❖ -- Khandan Saltanti (Royal Household)
❖ -- al Harim al Malakiu (Royal Harem)
❖ -- Vazir Eazam (Grand Vizier)
❖ -- al-JAMA'a al-'ASHARA (Council of Ten)
❖ -- Viziers (Regional Ministers)
❖ -- Commander of the Armies (Commander of the Armies)
❖ -- Army officers (Army officers)
❖ -- Admiral of the Navies (Admiral of the Navies)
❖ -- Navy officers (Navy officers)
❖ -- Chief Treasurer (Chief Treasurer)
❖ -- Regional Treasures (Regional Treasures)
❖ -- Tax Collectors (Tax Collectors)
❖ -- Priests (Priests)
❖ -- Scribes (Scribes)
❖ -- City-State Police (City-State Police)
❖ -- Freewomen (Freewomen)
❖ -- Merchants (Merchants)
❖ -- Slave Traders (Slave Traders)
❖ -- Street People (Street People)
❖ -- Slaves (Slaves)
The Divine Order
of the Rash’ani
of the Rash’ani
❖ -- Khandan Saltanti (Royal Household)
- ibn TUMART: Abu Said Uthmann, Amir age 35;
- Valiead (Crown Prince) : Name , age TBD
- Pasar Dom (Second Son) : Name , age TBD
- Pasar Som (Third Son) : Name , age TBD
- Pasar Cheharam (Fourth Son) : Name , age TBD
- Dokhtar Ol (First Daughter) : Name , age: TBD
- Dokhtar Dom (Second Daughter) : Name , age: TBD
- Dokhtar Som (Third Daughter) : Name , age: TBD
- Dokhtar Cheharam (Fourth Daughter) : Name , age: TBD
❖ -- al Harim al Malakiu (Royal Harem)
- Bas Ka’dın (Chief Lady) : Name , age TBD - mother of the reigning Amir, who holds supreme power over the Harem;
- Ras’oul Ka’din Name , age TBD - the mother of the Amir's first-born son;
- Haz Ka’dın Name , age TBD - favorite wives or mother of his other sons;
- Cez’ran Name , age TBD - eight favorite concubines of the Amir;
- Go’dze Name , age TBD - other concubines who the Amir favors;
- Go’bal Name , age: TBD - concubines of other court officials;
- Aph’lista Name , age: TBD - mistress;
- Kaph’lista Name , age: TBD - assistant mistress;
- Od’lista Name , age: TBD - a chambermaid;
❖ -- Vazir Eazam (Grand Vizier)
- Vazir Eazam TBD , age: TBD - chairman of the Council of Ten (Sho’raye Dahn) and senior of the Great Officers of State;
❖ -- al-JAMA'a al-'ASHARA (Council of Ten)
- Vazir i Sho’raye (Senior Minister to the Grand Vizier) : Name , age TBD;
- Vazir Acacus i Tamazgha (Minister to the Acacus & Tamazgha Districts) : Name , age TBD;
- Vazir Arcadia (Minister to the city-state of Arcadia) : Kamenwati, age 33; - {taken by Playerfiles}
- Vazir Kyrenaice (Minister to the city-state of Kyrenaice) : Name , age TBD;
- Vazir Marsala (Minister to the city-state of Marsala) : Name , age TBD;
- Vazir Canas (Minister to the Canas District) : Name , age TBD;
- Vazir Mara i Zagora (Minister to the city-states of Mara & Zagora) : Name , age TBD;
- Vazir Battai (Minister to the city-state of Battai) : Name , age TBD;
- Vazir Mu’ud (Minister to the city-state of Mu’ud) : Name , age TBD;
- Vazir Hanasim (Minister to the Hanasim District) : Name , age TBD;
- Vazir Karya (Minister to the city-state of Karya) : Name , age TBD;
❖ -- Viziers (Regional Ministers)
- ❖ -- Xxxxx ; - TBD
- ❖ -- Xxxxx ; - TBD
- ❖ -- Xxxxx ; - TBD
- ❖ -- Xxxxx ; - TBD
- ❖ -- Xxxxx ; - TBD
❖ -- Commander of the Armies (Commander of the Armies)
- ❖ -- Xxxxx ; - TBD
❖ -- Army officers (Army officers)
- Hassan il Sharir, age 31; - {taken by Playerfiles}
- ❖ -- Xxxxx ; - TBD
- ❖ -- Xxxxx ; - TBD
- ❖ -- Xxxxx ; - TBD
- ❖ -- Xxxxx ; - TBD
❖ -- Admiral of the Navies (Admiral of the Navies)
- ❖ -- Xxxxx ; - TBD
❖ -- Navy officers (Navy officers)
- ❖ -- Xxxxx ; - TBD
- ❖ -- Xxxxx ; - TBD
- ❖ -- Xxxxx ; - TBD
- ❖ -- Xxxxx ; - TBD
- ❖ -- Xxxxx ; - TBD
❖ -- Chief Treasurer (Chief Treasurer)
- ❖ -- Xxxxx ; - TBD
❖ -- Regional Treasures (Regional Treasures)
- ❖ -- Xxxxx ; - TBD
- ❖ -- Xxxxx ; - TBD
- ❖ -- Xxxxx ; - TBD
- ❖ -- Xxxxx ; - TBD
- ❖ -- Xxxxx ; - TBD
❖ -- Tax Collectors (Tax Collectors)
- ❖ -- Xxxxx ; - TBD
- ❖ -- Xxxxx ; - TBD
- ❖ -- Xxxxx ; - TBD
- ❖ -- Xxxxx ; - TBD
- ❖ -- Xxxxx ; - TBD
❖ -- Priests (Priests)
- ❖ -- Xxxxx ; - TBD
- ❖ -- Xxxxx ; - TBD
- ❖ -- Xxxxx ; - TBD
- ❖ -- Xxxxx ; - TBD
- ❖ -- Xxxxx ; - TBD
❖ -- Scribes (Scribes)
- ❖ -- Xxxxx ; - TBD
- ❖ -- Xxxxx ; - TBD
- ❖ -- Xxxxx ; - TBD
- ❖ -- Xxxxx ; - TBD
- ❖ -- Xxxxx ; - TBD
❖ -- City-State Police (City-State Police)
- ❖ -- Xxxxx ; - TBD
- ❖ -- Xxxxx ; - TBD
- ❖ -- Xxxxx ; - TBD
- ❖ -- Xxxxx ; - TBD
- ❖ -- Xxxxx ; - TBD
❖ -- Freewomen (Freewomen)
- ❖ -- Xxxxx ; - TBD
- ❖ -- Xxxxx ; - TBD
- ❖ -- Xxxxx ; - TBD
- ❖ -- Xxxxx ; - TBD
- ❖ -- Xxxxx ; - TBD
❖ -- Merchants (Merchants)
- ❖ -- Xxxxx ; - TBD
- ❖ -- Xxxxx ; - TBD
- ❖ -- Xxxxx ; - TBD
- ❖ -- Xxxxx ; - TBD
- ❖ -- Xxxxx ; - TBD
❖ -- Slave Traders (Slave Traders)
- ❖ -- Xxxxx ; - TBD
- ❖ -- Xxxxx ; - TBD
- ❖ -- Xxxxx ; - TBD
- ❖ -- Xxxxx ; - TBD
- ❖ -- Xxxxx ; - TBD
❖ -- Street People (Street People)
- ❖ -- Aziz; Street Urchin / Tracker; age 22, associate to Prin ti Demsiri; - TBD
- ❖ -- Xxxxx ; - TBD
- ❖ -- Xxxxx ; - TBD
- ❖ -- Xxxxx ; - TBD
- ❖ -- Xxxxx ; - TBD
- ❖ -- Xxxxx ; - TBD
❖ -- Slaves (Slaves)
- ❖ -- Miranda; head slave girl to Lord Hassan il Sharir; age 26 - TBD
- ❖ -- Xxxxx ; - TBD
- ❖ -- Xxxxx ; - TBD
- ❖ -- Xxxxx ; - TBD
- ❖ -- Xxxxx ; - TBD
- ❖ -- Xxxxx ; - TBD

Moderators: Playerfiles Katia