret power of the sword is when drawn, it is able to make duplicate's of the user. They fight along side of the user and only disappear when the sword is sheathed.
Gold Blade: This sword is made out of pure magical gold. This sword is very rare and there are only about five swords that have been created.
Sword of Power: The ultimate power that a mortal may be allowed to use. A broadsword made of three sections, The Blade, Hilt, and Pommel …separate they are nothing, together they can slay anything or anyone. Clerics of the Light and Right have dismantled the Sword and hid the sections separate from each other to prevent a pure power.
Sword of Spells: This sword has small rubies all over the hilt. The sword will absorb any spell cast at the wielder. Each ruby can hold up to 2 spells. When each one is filled it will glow faintly. When a ruby is filled it can be released into a magical energy ray that can do damage. This sword can only be used by humans.

Potion of Emotions: This potion when drink and will let out a random emotion upon the person.
(Roll 1d4 to determine the emotion.)
1 - Happiness = becomes overjoyed with life.
2 - Hope = feels that he can do anything and nothing is impossible
3 - Despair = all hope is lost and there is nothing to live for
4 - Pain = feels like a tree just landed on him and doesn't want to do nothing
Potion of Rage: This potion puts the user into a horrible and uncontrollable rage. The drinker starts attacking everyone and anything that is nearby. The potion duration is two hours or until the user is killed. When the potion wears off the user has no clue of what has happened.
Wolf Spirit: This potion allows the drinker to morph into a wolf. It last for one day and gets all powers of the wolf.

“Amulets and Necklaces”
Amulet of Dream Manipulation: The user, if it knows the exact location of the person, can infiltrate that person's mind and manipulate his dreams, turning them into nightmare of the user desire. Any damage or injury inflicted in the dream will carry over into real life. Dream manipulation is not possible if person is sleeping in holy grounds.
The limitations, each of which, add a different dynamic to the amulet's power:
1. Blood or Hair of the Victim:
Requiring a drop of blood or a lock of hair from the intended target makes the amulet more challenging to wield, as users would need physical proximity to acquire these items, adding a layer of espionage or intrigue. The blood or hair sample is also be "time-sensitive" and loses potency after one few week, requiring the user to collect new material for future attempts on the same person.
2. The Toll of Dreams:
Each use of the amulet might carry a backlash on the user, affecting them with the lingering emotions or sensations from the nightmare they inflict. For example, if they cause a target to dream of drowning, the user might feel as though they're suffocating the following day. Alternatively, the amulet could extract a life essence or age from the user with every use, aging them prematurely or weakening them.
3. Memory Loss to User:
The memory loss is a mysterious trade-off, with each successful use of the amulet claiming an important memory until the user forgets key aspects of their life.
Necklace of Masquerade: This necklace allows the user to be seen by everyone as someone or something else. The user must place the amulet about the neck, and then touch either an animal or human and then morphs into whatever the user touched.
It usually lasts for 5 hours, and causes a mental toll to the user.
Relic: Containing a bit of bone or hair of a saint, the relic was believed to impart the magic of that being. To wear or carry the relic was to worship the saint and to expect, in exchange, miraculous interventions. This amulet was likely a protective device. This hematite amulet would have been warned to render demons helpless.

Ring of Armor: This ring turns the users skin into iron. The user is immune to attacks by cut, blow, or projectiles. Physical attack by weapons (even magical ones), natural animal weapons (like fangs and claws), and hurled projectiles (giant boulders) cannot penetrate. Skin irritation is the effect of its use.
Ring of Destruction: This ring is made out of ivory. The ring is able to follow a trial of destruction that someone has left behind. (Destroyed village, burned down forest, massacre of people, etc.) They can track down the person or persons within two months of the incident.
Ring of Imitation: This ring makes a mirror image of the user, 3 meters away.
Ring of Reaction: This cursed ring is made out of silver and has a ruby in the middle of it. When this ring is put on it causes the user to react opposite to the way he would normally act.

“Other Items”
Black Arrow: Carved from the bone of a black dragon, this enchanted arrow strikes at a dragon heart despite the aim. The arrow reappears in the owner's quiver each dawn after it is used. Once per day, an archer can call upon its deadly powers. The arrow can be broken or destroyed between withdrawing it from the quiva and nocking it in the bow.
Dust of Petrification: The dust is able to turn someone to stone if it hits exposed skin. If it hits armor or anything besides skin it has no effect. The victim can be turned to stone. The dust can be found in bags, jars, vials, etc.
Inbred Limitations are noted below:
1. Vulnerability to Wind or Water:
Since it’s a dust, strong winds or rain could make it challenging to use outdoors or in wet environments.
❖ -- too easily dispersed in any direction; even back into the user.
❖ -- vulnerable to water spells, water, or humidity, which could render it inactive or less potent, giving clever opponents a chance to counter its effects.
2. Decay over Time:
The dust has a short lifespan and lose potency quickly after being exposed to air. This would mean that the user needs to keep it sealed until the last possible moment or risk it losing its power. Additionally, it loses potency over time even when sealed, making older batches less effective or even inert.
3. Risk of Self-Petrification:
Due to the volatile nature of the dust, there could be a danger of accidental exposure, especially if the container isn’t handled carefully.
To balance this risk, using the dust might require specialized tools, gloves, or rituals to prevent the user from being accidentally affected if they’re not cautious.
Flute of Weather: This flute is made out of oak. The flute has the power to change the weather. The flute can change the weather to rain, snow, heat wave, hurricane, typhoon, and tornado. The flute is able to change the weather once per day.
Inbred Limitations balance the Flute's potential, makes it feel more like an ancient artifact with natural checks and balances; if not for that aspect, it would be no more than an overwhelmingly powerful tool for war, with every kingdom attempting to obtain such a tool, with no way of knowing what country struck first and leading to widespread devastation on a continental level. Such inbred limitations are:
1. Weather-Related Side Affects:
Each use of the flute brings a consequence for the user, often manifesting as a temporary weakness or side effect related to the weather they summoned.
❖ -- Summoning Rain: The user experiences intense thirst and fatigue.
❖ -- Calling a Snowstorm: The user feels numbing cold or slowed movement.
❖ -- Starting a Heat Wave: The user risks heat exhaustion.
The more extreme the weather, the more severe the side effect, which might even include longer-lasting damage to the user if the power is used irresponsibly.
2. Response to User Emotions:
The flute responds to the emotions of the user, meaning they must channel the right mood to summon the intended weather.
❖ -- Sadness might bring rain
❖ -- Anger could conjure a storm
❖ -- Joy might bring a gentle breeze
This connection to the user's emotions requires mastery over their feelings, making it harder to produce extreme weather on demand.
Healing Cap: This small cloth cap was enchanted to help clerics heal the dying and wounded. When worn by a cleric, it restores double the restored strength by any of the various cure wounds spells. (Clerics only)
Holy Symbol of Divine Power: This holy symbol is made out of copper and takes the shape of the sun. Makes the priest immune to all normal and magical diseases, curses, and energy draining powers of undead. The holy symbol can only be used by a religious person of Light and Right.
Horn of Mind Blast: The horn is made out of ivory. When the horn is blown it projects a 60' feet long, 20' feet wide blast of deafening mental energy. All within that area will be stunned for 1 hour. (Bard only)
Shadow Cloak: This black silk cloak gives the wearer a cloaking device. It also gives the user 100% hide in shadows.
Wand of Chaotic Sleep: This wand is able to put a victim into a long deep sleep for one week. Nothing will awaken the person until it wears off.

~ the magical formulae ~
~ the magical formulae ~
Air Hole
❖ -- Range: 0
❖ -- Duration: Permanent
❖ -- Area of Effect: 1 Extra-dimensional space
This useful spell will create a small link to the elemental plane of Air. The effect of this is that the area will always have fresh air in it. The space must be an extra-dimensional space. The hole can be destroyed by casting dispel magic on it.
❖ -- Range: 2 Yards / Level
❖ -- Duration: Permanent
❖ -- Area of Effect: One Creature
This spell suppresses all personal knowledge of its victim. The only information they will retain is general facts and their skills. They will remember how to use their weapons, spells, and other abilities and proficiencies they normally have. Alignment, class, general personality, idiosyncrasies, and other things such as these are retained. They will also retain general information such as who the king is, when a famous war occurred, etc. No personal information can be recalled, however. They will not remember their friends, their enemies, their family, even themselves. The only memories they will have are those acquired after the casting of this spell. If cast in the middle of a battle or other time where there are two or more parties present, the target will be disoriented and confused. The person will be more likely to join their own group, only because that group probably appears to be most knowing, caring, or similar in alignment, etc. When the person loses his memory, he comes under the control of the caster for a while, until he “meets” those in his party and sorts out what is left of his mind. No amount of trying to remind the person of his past will cause the memories to resurface. Nothing short of Wish or the reverse of this spell, Memory Recall, will undo the damage this spell has wreaked. When the spell is broken, the person will have the memories of who he was and who he is.
❖ -- Range: 1 Yards
❖ -- Duration: 2 hours
❖ -- Area of Effect: Creature or Place
This spell creates an atmosphere or feeling around a person or area. This aura is as the caster wishes it. It could be good, bad, or neutral. The aura could give people the feeling they are being watched. Or it could make someone appear bigger, stronger, more graceful, majestic, or royal. It can make a more foreboding or happier and more cheerful atmosphere somewhere. These auras cannot really affect someone like Fear or Charm. It is usually used to give the caster a slight upper hand in negotiations, conservation or other situations. It also adds the finishing touch to an illusion.
Binocular Vision
❖ -- Duration: 3 hours
❖ -- Area of Effect: Self or Touch
This spell bestows the ability to see distant things clearly, as if they were viewed through binoculars. This is up to ten times normal magnification. The user can decide when to use or not to use this ability. If he wishes, the wizard could view something far away, then see things normally. As many changes can be made as long as the spell lasts. Note, the wizard cannot see normally when in one of the other sight modes. It takes about as long as normal vision to focus closer or farther.
❖ -- Range: Sight
❖ -- Duration: Special
❖ -- Area of Effect: One creature
This spell makes the victim unable to channel energy of any kind through them. This means that spellcasters are unable to use their powers at all for the duration of the spell.
Create Extra-Dimensional Space
❖ -- Range: 0
❖ -- Duration: 15 minutes
❖ -- Area of Effect: Special
A the name denotes, this spell creates an extra-dimensional space for a limited amount of time. The size of the space can be up to 1 cubic. The opening can be the same size but in two dimensions. At the casting of the spell, the caster can either opt to attach the opening to something like a bag of holding, or leave the opening in a stationary position. The caster can open and close the 'doorway' to the space for the duration of the spell. Once the spell ends, the space disappears. Anything or one still in the space will probably become devoid or suffocate in a short period of time. The chances of two casters coincidentally making a connection to the same space is VERY slim. (about 1 in a million) Please note that each extra-dimensional space is almost like a separate little plane- even if two have very similar frequencies, they would be as far away as ever from each other.
Flesh to Illusion
❖ -- Range: 5 yards
❖ -- Duration: Special
❖ -- Area of Effect: One
This is particularly nasty. It turns any living, sentient being and its equipment into an illusion. This spell can be either permanent or temporary. The permanent form is not reversible by anything short of an Illusion to Flesh spell, And then only for a day. This spell is useful for getting rid of someone without killing them. The temporary form of this spell, Illusion Walk, lasts for a day. It changes any one being into an illusion. This spell allows the recipient's life force to temporarily become a free-willed illusion. The body stays in a state of suspended animation while the spirit is embodied in the form of an illusion. Should the body be destroyed while the spirit is gone, or if the spirit is somehow prevented from returning to the body, then the spirit will remain as a FWI until the body is able to be reentered. If the body is taken from the plane or something like that, then it will remain in temporal stasis while the spirit is a FWI. It too ends when the sun rises. Again, a spell of this magnitude tolls heavily on the wizard.
❖ -- Range: 5 yards
❖ -- Duration: Special
❖ -- Area of Effect: 1 sq. ft or larger
This spell is similar to Teleport in that it allows its user to travel very far very quickly. Casting creates a two-dimensional doorway to anywhere on the prime material plane. The Gateway can be as small as the wizard wishes and as large as the maximum for his experience. This spell is not instantaneous. The Gateway will stay open until the wizard steps through it, until the wizards tires, or until the wizard wishes it to close. The portal is just like a normal doorway, except it can take you millions of miles away or even to other worlds. You can see the place it is set for as if it were really right in front of you. You could step back and forth between the two places, even be in both simultaneously if you wish. When opening, Gateway starts as a bright white dot that elongates until it is the height that the Gateway will be. Then it spins, as if you were looking at a piece of paper down its edge and then you turned the paper so you were looking at its front. All of this takes about 5 seconds. anything in the space where the Gateway is opening, or closing, is cut cleanly in half. Metal, wood, stone, flesh, vegetation, anything in its path. In closing, the same happens in reverse. Spells, arrows etc. can be cast right through the Gateway. This spells tolls heavy on the wizard, drawing strength from him in relative proportion to its opening.
❖ -- Range: Special
❖ -- Duration: 6 months
❖ -- Area of Effect: Special
This spell enchants a small, inorganic object of less than 1 cubic foot making it a potential foci for the wizard. Stone is the most common substance, thus the name Guidestone. The stone allows its user to focus spells that do not directly affect physical objects, such as spying and detection. For all practical applications, simply assume that any spell that can normally be cast through a crystal ball or magic mirror can also be cast through the stone. A wizard can Teleport to the location of the Guidestone, even if he has never been there before. By simply concentrating, the wizard can contact any one of his Guidestones. At this point, he can cast spells through them, using the stone to help. For example: the wizard slips a Guidestone to an enemy during battle. Later he casts Clairvoyance through the stone and can hear everything the enemy is plotting. Distance is not a factor unless it has been moved to another plane.
Illusion to Flesh
❖ -- Range: 5 Yards
❖ -- Duration: Special
❖ -- Area of Effect: One
This amazing spell changes an illusion of a living, sentient being and its equipment into real flesh and blood. When this spell is cast, the illusion is no longer a mindless servant of the wizard. He becomes a living, breathing, thinking person. This person will have his own ideas about everything. The person will take on general qualities of his external appearances. So a Paladin will probably be a good, kind person. A black robed mage with a scull on the top of his staff probably won’t be too keen on righting wrongs and fighting for good. This spell cannot be cast during sunrise. At sunrise, the illusion made flesh will revert back to the form of illusion he was previously in with one major exception. Once an illusion has been flesh, he is changed. He is no longer a mindless mass of senses. The illusion becomes free-willed. Free-Willed Illusions (FWIs) have identities; they have a life of their own. They are free-willed permanently, from the time they are returned to illusion onward. FWIs cannot be dispelled or destroyed other than by being brought into reality with this spell and then killed.
❖ -- Range: 0
❖ -- Duration: Special
❖ -- Area of Effect: Self or Touch
This spell is usually used by wizards on themselves. Once the time limit for changing ends, the effect is permanent. Furthermore, if a second form is taken after one form is permanent, the first form becomes the person’s true form. So if a human morphs into an elf, then casts Morph again and becomes a dwarf, then even after the dwarf spell is over, he would still be an elf. A Detect Magic spell will reveal that he is an elf, even though he was once a human. This spell can make a person as detailed as the caster can remember or imagine. When in a non-true form, the wizard can end the spell and become his true form anytime he wishes, or forced into that shape. The form can be any living thing as small as a flea or as large as a dragon. Strength, Dexterity, and Charisma can be altered by this spell. It is not recommended for an inexperienced wizard to attempt to create some outrageous creature. It may not turn out as planned.
❖ -- Range: 1 foot
❖ -- Duration: Permanent
❖ -- Area of Effect: Special
This is a very powerful spell that deals with life and death, literally. This spell’s main purpose is to make an intelligent, undead creature become a normal, living, being. It will make the undead become the way they were before they became undead, but their minds will stay the same. The body must be in condition to live. So it must be in practically perfect condition. Poison, spell victims, and heart-attacks are some ways of dying that will leave the body fit to live, but not without help from this spell. Note that this spell is extremely rare and is only known by a handful of wizards.
Spell Tracking
❖ -- Range: Sight
❖ -- Duration: 5 hours
❖ -- Area of Effect: Special
Used against teleporting wizards and unknown. Through the use of this unique spell, the wizard can see magic, in great detail. At any distance the user can see the school and general strength of the spell. At closer study, (being within a few feet or so from the casting point or target) the user can determine exactly what the spell was or is being currently cast, what is its target, duration, effect, etc. Spells can also be detected. Thus you can find out where an opponent wizard teleported off to, who in the party has been charmed or bewitched, and under what conditions.
Undead Bane
❖ -- Range: 1 yard
❖ -- Duration: special
❖ -- Area of Effect: 15 square feet
This spell makes it impossible for any undead of any type to enter the area of effect physically. The shield is immobile.
Undead Ward
❖ -- Range: Touch
❖ -- Duration: special
❖ -- Area of Effect: One creature
This spell is identical to Undead Bane except that it is a mobile shield that protects only the subject. It is skin tight and makes physical contact with any undead of any type impossible.
Ward Dreams
❖ -- Range: Special
❖ -- Duration: Special
❖ -- Area of Effect: special
This spell protects the recipient from experiencing nightmares, or magical, dream-based spells.

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