((OOC: Each position is an Assumable NPC and is available to be assumed by Player's Choice as a Character, if desired)).
The Empress rules over the country with a High Chancellor as second-in-command, with a Council of Ministers incorporating government officials, scribes, Regional Ministers, sub-ministerial positions, militaries, a treasury department, religious managers, and a police force. From her palace at the capital, the Empress make her pronouncements, decree laws, and commission building projects, and her word would then be implemented by the bureaucracy which became necessary to administer rule in the realm.
❖ -- HIGH CHANCELLOR (Baro Konsilieri)
Baro Konsilieri - first of the Great Officers, first dignitary of the Royal Court, Imperatritsa seal bearer, a permanent officer, and resides in the palace. Selected by the Empress (Imperatritsa) from one of the members of the High Council, the office is one of considerable political importance, and receives her appointment from the Imperatritsa in person. Supervises the security of Imperatritsa and the palace. Leader of the Ucho Konsilo le Ministrurenqo (High Council of Ministers);
❖ -- THE COUNCIL of MINISTERS (Ucho Konsilo le Ministeriengo):
Ucho Konsilo le Ministeriengo comprises ten (10) Ministros; one from each major region, with the Baro Konsilieri as Chairwoman. Ministers (Ministros) are core of the nobility; Advising Baro Konsilieri and Imperatritsa on matters of State in all matters of her region and its inhabitants. Paramount duty is to supervise the running of the region for which she is responsible, at times even the small details of it. Records trade in her region. Comprises of the following stations:
❖ -- Nobles
❖ --
❖ --
❖ --
❖ --
❖ --
❖ -- Guild Masters
❖ --
❖ --
❖ --
❖ --
❖ --
❖ -- Scribes (Scribisa)
Age varies, but typically in youth, middle, or late years. A who learned person who can read and write, well enough to serve as a professional writer, listener, and able remember conversations. Involves copying the words of the royalty, lower court officials, such as manuscripts, other texts, and secretarial and administrative duties. Where low literacy rates were prevalent, street-corner letter-writers (and readers) are still found providing scribe service.
As important as scribes have become, some are even allowed to attend a special school for scribes. Students spent a lot of time practicing the art. In some locales, it is a profession handed down generation to generation, the children of scribes became scribes. Although some craftsmen were able to get their daughters into the school for scribes, it was very rare. It could take four to five years for a person to go through such a school for royal scribes. In selecting the regional lead scribe, selection is done by the regional Ministers, approved by the Baro Konsilieri (High Chancellor), and endorsed by the Imperatritsa (Empress).
❖ -- Kahyia - advises the Ministers. In selecting the advisors, selection is done by the regional Ministers and approved by the Baro Konsilieri (High Chancellor).
❖ --
❖ --
❖ --
❖ --
❖ --
❖ -- Pansion e Murśesqo Mato
(Inebriated Male Inn), also known as PeMM - young noblewoman's club, where daughters of nobles gather together. Accompany the Imperatritsa on hunting trips.
❖ --
❖ --
❖ --
❖ --
❖ --
❖ -- COMMANDER of the ARMIES (Komandanto le Armienqo)
Age varied, but typically in youth, middle, or late years. Komandanto le Armienqo leads the Armies of the Empress (Imperatritsa).
❖ -- Komandanto - lower ranking-commanders advise the Commander and apportioned to command the sections of the Imperatritsa's Army.
❖ -- Kapitanura - Captains and lower ranking-officers advise the Commander and apportioned to command the sections of the Imperatritsa's Army.
❖ -- ADMIRAL of the NAVIES (Admiralo e Maripnasko)
Varied, but typically in youth, middle, or late years. Admiralo e Maripnasko leads the Navies of the Imperatritsa.
❖ -- Komandanto - lower ranking-commanders advise the Commander and apportioned to command the sections of the Imperatritsa's Navy.
❖ -- Komandanto - lower ranking Captains and subordinate ranking officers of naval facilities and vessels.
❖ -- CHIEF TREASURER (Sherutno Trezori)
Varied, but typically in youth, middle, or late years. Next of the Great Officers of State. In selecting the Chief Treasurer, selection is done by the the Baro Konsilieri (High Chancellor), and endorsed by the Imperatritsa (Empress).
❖ -- Regional Treasurer (Regionalne Trezorura)
Varied, but typically in youth, middle, or late years. There are 1 regional Treasurer per region (1 each = 10 regions). In selecting the regional Treasurer, selection is done by the regional Ministers, approved by the Baro Konsilieri (High Chancellor), and endorsed by the Imperatritsa (Empress).
❖ -- Tax Collector (Taksaqo Kidipe)
Varied, but typically in youth, middle, or late years. There is 1 per region (100 each = 10 districts in 10 regions). In selecting the regional lead tax collector, selection is done by the regional Ministers, approved by the Baro Konsilieri (High Chancellor), and endorsed by the Imperatritsa (Empress).
❖ -- PRIESTESS (Raśaj )
Varied, but typically in youth, middle, or late years. Under Misaruan law, men cannot hold such revered positions with the gods, for those are the business of priestesses, those selected by the gods, and handed many powers.
❖ -- CITY POLICE (Foroski Policia)
Age varies, but typically in youth, middle, or late years. Lightly armed, these individual charged with maintaining peace and order in various public places and in public gatherings. In selecting the regional Policiako Komisari (police commissioner), selection is done by the regional Ministers, approved by the Baro Konsilieri (High Chancellor), and endorsed by the Imperatritsa (Empress).
❖ -- MERCHANTS (Negadewochi)
Merchants of Sha’Lazar deal in a wide variety of trade goods including sugar, salt, textiles, spices, slaves, gold, and horses. Age varies, but typically in youth, middle, or late years.
❖ -- Clothing Trade:
❖ -- Building Operations:
❖ -- Slave Trade:
❖ -- SLAVE TRADERS (Bariya Negadewochi)
- socially despised and ranked just above slaves.
❖ -- SLAVES (Barochi)
- no personal rights and are property of their Mistresses. Can be bought, sold, and mistreated at will and are unable to own property, enter into a contract, or legally marry.
((OOC: Each position is an Assumable NPC and is available to be assumed by Player's Choice as a Character, if desired)).
Imperial Realm i Mis'aru
The government of Mis'aru is a theocratic monarchy as the Empress rules by a mandate from the gods, initially was seen as an intermediary between human beings and the Divine, and is supposed to represent the gods' will through the laws passed and policies approved.The Empress rules over the country with a High Chancellor as second-in-command, with a Council of Ministers incorporating government officials, scribes, Regional Ministers, sub-ministerial positions, militaries, a treasury department, religious managers, and a police force. From her palace at the capital, the Empress make her pronouncements, decree laws, and commission building projects, and her word would then be implemented by the bureaucracy which became necessary to administer rule in the realm.

- Imperatritsa: Zafira Araunya, House Asiran , age 54 {- available}
- Bari Romni: (Grand Consort) - Cyrus Eves, House of Eves, Mis'aru, age 60 {- available}
- Heir Apparent: Princess Saraya Nimara, age 21 {- available
- Betrothed Consort: Amir Kaelen, House Taarik, age 23 {- available}
- 2nd Daughter: Princess Lira Shaylin, age 18 {- available}
- Son: Tarik Zevran, age: 16 {- available}
- Lost Niece to the Imperatritsa: Viviana, former housemaid of Malli'ayad, age: 20 ; {- taken by Katia}
❖ -- HIGH CHANCELLOR (Baro Konsilieri)
Baro Konsilieri - first of the Great Officers, first dignitary of the Royal Court, Imperatritsa seal bearer, a permanent officer, and resides in the palace. Selected by the Empress (Imperatritsa) from one of the members of the High Council, the office is one of considerable political importance, and receives her appointment from the Imperatritsa in person. Supervises the security of Imperatritsa and the palace. Leader of the Ucho Konsilo le Ministrurenqo (High Council of Ministers);
- Lady of El Matamir - Briseis (daughter of Lord Amad Cassidun, Lord of Malli ‘ayad ) {- available}
❖ -- THE COUNCIL of MINISTERS (Ucho Konsilo le Ministeriengo):
Ucho Konsilo le Ministeriengo comprises ten (10) Ministros; one from each major region, with the Baro Konsilieri as Chairwoman. Ministers (Ministros) are core of the nobility; Advising Baro Konsilieri and Imperatritsa on matters of State in all matters of her region and its inhabitants. Paramount duty is to supervise the running of the region for which she is responsible, at times even the small details of it. Records trade in her region. Comprises of the following stations:
- Lady of Faiyum - TBD {- available}
- Lady of Dar El Salam - TBD {- available}
- Lady of Qantara - TBD {- available}
- Lady of Ras Gharib - TBD {- available}
- Lady of Salamut - TBD {- available}
- Lady of Alamein - TBD {- available}
- Lady of Port Aswan - TBD {- available}
- Lady of Mansura - TBD {- available}
- Lady of Zafra - TBD {- available}
- Lady of Lycia - TBD {- available}
❖ -- Nobles
❖ --
❖ --
❖ --
❖ --
❖ --
❖ -- Guild Masters
❖ --
❖ --
❖ --
❖ --
❖ --
❖ -- Scribes (Scribisa)
Age varies, but typically in youth, middle, or late years. A who learned person who can read and write, well enough to serve as a professional writer, listener, and able remember conversations. Involves copying the words of the royalty, lower court officials, such as manuscripts, other texts, and secretarial and administrative duties. Where low literacy rates were prevalent, street-corner letter-writers (and readers) are still found providing scribe service.
As important as scribes have become, some are even allowed to attend a special school for scribes. Students spent a lot of time practicing the art. In some locales, it is a profession handed down generation to generation, the children of scribes became scribes. Although some craftsmen were able to get their daughters into the school for scribes, it was very rare. It could take four to five years for a person to go through such a school for royal scribes. In selecting the regional lead scribe, selection is done by the regional Ministers, approved by the Baro Konsilieri (High Chancellor), and endorsed by the Imperatritsa (Empress).
- Scribisa i Faiyum - TBD {- available}
- Scribisa i Dar El Salam - TBD {- available}
- Scribisa i El Matamir - TBD {- available}
- Scribisa i Qantara - TBD {- available}
- Scribisa i Ras Gharib - TBD {- available}
- Scribisa i Salamut - TBD {- available}
- Scribisa i Alamein - TBD {- available}
- Scribisa i Port Aswan - TBD {- available}
- Scribisa i Mansura - TBD {- available}
- Scribisa i Zafra - TBD {- available}
- Scribisa i Lycia - TBD {- available}
❖ -- Kahyia - advises the Ministers. In selecting the advisors, selection is done by the regional Ministers and approved by the Baro Konsilieri (High Chancellor).
❖ --
❖ --
❖ --
❖ --
❖ --
❖ -- Pansion e Murśesqo Mato
(Inebriated Male Inn), also known as PeMM - young noblewoman's club, where daughters of nobles gather together. Accompany the Imperatritsa on hunting trips.
❖ --
❖ --
❖ --
❖ --
❖ --
❖ -- COMMANDER of the ARMIES (Komandanto le Armienqo)
Age varied, but typically in youth, middle, or late years. Komandanto le Armienqo leads the Armies of the Empress (Imperatritsa).
- Komandanto le Armienqo - Xxxxxxxxxx {- available}
❖ -- Komandanto - lower ranking-commanders advise the Commander and apportioned to command the sections of the Imperatritsa's Army.
- Komandanto - TBD {- available}
- Komandanto - TBD {- available}
- Komandanto - TBD {- available}
- Komandanto - TBD {- available}
❖ -- Kapitanura - Captains and lower ranking-officers advise the Commander and apportioned to command the sections of the Imperatritsa's Army.
- Kapitanura - TBD {- available}
- Kapitanura - TBD {- available}
- Kapitanura - TBD {- available}
- Kapitanura - TBD {- available}
❖ -- ADMIRAL of the NAVIES (Admiralo e Maripnasko)
Varied, but typically in youth, middle, or late years. Admiralo e Maripnasko leads the Navies of the Imperatritsa.
- Admiralo e Maripnasko - Xxxxxxxxxx ) {- available}
❖ -- Komandanto - lower ranking-commanders advise the Commander and apportioned to command the sections of the Imperatritsa's Navy.
- Komandanto - TBD {- available}
- Komandanto - TBD {- available}
- Komandanto - TBD {- available}
- Komandanto - TBD {- available}
❖ -- Komandanto - lower ranking Captains and subordinate ranking officers of naval facilities and vessels.
- Kapitanura - TBD {- available}
- Kapitanura - TBD {- available}
- Kapitanura - TBD {- available}
- Kapitanura - TBD {- available}
- Rango Oficerura - TBD
- Rango Oficerura - TBD {- available}
- Rango Oficerura - TBD {- available}
- Rango Oficerura - TBD {- available}
❖ -- CHIEF TREASURER (Sherutno Trezori)
Varied, but typically in youth, middle, or late years. Next of the Great Officers of State. In selecting the Chief Treasurer, selection is done by the the Baro Konsilieri (High Chancellor), and endorsed by the Imperatritsa (Empress).
- XXXxxxxxxx
❖ -- Regional Treasurer (Regionalne Trezorura)
Varied, but typically in youth, middle, or late years. There are 1 regional Treasurer per region (1 each = 10 regions). In selecting the regional Treasurer, selection is done by the regional Ministers, approved by the Baro Konsilieri (High Chancellor), and endorsed by the Imperatritsa (Empress).
- Trezorura i Faiyum - TBD {- available}
- Trezorura i Dar El Salam - TBD {- available}
- Trezorura i El Matamir - TBD {- available}
- Trezorura i Qantara - TBD {- available}
- Trezorura i Ras Gharib - TBD {- available}
- Trezorura i Salamut - TBD {- available}
- Trezorura i Alamein - TBD {- available}
- Trezorura i Port Aswan - TBD {- available}
- Trezorura i Mansura - TBD {- available}
- Trezorura i Zafra - TBD {- available}
- Trezorura i Lycia - TBD {- available}
❖ -- Tax Collector (Taksaqo Kidipe)
Varied, but typically in youth, middle, or late years. There is 1 per region (100 each = 10 districts in 10 regions). In selecting the regional lead tax collector, selection is done by the regional Ministers, approved by the Baro Konsilieri (High Chancellor), and endorsed by the Imperatritsa (Empress).
- Taksaqo Kidipe i Faiyum - TBD {- available}
- Taksaqo Kidipe i Dar El Salam - TBD {- available}
- Taksaqo Kidipe i El Matamir - TBD {- available}
- Taksaqo Kidipe i Qantara - TBD {- available}
- Taksaqo Kidipe i Ras Gharib - TBD {- available}
- Taksaqo Kidipe i Salamut - TBD {- available}
- Taksaqo Kidipe i Alamein - TBD {- available}
- Taksaqo Kidipe i Port Aswan - TBD {- available}
- Taksaqo Kidipe i Mansura - TBD {- available}
- Taksaqo Kidipe i Zafra - TBD {- available}
- Taksaqo Kidipe i Lycia - TBD {- available}
❖ -- PRIESTESS (Raśaj )
Varied, but typically in youth, middle, or late years. Under Misaruan law, men cannot hold such revered positions with the gods, for those are the business of priestesses, those selected by the gods, and handed many powers.
- The Royal High Priestess of Nyxluna - Vasha Selima; {- available}
- High Priestess of Sha’lei - TBD {- available}
- -- Priestesses of Sha’lei - TBD {- available}
- -- Dawnkeepers - TBD {- available}
- -- Crescent Oracles - TBD {- available}
- -- Starbound Sisters - TBD {- available}
- High Priestess of Kar’im - TBD {- available}
- -- Priestesses of Kar’im - TBD {- available}
- -- Emberkeepers - TBD {- available}
- -- Blood Oracles - TBD {- available}
- -- Flamebound Sisters - TBD {- available}
- Lunar Inquisitors - TBD {- available}
- Celestial Scribes - TBD {- available}
- Moonwardens - TBD {- available}
- Astral Choirs - TBD {- available}
- Acolytes - Total Number: 5-10 servants in the temples - TBD
- Lunar Guards - TBD {- available}
❖ -- CITY POLICE (Foroski Policia)
Age varies, but typically in youth, middle, or late years. Lightly armed, these individual charged with maintaining peace and order in various public places and in public gatherings. In selecting the regional Policiako Komisari (police commissioner), selection is done by the regional Ministers, approved by the Baro Konsilieri (High Chancellor), and endorsed by the Imperatritsa (Empress).
- Policiako Komisari ibn Faiyum - TBD {- available}
- Policiako Komisari ibn Dar El Salam - TBD {- available}
- Policiako Komisari ibn El Matamir - TBD {- available}
- Policiako Komisari ibn Qantara - TBD {- available}
- Policiako Komisari ibn Ras Gharib - TBD {- available}
- Policiako Komisari ibn Salamut - TBD {- available}
- Policiako Komisari ibn Alamein - TBD {- available}
- Policiako Komisari ibn Port Aswan - TBD {- available}
- Policiako Komisari ibn Mansura - TBD {- available}
- Policiako Komisari ibn Zafra - TBD {- available}
- Policiako Komisari ibn Lycia - TBD {- available}
❖ -- MERCHANTS (Negadewochi)
Merchants of Sha’Lazar deal in a wide variety of trade goods including sugar, salt, textiles, spices, slaves, gold, and horses. Age varies, but typically in youth, middle, or late years.
❖ -- Clothing Trade:
- XXXxxxxxxx
- XXXxxxxxxx
- XXXxxxxxxx
- XXXxxxxxxx
- XXXxxxxxxx
- XXXxxxxxxx
- XXXxxxxxxx
- XXXxxxxxxx
- XXXxxxxxxx
- XXXxxxxxxx
❖ -- Building Operations:
- XXXxxxxxxx
- XXXxxxxxxx
- XXXxxxxxxx
- XXXxxxxxxx
- XXXxxxxxxx
- XXXxxxxxxx
- XXXxxxxxxx
- XXXxxxxxxx
- XXXxxxxxxx
- XXXxxxxxxx
❖ -- Slave Trade:
- XXXxxxxxxx
- XXXxxxxxxx
- XXXxxxxxxx
- XXXxxxxxxx
- XXXxxxxxxx
- XXXxxxxxxx
- XXXxxxxxxx
- XXXxxxxxxx
- XXXxxxxxxx
- XXXxxxxxxx
❖ -- SLAVE TRADERS (Bariya Negadewochi)
- socially despised and ranked just above slaves.
- XXXxxxxxxx
- XXXxxxxxxx
- XXXxxxxxxx
- XXXxxxxxxx
- XXXxxxxxxx
- XXXxxxxxxx
- XXXxxxxxxx
- XXXxxxxxxx
- XXXxxxxxxx
- XXXxxxxxxx
❖ -- SLAVES (Barochi)
- no personal rights and are property of their Mistresses. Can be bought, sold, and mistreated at will and are unable to own property, enter into a contract, or legally marry.
- FEMALE: Nemiah - Age: 28; head slave girl to Lady of El Matamir. {- available}
- A beautiful woman standing only weighing only1.66 m (5' 5½") and 58.7 kg (129 lbs), with long black hair, olive skin, and large, distinct hazel-colored eyes. Being a body slave, she wears better attire than the other slaves, as well as discrete slave collars around her ankles that resemble jewelry. Nemiah has proven to be a "round" character. Despite being a body slave to owner, Lady Briseis, Nemiah works diligently to please her mistress. She cares about those around her enough to offer advice to the other slave girls, yet keeps a cool temperament with soft humor mixed with respect. She bears even greater loyalty to Mathayus, head male slave to Lady Briseis. - FEMALE: XXXxxxxxxx
- FEMALE: XXXxxxxxxx
- FEMALE: XXXxxxxxxx
- FEMALE: XXXxxxxxxx
- FEMALE: XXXxxxxxxx
- FEMALE: XXXxxxxxxx
- FEMALE: XXXxxxxxxx
- FEMALE: XXXxxxxxxx
- MALE: Mathayus {- available}
- Former gladiator, protector for Lady Briseis, of El Matamir, Mathayus is 180cm (5'11") tall and weighs 86.2 kg (190lbs). with long, black hair and olive skin bearing the toils of past battles. As a gladiator, has a much more muscular build than other slaves thanks to his training and he also wears his hair close-cropped and clean-shaven, more of a health reason than machismo, but it adds to the mystique of Mathayus. As Mathayus grew in skill as a gladiator, so grew his arrogance. Despite his arrogant demeanor, his reasons for fighting remained in honor of his deceased family in Malli’ayad. Relishing the life of a gladiator, fighting for glory and honor in the arena, thus expecting the same of other gladiators, treating those that don't with contempt, Mathayus, was a definite asset to the arena. However, he possessed a softer side to him and it is only through love for a slave girl that he was able to find something more meaningful than glory. The two grew so close that they become inseparable and the love they held for one another was so great that they believe they will be together in both the mortal world and the afterlife forever. When that love was challenged, Mathayus exhibited a berserker's rage against those responsible slaughtering and maiming them to the last man AND woman. It was then, instead of putting Mathayus to death, Lady Briseis brought him to the household. Mathayus wears his former beloved's necklace; gifted it upon her death in his arms. Mathayus being Lady Briseis’ protector, his only constant in his long career as a gladiator is his red-octopus shield, which he wields in every single battle he fights in. - MALE: XXXxxxxxxx
- MALE: XXXxxxxxxx
- MALE: XXXxxxxxxx
- MALE: XXXxxxxxxx
- MALE: XXXxxxxxxx
- MALE: XXXxxxxxxx
- MALE: XXXxxxxxxx
- MALE: XXXxxxxxxx

Moderators: Playerfiles Katia