Dictionary of Victorian Era Occupations
the Law
-- Judges
-- Solicitors and Barristers
-- all levels of clergy and denominations
-- Civil Engineers
-- Mechanical Engineers
School teachers
Military Officers
Skilled Labor — Craftsman
-- Artisans-- Blacksmiths
-- Semi-Skilled Labor
-- Miners
-- Textile Mill Workers
-- Agricultural Labor
-- Soldiers and sailors
Unskilled Labor
-- London street peddlars and their cries-- Costermongers
-- Railway porters and pundits
-- Cesspool-sewermen
-- Rat Catchers
-- Chimney Sweepers
-- Dressmakers, Milliners, and Slop-workers
-- Governnesses
-- Domestic Servants:
- Butlers, Maids, Cooks, Coachman, Gamekeepers, Gardeners
Child Labor
The Victorian era in particular became notorious for the conditions under which children were employed. Children as young as four were employed in production factories and mines working long hours in dangerous, often fatal, working conditions. In coal mines, children would crawl through tunnels too narrow and low for adults.Children also worked as:
-- Errand boys,
-- Crossing sweepers,
-- Shoe blacks,
-- Selling matches, flowers and other cheap goods
-- Apprentices to respectable trades
-- Builder servants (working 64 hours a week in the summer and 52 hours in winter
-- Domestic servants (over 120,000 domestic servants in London working 80-hour weeks)
-- Water-powered cotton mill workers
-- Prostitutes
-- Burglars-- Mudlarks
-- Smash and grab
-- Pickpockets
-- Extortionists
-- Pirates
-- Murderers
-- Prostitutes
-- and much more...
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