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Government / Political

❖ -- Prime Minister, Parliament, Local Government
❖ -- Royalist Party (RP)
❖ -- The Neo-Luddite Party (NLP)
❖ -- The Analytical Heritage Party (AHP)
❖ -- The Naturalist Improvement Party (NIP)
❖ -- Science and Technology Party (STP)
❖ -- Agrarian-Populist Party (APP)
❖ -- Pastoral Union Labor Party (PULP) -
❖❖❖❖ -- More on Political Factions of Government

The Upper Class consisting of the Aristocrats, Nobles, Dukes, other wealthy families are in a powerful position giving them authority, better living conditions, and other facilities. The hereditary aristocratic families have taken a keen interest in the industrial sector. Due to the changing nature of the basic standard of living of the people, the traditional families are now slowly disappearing; and instead, a new combination of nobles and the steadily growing wealthy class comprised of the Upper Section of the Society. The Upper Class is by inheritance an Aristocratic Class. Many Aristocrats did not work as for centuries together their families had been gathering enough money from their neo-feudal classes for each generation to live a luxurious life. In terms of education also those belonging to the rich families got the best tutors to provide education. The fact that they represented the upper class gave these people an advantage at everything. They could buy expensive clothes imported from the finest emporiums, or afford other riches of life that was beyond the scope of others. However, there were a number of aristocrats who manage large industries like mining, shipping, transportation, or manufacturing, and yes, steam-related technologies; usually working their way out of the Bourgeoisie.

Aristocrats have economic, social, & political power, but the mercantile idea was that nations stipulate trade balances ahead of time. The nation is assumed to have connections (via colonies, or providing-nations) to provide raw materials and gold. A working class manufactures goods within the country. Those goods are then used by the aristocracy, and they're sold back to the colonies. The wants of the working class are to be minimized and its population increased. That formula was calculated to drive over-regulated populaces into revolution. In England, revolution took the form of a growing realization that technology could free the working classes. English tradesmen saw that the people who made goods could own those goods. That violated the clockwork mercantile equation. And, sure enough, it's in this gathering revolution that feedback suddenly welled up again.

Between the Aristocracy and the Middle class was the Clergy; who occupies a uniquely prominent position in society. Their church generates continual and often rancorous debate and they play an important part in the local provision of education, welfare and justice. Politically, also, they were never insignificant. But, but mid-century, the clergy still constitutes the largest and wealthiest professional body. Their largest problem with the Industrial Revolution is the issue between religion and science. More on Religion.

The Middle Class, or Bourgeoisie is the next in social ranking. The bourgeoisie is the social class that came to own the means of production during modern industrialization and whose societal concerns are the value of property and the preservation of capital, to ensure the perpetuation of their economic supremacy in society. They are the driving force behind the capitalist engine, particularly entrepreneurs who took risks to bring innovation to industries and the economy through the process of creative destruction; that process of industrial mutation that incessantly revolutionizes the economic structure from within, incessantly destroying the old one, incessantly creating a new one. The middle class people grew to own and manage vast business empires. This, in turn, had a positive impact on the education of children.

❖ -- The upper 1/3 of the Bourgeoisie are the Professionals. It is the most experienced professionals, coupled with political and financial connections that makes it out of the Bourgeoisie into the Aristocracy. Very highly skilled workers may fall under the category of professionals, rather than skilled labor. Some examples of professionals, particularly steam professionals are: Aeronautical naturalist and philanthropist, Aerophonotologist, Airship Designer, Alchemomaster, Anachroarcheologist, Cryo-engineer, Physician, Ecologist, and Inventor.

Military is military-related, even if they are cooks, supply trains, medical, airships, dreadnoughts, or artillery. The plowshares-to-swords story of the military and steam spanned peacetime. Like most military technology steam warships sprang from civilian invention. We cling to the myth that war drives technology. Yet, when we look at the details of military technology we usually see the military adapting civilian inventions. They do so slowly in peacetime, more rapidly when they're under fire. Inventors turn to the military or to commerce -- whoever would foot the bill to support their real objective which was not winning wars, but inventing things.

The Working Class is among the lowest of the social hierarchy. This class remains aloof to the political progress of the country and is hostile to the other two classes. This working class is further categorized as the skilled workers and the unskilled workers. Due to the Industrial Revolution, the industrial workers, skilled or unskilled, got jobs, thus improving their living conditions. However, the non-steam-related unskilled workers remained unemployed and were vulnerable to exploitation.

❖ -- Skilled labor requires workers who have specialized steam-related training or a learned skill-set to perform the work. These workers can have varied levels of training or education. Very highly skilled workers may fall under the category of professionals, rather than skilled labor.
Examples of skilled labor occupations are: Absintheur, Aeromeister, Aviator / Steamship Captain, steam regulatory enforcement officers, steam-computer operators, Alchemist, Analytical Engineer,. Baloonautomator, Chemical Monitor, Daguerrotypist, Detective, Engineer / mechanic, Exoautomator, Master Artificer, Nurse, Reckoner, Recon Officer, and Sparkwright.

❖ -- Unskilled labor do not require workers to have special training or skills. The jobs that require unskilled labor are continually shrinking due to technological and social advances. Jobs that previously required little or no training now require training associated with steam. For example, labor that was once done manually now may be assisted by steam-computers or other steam-related technology, requiring the worker to have steam-related technological skills. While these jobs are considered unskilled, each requires a degree of skill on the job. Examples of remaining unskilled labor occupations generally include: Aerial Buccaneer, Gear-Spinner, Punch-Cutter, Boiler Oiler and valve gear polisher, Steam pipe fitter and valve turner, Chemical Miner, policeman, Electrospagyrist, Fire Gadgeteer, Goggle repairer, link technician, Artificer, Psychic Pharmacist Tracker, Scrap Legionnaires, Oil fire and tallow pot filler, steam trolley operator, Shoveler, and Ragamuffin.

❖❖❖❖ -- The non-steam-related unskilled working sub-class is the worst affected class, or subclass, as the lack of money results in a negligible food supply. The attributing factor is the families do not earn much and the food prices increase for certain duration, making it difficult for the earning members to earn enough to buy food and satisfy the requirements of the family. For some working families, the living conditions are so pathetic that the family structure, comprised of grandparents, parents, children, aunts, and uncles, was burdensome.

Thus, parents were forced to send their children to work and bring some more money. However, despite working for long hours, the children were underpaid and as such their living conditions hardly improved. Child labor became rampant.

And the death of their father meant that there was no income to the family and they eventually were forced to live on streets or some public housing. There were some families which would reside in a single room just to have a shelter over their head. The conditions were so brutal for the working class that at times children were forced to work away from their parents.

These factors have increased activity that could be classed as Criminal.

Technology empowers governments and non-state players alike to reach far beyond their own national borders. Battling trans-national issues requires developing new rules to address the negative consequences of technology. Implementing steam technologies has had both unintended consequences and major, sometimes unanticipated, benefits. Steam’s technological developments often outperform associated developments in law, regulations, policy, culture, and knowledge regarding its use. It is in this realm hat criminals thrive… using the technology to out-pace law enforcement… faster, more dependable vehicles, better and more powerful weaponry, and other benefits that helps evade or minimalize legal enforcement.

Moderators: Playerfiles