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Assumable Want Ads & NPCs plethora of assumable NPCs and Want Ads Sub-forums: Want Ads - Assumable NPCs or Positions OOC 0
STORY BACKGROUND INFORMATION ~ useful information about AH and its inhabitants Sub-forums: Resources - Visual Stories - Cartography (Maps) OOC 17 18 In: What is the LXG ?
By: Playerfiles
At: January 2, 2025 4:54pm
LONDON COUNTRYSIDE village districts, estates, & homes outside city IC 0
CITY PARKS & GARDENS acres of green & trees: carriage drive, walk, or ride: Regents Park, Hyde Park, Cremone Gardens, Grand Entrance IC 0
AEROSPACE DISTRICT - London air platforms & walks for commerce, travel, & eccentricity Sub-forums: Sky Commons & Landing Platforms IC 0
NORTHSIDE DISTRICT - London districts north of River Thames, City proper, & northern boroughs Sub-forums: Streets, Alleys, & Establishments IC 0
WEST END DISTRICT - London Fashionable London; affluent inner city areas, Richmond, Kingston, & Hampton Court Sub-forums: Streets, Alleys & Establishments IC 0
RIVER THAMES main river dividing London IC 0
CENTRAL DISTRICT - London age of dreams with a need to escape: inner city boroughs Sub-forums: Streets, Alleys, & Establishments IC 0
WESTMINSTER DISTRICT - London center of the universe; an area of government, royalty, & education Sub-forums: Streets, Alleys & Establishments IC 0
SOUTHSIDE DISTRICT - London many historic central areas of the south boroughs Sub-forums: Streets, Alleys & Establishments - River Thames S-by East IC 0
EAST END DISTRICT - London rough district: where dreams go to die, & hell is manifested on earth Sub-forums: Streets, Alleys, & Establishments IC 0
Pax Britannia conservatives as “Great Britain” ~ Liberals, ”Pax Britannia” IC 0
Mainland Europe French Federation, Spanish-Portuguese Alliance, German-Austrian Empire, Italian Coalition, Prussia-Poland Confederacy, Russian Federation, Scandinavian Alliance IC 0
American Partnership New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Montreal, Brasilia, Buenos Aires, & Lima IC 0
Asiatic Empire Tokyo, Sydney, Auckland, Shanghai, Bombay, & Jakarta IC 0
African Territorial Alliance Cairo, Casablanca, Jerusalem, Nairobi IC 0

Moderators: Playerfiles